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64 Cards in this Set

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The base organization of individuals that determines the uniqueness of their behavior


The transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to their children


Regular relative ways of thinking or acting


The process of culture molding that which an individual learns the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of a society

Tabla rasa

Clean slate


The State of Affairs existing between two people


The quality of being able to give in to another's needs


A quality arousing interest or pleasure


Something that arouses the attention of an individual

Deliberate socialization

When the parent molds the child

* Generalized others

Anonymous persons or rules to which we learn to relate in an abstract way - store clerk and customer

* Unconscious socialization

Child copies the parent - bitting finger nails

* Significant others

Persons who are most important to us - parents or siblings

I self

The subjective, personal, and constant view of the self

Me self

Directly related to a particular social situation and give us our social identity

* Anticipatory socialization

The process of becoming ready for a role - little kids playing house

Social self

The way we see ourselves as a result of how others relate to us


Ability to be placed with a confidence


The quality of being there when needed


Skills developed within a culture


The conclusion of the truth of a statement or idea

** Role model

Individual who has admired his actions and characteristics are in many cases copied or assumed - parent, sibling or famous person

Reference group

Any group with whom an individual identifies and whose values and attributes he or she tends to adopt

Peer group

A group of individuals who are equals about the same age


The period between the onset of puberty and the attainment of full maturity


State of physical development that begins when a person first becomes capable of reproduction


The quality of being honest about thoughts and feelings


The quality or state of closeness


The capacity of an individual to learn a skill or to acquire knowledge

What are the social norms in conversation? Give an example for each.

1.) Social distance being too close or too far away

2.) hand gestures - pointing at something to get a point across

3.) eye contact - showing if you are paying attention

4.) facial expression - smile or frown

What are the three areas of personality?

1.) Physical personality

2.) emotional personality

3.) intellectual personality

Are any two personalities exact? Why?

No because personalities change and they don't all change at the same time

What happens to personalities over time?

They change

What can be said about rates of Personality change?

They change at different rates

What are the 6 parts of Personality structure? Give examples for each.

1.) Physical characteristics - hair color, eye color, tattoos

2. Ability - to read or write

3. aptitudes - people who are good at math some are not

4. Interest - some people like football some like Band

5. Belief - believing in God or no God

6. Habits - biting fingernails

What are the three General categories of heredity? give examples.

1.) Traits - skin color eye color

2.) Needs - hunger drive, fight or flight

3.) Limits - height ability to do math or to play music

How do inherited characteristics affect our development?

They Place limits on what is possible but determine what personality they will have or what they will do

What theories were developed by John Locke, Charles Cooley, and George Mead? Explain each

1.) John Locke - tabla rasa Theory - says you are born with nothing and assume personality through social experience and a person can be shaped into anything with proper guidance

2.) Charles Cooley - social self / Looking Glass Theory - says a child learns about itself by how other people act toward him or her, our self concept is based on how others treat us and act towards us

3.) George Herbert Mead ' I self me self theory - says we see ourselves as others see us, we take the role of the other, use i self and me seld differently depending on if we are with significant others or generalized others

How does a person show both I self and me self in social situations?

Certain personal qualities will always come through in all situations

What are the seven primary factors of socialization? Give examples which show the influence of each

1. ) Family - First Source of socialization

2.) peer group - alter personality to fit into group

3.) school / education - impart cultural values and responsibilities

4.) religion - gives a moral code and hope for future

5.) organizations - 4-H or youth groups can influence you by their rules

6.) jobs - learn skills like teamwork and following instructions

7.) mass media - TV and internet can cause more violence

What are two main types of socialization provided by the family? Give examples of each

1.) Provides environment which we become human - build mental mobile ability

2.) provides a variety of experiences that develop our social selves and prepare us to become effective members of society - vacations

What are status offenses? Give examples

Something illegal under a certain age - smoking or drinking

Do infants need personal attention? why?

Yes social traits do not exist until children come in contact with other human beings

Do social traits exist before children communicate with humans?


When do socialization and personality development end?

They don't they are a lifelong process

When is socialization most significant?

At early ages

When does adolescence end?

When a person is accepted into adult Society

When does adult Hood begin in different societies? Explain

In African tribes adulthood may not begin until a boy hunts down a lion. in the u.s. you are an adult when you can pay bills, have a job, and can support yourself

What are the three major factors which caused adolescents in our society?

1.) Education

2.) labor force restrictions

3.) judicial court system

Can a society exist without a period of adolescence? Why?

Yes because some kids would start work in the fields or the mines as soon as they were able to or girls who are married off to older men

Can periods of adolescence vary within a society? Give examples

Yes people mature at different ages- some people at 18 may have a job, kids, and can pay their bills some people at 18 still live with their parents who provide for them

What are the five primary characteristics of adolescence? Give examples

1.) Period of biological growth and development - growing in height and mentally

2.) Period of undefined status - at 18 you can go to war but you can't have a drink

3.) period of increased decision-making - picking a college

4.) Period of great pressure - pressure to do well in school

5.) Period of finding oneself - setting values and priorities that will impact the rest of your life

What does undefined status mean? Explain

You are accepted as an adult in some ways but still perceived as a child in others

What are the four important factors needed for a positive relationship?

1.) Trust

2.) availability

3.) openness

4.) flexibility

Why do Opposites attract?

Because people seek others who have qualities that they themselves are lacking

Why do likes attract like?

People are attracted to those that have similar likes to themselves

What type of individuals are most people attracted to? Why?

People that are like them because they have more things in common

What type of individuals are people pressured to marry? Why?

People of the same religion, race, beliefs, interests, or social economic to be more similar and more accepted by family

What effect does proximity have on relationships?

Helps people meet and maintain relationships

How do opinions on attractiveness very?

Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder

How do people respond differently to others depending on attractiveness?

Because people judge people based on looks

What two factors influence development the most?

Heredity and environment

Primary birth situations that affect how people are socialized? Examples

Number of kids, gender of siblings, birth order

Primary parent or situations that affect how people are socialized? Examples

Age, Amount of education, religion, ethnic background, occupation, economic position, location, subculture of parents