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171 Cards in this Set

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Ecological community
is an assemblage of plant and animal populations that live in the same location
Individualistic concept
idealistic -- whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Communities are structure in four ways
Physio-gnomic, species compositions, trophic, temporal
physical structure (ex: plant/community)
Species composition
how is energy transferred from one part of community to other/ from one feeding group to another feeding group
seasonal or diurnal activity (what type of patterns are occuring)
Ex of plant physical structure
A. Location of Overwintering parts such as buds, bulbs or seeds
B. Life fore, leaf form characteristics
Plant communities reflect
many different growth forms with different characteristics
Raunkiaer (Life forms)
developed classification for plant based on ___ their over wintering structure and leaf characteristics structure (of buds, bulbs, seeds)
phyte-means plant
phanecro- means visible
They carry buds at the tips/ends of their branches
They are exposed to extremes of climate
Most trees and large shrubs are phanerophytes
Dominate in moist environments
Chammae - on the ground
small shurbs and herbry close to the ground that have a prostrate life forme
proximity of soil protects the bud (grows close to the ground)
Buds low and close to ground
Small shrubs and herbs that grown close to ground
Prostrate life form - where they are lying down on ground
Proximity to the soil protects the bud
In winter, snow can provide additional protection
Plants frequently occur in cool dry climates
partially buried
Surviving buds are situated in soils surface
Buds are protected by soil or leaf litter (partially hidden)
Occur in cool moist climates
Cryptophytes or geophytes
buds are completely hidden beneath the soil
thero means summer
they are plants that complete their life cycle from seed to seed and die within a season
Die off during unfavorable season
Do not have persistent buds (annuals)
Occur in deserts and grasslands
Annual Herb
seeds to seed in a span of a year, some do this in deserts in grasslands
broad leaf evergreen
liana growing on it AKA vine uses it as a trazan
Drought Deciduous shrub
drops leaves during dry season to cut transpiration
Winter deciduous shrub
drop leaves during winter (because decreased sunlight and if you decrease surface area for snow to build up less likely to drop branches)
Stem succulent
store water in the stem (leaves are modified spines)
Bulbus hebaceous perennial
comes back year after from the underground bulb
Needle leaf evergreen
pines, spruce, why be evergreen? See in places where nutrients are low
Community physiognomy is either
over wintering bud or growth form/leaf characteristics
Animal communities are categorized based on feeding strategy (guilds)
group of organisms that eat in the same way
Ex: Seeding eating guild, grainivore guild
guild is based on....
When they are feeding?
Where they are feeding?
What are they feeding on?
How are they feeding?
All the growth forms combine to form
a community of varying physical and/or biotic structure
Species composition or species diversity
The number of species in a community and their relative abundances in that community
Species richness number of species
Shannon Index
What does Shannon Index do?
Take number of species from A and B that's richness
Number of individuals for each species is equitably (evenness)
Then you take proportion of those individual of species one out of total
And that number is multiplied by natural log
Takes into account richness and evennes
Range of 0 - 4
*** A way to measure the amount of species diversity ***
relative abundance of species in that community (lots of rare species or lots of species but not rare) (higher species diversity)
FIG 16.5
Forest A = 5 species (84% come from one species)
Forest B = 5 species (each species represents 20% of total)
Same species richness
Different eveness. B has higher species evenness (have higher diversity)
Higher species diversity tends to indicate more complex community
With greater variety of species, allowing for a greater array of species interactions
Numerous species indices over years
Factors affecting diversity within communities
Climatic stability -- more stable more diversity (ex. Africa)
Resource division
Disturbance -- perturbations
Productivity -- how productive is that ecosystem
NA and A graph
Africa has more diversity because it has been around longer and therefore has had more time to evolve more species
What effect does predation have on species diversity?
Pinsaster seastar
With this predator -- 15 species of shellfish
Without this predator -- 8 species of shellfish
Robert Paine
rocky temperature intertidal coastline in Washington macroinvertebrates, chitons and snales
After 5 years only 2 species remained -- 1 gooseneck Barnacles, mussels
Predators increase diversity of species in an area
Disturbance (perturbation)
A relatively discrete event in time coming from the outside that disrupts ecosystems, communities or populations, changes substrates and resource availability, and creates opportunities for new individuals to become established
Examples of disturbance
Wind, flood, fire, drought, animal overuse and human activities (geese, deforestation by humans) ---> farming, mining, timbering, stream control, pollution, war...
Disturbance Characteristics
Frequency - number event per unit time
Turnover - time between disturbance (once every 5 years )
Intensity - physical force of the even (saffer-simpson hurricane scale)
Severity - impact on the biota
J.H. Connells Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis
Moderate levels of disturbance increase species diversity
High level of disturbance
biodiversity is low (knocks populations back)
Low levels of disturbance
create competitive exclusion
Medium levels of disturbances
have the highest levels of species diversity
* when a tree falls in the forest the resulting gap created increases diversity*
Intermediate levels of disturbance
there are is a sufficient time to allow a wide variety of species to colonize but not enough time to allow competitive exclusion
happens in both terrestrial and aquatic environments
Colonizing happens at high frequent levels of disturbances
open up areas for new species to colonize
Mixed medium diversity
balanced, not as many disturbances so many thrive
Climax in low levels of diversity
in a climax community where you have very little disaster you'll end up with only the best predators
eventually in VA everything will be an Oak Forest
FIG 16.19
Disturbance and Diversity - Wayne Sosa
Studied Algae in intertidal zone on boulders
Looked at levels of disturbance and looked at the affect on the algae
Looked at large rocks that less distrubuted, small rocks easily moved found that they were only dominated by one colonizing species
The largest rocks that moved the least with the least disturbances had a decreased number of species because of competition
The intermediate levels of disturbance had highest levels of diversity (4-7 species)
FIG 16.21
Support for Connell's hypothesis in Terrestrial communities with prairie dogs
Ex: Prairie dogs maintain a high level of disturbances by burrowing anc creating dirt mounds. Continues the high diversity of grasses in the plains
Burrowing and grazing by prairie dogs increases the number of kinds of grass species within their prairie
Disturbance Generalizations
Disturbance affects community equilibrium and therefore species diversity
Disturbances is harmful to the individual and may be detrimental to the population or species, but often it is beneficial from the stand point of maintaining or enhancing species diversity
Two quick points
Trophic dynamics
--> Webs
--> Energy Flow
--> Primary
---> Secondary
enhanced growth, fitness, survivor-ship, etc. due to environmental modification by other species
First thing to colonize after storm
is grass
Myrica cerifera
facilitated by grass growth (with produced an environment preventing other species growth in the beginning, then as it ages and dies out makes good environment) the seeding will grow in a ticket
Red Cedar and cacti also do it
Joshua Tree is desert
modified environment around it, temperatures under it decrease causing growth of organic matter and it creates micro climatic conductive
Nurse Plant syndrome (Joshua Tree)
nucleation (the main center plant in the main part and plants will come around the original plant - a plant survives due to the microclimate created by the tree (the preexisting individual)
Plant facilitates advancement of other organisms
Crabtree vs Contrary creeks
surface mining shaft mining and strip mining lead to the decrease in pH water which eliminates diversity in streams
Contrary creek acid mine drainage, yellow boy, low acidity and low pH water eats gills of fish and kills them
Waste seeds form feces in DC spread to Contrary Riparian zone to promote growth
In order to compare them you need index of biotic integrity (good = high)
FIG 3.42 Index of biological integrity (diversity) Gives IBI score from 12-60, 60 is good
IBI to assess body of water
If you want to look at a community of stream and want to evaluate it you need a reference to compare it to ( to indicate diversity and water quality)
Healthy aquatic community - is similar to an undisturbed habitat in same region
Look at number of native kind of species, look at number of fish, number of macro invertebrates, the higher the different kind indicates the healthier
If you have more insectivores
you have increased stream health
More omnivores
indicates decreased stream health
Quantitatively sampling the fish community of a stream or lake and developing a "score" for environmental quality is known as index of biological integrity
Robert Pain
looks at predators
FIG 17.16
Keytone species are
those who influence on the the community is disproportionate to their biomass (abundance)
Despite low biomass (sometimes Apex Predators)
All keytone species are those that despite low biomass exert strong affects on the stricture that they inhabit
Sea otters, snails, Pisaster, fish, beaver, jaguar, elephant
Keytone species are unlike
dominant species are one that have significant influence on community by virtue of high biomass
Dominant species
have an influence on the community because HIGH BIOMASS
Also by abundance affect on energy flow and environmental modification
Apex predators
have a strong influence on the environment they live in
Consumers can exert control
on community or food web structure over the environment in which they live (FIG 17.6)
Compare to the arctic food web in 17.3
Introduced apex predator in the James River
American shad - not so many anymore because new species
Blue catfish (ictalurus furcatus) - eat american shad (introduced by Department of Game and Fisheries_)
Blue catfish
ictalurus furcatus
Relate to Lake Victoria problem 17.17
Over 400 species of fish evolved in that lake (prior to uninvasive species)
Nile perch (lates nilocticus) and Nile talapia introduced in 50's now only 3 dominant groups of fish in the lake
Omena only native still existing
Apex predators (top of food chain) in Lake Victoria largest catrastrophic ting now, hugely simplified food web
Introduced apex predator sin the Chesapeake Bay 17.17
Snakehead fish eats everything and has no know predators
Can grow 1.5 meters long
Introduced in MD and working its way down
Introduced by foreigners, released open
Food Webs
movement of energy from one area of community to another are of community FIG 17.4
Summarize feeding relationships in ecosystem or community
Naturally occurring food webs are highly complex
Trophic dynamics
transfer of energy from one part of the ecosystem to another
Top trophic level
apex predator (ex. owl - eastern screech owl - small but on top of trophic level)
Eastern Deciduous Forest (where we are now) -- community portrait
Energy made available by plants/producers
Bottom is what makes everything possible! (plant!)
Plants, trees, organic matter acorns, fruits
Bees, mosquitos, flies, squirrels, beetles, butterflies
Spiders, salamander, mouse
Apex predator = owl (carnivore)
When all these die, they become organic matter which is food for microbes
Food Chain
Trophic levels
position in food web determined by the number of transfers of energy in that level
Produces (trees, herbs, etc) -- Autotrophs
Primary Consumers (mice, moths, etc.) -- Herbivores, Heterotrophs
Seconday Consumers (birds, spiders, etc.) -- Carnivores, Heterotrophs
Tertiary Consumers (owl) -- Carnivores, Heterotrophs
Decomposers -- Heterotrophs
18.17 Forest Energy Budget
Energy enter into ecosystem bia
primary producers and make it available to everything else
Water shed #6
measured photosynthestic photon flux density beaming down on forest and converted sunlight to calories was 480,000 kcal/m2 (100% solar radiation)
1st law of thermodynamics
energy cannot be created or destroyed
2nd law of thermodynamics
No transformation of energy is 100% efficient and the amount of usable energy decreases ***** Some is always lost to the surrounding as heat*****
How much is reflected?
How much is lost as heat?
How much is used as evapotranspiration
How much is used as plant production (fixed)?
Only 2.2%
Primary producers take in inefficient energy from photosynthetic photon flux active radiation
only 1% at net primary production available to heterotrophs
Most energy stored as
DEAD organic matter (upper portion of soil surface and where you have leaf litter) largest single pool of energy --- 36 cm
kilocalorie = meter square
1 kilocalorie per meter square
The majority of organic matter is found
in the top 36 cm of soil
2nd major in the biomass
Energy losses
limit number of trophic levels in ecosystem (rarely more than 3 levels above autotrophs)
50% of energy used for heat tax for respiration
10% of energy passed on to next trophic level --THE TEN PERCENT RULE
40% incorporated as biomass which eventually goes to decomposes
An ecosystem will always
try to maximize its energy storage
Assimilation Efficiency =
Energy assimilated/Energy ingested X 100%
incorporated of any materials into tissues, cells, and fluids of an organism
Why is it advantageous to exploit herbivory?
Energy flow to humans -->
Lot of energy to support herbivores
takes energy to support herbivores which are then eaten
More energy available for transfer
88% of world food supply is plant
Most common plant is rice -- comes from wetlands
There are only 4 countries that use more animal than plant
US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
organic matter found in a defined area, usually living
dead organic matter
the amount of energy stored by an individual, population, community or ecosystem per unit time
Primary production
Secondary production
gross production
all energy initially assimilated
Net production
(gross respiration) energy remaining after repiration (it is the net primary production that is the energy available to consumers in an ecosystem)
GPP -R******
****Net primary production
amount of energy available to consumers in an ecosystem****
Ecosystem productivity
uses net productivity across ecosystems
R.J. Whitaker
NPP is measured
as the energy stored or biomass (dry weight) added by producers per unit area over a given time span (g/m2y-1) grams per meter square per year
NPP most productive
tropical rainforest
NPP least productive
desert (lack of water) and open ocean (lack of nutrients)
lots of water, more nutrients (sesspools, too full of nutrients)
What limit primary productivity
Temperature, water, nutrients, pH
Abiotic factors affecting primary production
temperature, rainfall, photoperiod (how much sunlight an ecosystem is receiving), nutrients, disturbance, etc
Occur over the growth season (rainfall, outside growing season is not beneficial)
Biotic factors affecting primary production
Plant (C3,C4, CAM) and animal biodiversity, community structure (is it grassland, shrub land is it forested?) Animal utilization (grazing no grazing? )
temperature and percipitation are extremely important in regulation of primary productivity
As actual evapotranspiration (amount of moisture evaporated off land surface over year) increase the net primary productivity increases -- warm moist is more productive
increase in AET increase net primary production
Increased precipitation alone will increase net primary production increases (controls variation of primary production in ecosystem type)
Total amount of water that evaporates or transpires off a landscape in a year
If you increase nutrients, productivity increases
Consumer can control
rates of primary production of ecosystems
18.15 Wildebeests - intermediate levels of disturbance can increase primary productivity
Grazing increases growth rates of many grass species due to compensatory growth
lower rates of respiration in the grass because lower biomass
Lower biomass also leads to improved water balance due to reduced leaf arcs
Medium intensity have the highest primary production
High intensity grazing is also associated with low production
Wounded response --
Bottom up control
refer to influence of temperature and nutrients on productivity of ecosystems
Top down control
look at influence of consumers on ecosystem
18.11 trophic cascade hypothesis
when something happens to one level another level is affected
if you consumers the planktivorous fish will increase and zoo and phytoplankton go up
Tropic cascade model predicts that manipulating piscivore biomass will lead and prodction of planktivores, herbivores and phytoplankton
why do ecosystems rely on continuous energy input from the sun?
energy flows without continuous input life cant survive
sun fuels primary production which provides energy to all other life but eventually this energy is released (nutrients remain)
energy and nutrients are locked in this organic matter and decompose organisms break it down
Rule #6
Energy must flow but nutrients cycle
Importance of Decomposition
The final release of energy
Nutrient mobilization

c-compounds + O2 --> CO2 +H2O
2 forms: Biological and Fire
Controlling factors of decomp
moisture, temp, pH, O2, substrate characteristics and nutrient content
Decomp of organic matter is a
universal process in ALL ecosystems
Rates of decomp influence
soil fertility, nutrient cycling, organic matter accumulation and are a forcing facor controlling ecosystem structures and function
General trend in litter as it starts to decompose
This is for leaf litter
Phase 1
regulated by nutrient level and readily available carbon (the labile fraction on the litter is lost completely)
This is for leaf litter
Phase 2
reulated by lignin decomp rate the more lignin the slower it decomps
This is for leaf litter
Phase 3
final stages
leeched fast
Refractory compounds
tough compounds -- slower
factors that control the rate of decomp
decomposing organisms, chemical composition of the litter and physical rates of determinance (macro and micro climates)
Fungi and bacteria
(white rot fungus) ---lignin decomposers
Importance of moisture
tropicals have the highest decomp rate because they are wet
Importance of moisture
decomp rate is high in places that have a high AET
Fig 19.9
Importance of substrate characteristics
higher levels of lignin = decomp more = slower
any substance necessary for life
Nutrient pool
portion of components in a ecosystem that are located in a place
Nutrient flux
movement of nutrients
Nutrient cycles
Relatively fast
Ex: C, N, H20
Hybrid : S
Nutrient cycles
Relatively slow
Ex: P, Na, Ca
Hybrid: S
Nitrogen is the most
limiting nutrient in terrestrial ecosystems
The N cycle is a
microbially mediated cycle
is anaerobic process
turns Ammonium (NH4+) into nitrate (NO2-)
nitrite (NO2-) into nitrate (NO3+)
Example of a sedimentary cycle
phosphorus cycle
Phosphorus is as limiting in aquatic ecosystems as nitrogen is in terrestrial
What organisms can alter nutrient cycles?
- nitrogen fixers
- "musseling" phosphorus
- nurtient spiraling
- man's effects
Only source of phosphorus
The weathering of rock
What is a climax community
Final stable community some ecosystems never reach this stage
What is a sere
A series of ecological communities From lichens to grass to shrubs to woodland would be considered one sere
What is a Seral stage
On stage within a sere: from previous example shrubs would be one seral stage
In VA what is an example of a sere
From a field to grasses and weeds to a pine forest to in some cases an oak forest
What is a pioneer species
A pioneer species is one of the first species into an area after a disaster which begins regrowth
What is the difference between primary and secondary succession
In primary succession organisms are coming into an area which has not yet been colonized such as areas where glaciers are receding secondary is when organisms are rebuilding a community that has been wiped out by a disturbance such as an area burned clean by a fire
more densely populate communities inhibit new growth/ ecological succession (just a note not a question)
more densely populate communities inhibit new growth/ ecological succession (just a note not a question)
Why is Geukenzia demissa important
Ribbed mussel is important because it helps to recycle P
Explain importance of Myrica
Important because it has high nitrogen content leading to an increase in nitrogen within the community this changes community dynamic overtime
Rhibozial Bacteria