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42 Cards in this Set

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If ____ is found to be low it could indicate anemia or an iron deficiency.
If _____, ______, or _______ are found to be low it could indicate malnutrition.
albumin, urinary creatinine, total lymphocyte count
If ____ is found to be low it could indicate protein loss or iron deficiency anemia.
If the _____ is found to be low it could indicate starvation or malnutrition. If it is high it could indicate a hgih protein diet.
A body weight of gretaer than 20% below the ideal weight, reported food intake less than RDA, weight loss with adequate food intake and pale conjunctiva and mucous membranes are characteristics of ______.
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
A body weight of 10-20% more than ideal body weight and a triceps skin fold more than 25mm in women or 15mm in men is characteristic of...
Imbalanced nutrition; more than body requirements
A ____ diet is used prior to surgery and after surgery until bowel sounds return.
A _____ diet is temporary and consists of anything that you can read newsprint thru. water, tea, bouillon, broth, fruit juice, jello, coffee, carbonated beverages, popsicles
Clear liquid
A ____ diet is used for transition and includes milk, fruit/vegetable juice, ice cream, pudding, custard, strained soups and anything from clear liquids.
Full liquid
A ____ diet can be long term and consists of foods that have been blenderized to liquid form. The consistency could be honey or nectar thick based ont he client's needs.
A _____ diet consists of foods that are easy to chew for clients with dental pain or are endentulous.
soft mechanical
A ____ diet is often part of transitioning for a patient with GI issues and contains foods that are easily digested. Avoids raw fruits and vegetables, coarse grain breads and cereals, potentially gas forming foods and highly seasoned foods.
Soft GI diet (bland or low fiber)
Diet modifications for ____ include modifications of Na, K, protein and fluids.
renal disease
Diet modifications for _____ include restricted Na and protein.
liver disease
If a patient is in a hepatic coma, protein is _____.
Diet modifications for _____ include CHO count.
Diet modifications for _____ include restrictions on Na and fluids.
Diet modifications for _____ include restrictions on Na, calories, and fat.
Coronary artery disease
Diet modifications for _____ include resrtictions on Na.
A patient with chronic renal failure and no dialysis will have restrictions on K and ____ but a patient on dialysis will be restricted with Na and K but be allowed higher amounts of ____ because it washes out in dialysis.
3 reasons for enteral nutrition include:
-provide nutrients to clients unable to take food by mouth
-suction gastric content
-lavage the stomach
Direct delivery of nutrients into the GI system bypassing the mouth is ______.
enteral nutrition
A _____ tube has short term use, is inserted through the nose into the stomach, has a large diameter, and can be used with continuous or bolus feedings.
A _____ tube is inserted through the nose into the intestine with a guide wire. It has a small diameter has a mercury weight to keep it in place and can be used for continuous or bolus feedings. It is more comfortable.
Assessing for placement of a nasogastric tube is done by...
aspirating for gastric contents
Assessing for placement of a nasointestinal/nasoenteric tube consists of...
using fluoroscopy
Levine and Salem Sump are types of _____ tubes.
A Dobhoff is a _______ tube.
A ______ is inserted into the stomach from outside and can be used for continuous or bolus feedings. It bypasses the mouth and esophagus and is good for long term use.
A _____ is inserted into the jejunum from outside and can be used for continuous feedings only. A pump with a slow gravity drip must be used.
A ____ enteral feeding formula consists of 1kcal/mL- 14% protein, 30% fat, 60% CHO, and RDA of vitamins and minerals. It meets general needs.
The ____ enteral feeding formula provides 1.5-2.0 kcal/ml.
high calorie complete
The ______ is the same as the complete except it has added fiber and no lactose.
complete lactose free, high residue
Metabolic complications of enteral nutrition include:
Enteral nutrition feedings should be started at about ____mL/hr.
Gastrointestinal complications of enteral nutrition include:
-nausea and vomiting
-cramping and bloating
Mechanical complications of nasoenteric tubes include:
-nasal erosions
-nasal septal abscess
-acute otitis media
TPN is always ____ based at least 10%.
Components of TPN are:
____ provides all necessary calories, is hypertonic, requires BG monitoring, and is modified to each client's needs.
Acceptable reasons to interrupt TPN include:
-oily looking substance
-separation of lipids from other solution
-bag hanging more than 24hrs
Complications of TPN include:
-fluid/electolyte imbalance
-air embolism
-clogged/dislodged catheter
-refeeding syndrome