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83 Cards in this Set

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define Gene

region of DNA that encodes a product (either RNA or protein)

Gene Expression

a process by which information encoded in a gene is used to make a functional gene product


the genetic makeup of an organims

Gene regulation

regulation of gene expression


the application of cells or cellular components to production of a certain product


the external manifestation of genetic make up


the process by which a repressor can stop the transcription of a protein


the process that allows transcription of a gene


a regulatory sequence to which RNA polymerase binds during transcription


structural genes that are located under the control of one promoter and operator sequence

Horizontal gene transfer

transfer of genes between two organisms in the same generation

Vertical gene transfer

transfer of genes from and organism to its offspring

Gene Recombination

is the process by which two DNA molecules exchange genetic information, resulting in the production of a new combination of alleles


a process by which a donor cell can transfer its plasmid to the recipient cell via a pilus

Resistant factors (R factors)

a plasmid that contains antibiotic resistance genes


a small circular piece of DNA that is independent of genomic bacterial DNA and usually has some non-essential genes

are transferred during Conjugation

DNA Fingerprinting steps

amplifying DNA by PCR

cutting it with restriction endonucleases

and then separating the restriction fragments on GEL ELECTROPHORESIS

each individual has a unique pattern


Polymerase Chain Reaction

what enzymes are used during DNA finger printing?

Restrictive Enzymes


Restriction fragment length polymorphisms

variations in length of DNA fragments when cut with restriction enzymes

what term is used to describe the cell membrane?

fluid mossaic

Fluid- because cells are always in water

mossaic- because you have a bunch of things embedded in the membrane so it looks like tile


is the net movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

examples of Diffusion

osmosis-water through a plasma membrane


tea bag in water

what molecules are able to pass freely through plasma membranes without being regulated or requiring carrier molecules?

oxygen gas, carbon dioxide gas, water and lipids

how is net movement of water, oxygen gas, carbon dioxide and lipids determined?

molecules will always move from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of Low concentration


net flow will be equal on both sides


diffusion of water through a membrane

hypertonic solution

more water in the cell than the solution,

water will flow out of the cell

cell will become flaccid

hypotonic solution

more water in the solution than in the cell

water will flow in to the cell

the cell will become turgid


equal amount of water

equal flow of water from both sides


cells become puffed up(too much water)


cells become lip(too much water leaves the cell)


is the separation of plant cell cytoplasm from the cell wall as a result of water loss

Facilitated transport and active transport similarities

both use transport proteins

both move the same kind of molecules

Active transport is different than facilitated transport because.....

it requires energy

against the normal flow of diffusion


is an appendage of locomotion

composed of a body hook and filament

flagella and spirilla

all spirilla have flagella

flagella and bacilli

half have flagella

flagella and coccus

only a small amount have flagella


flagella all over the body


only on flagella


flagella on either side of cell (2)


a cluster of flagella on one end of cell

negative Chemotaxis

when bacteria move away from chemical stimuli

positive chemotaxis

when bacteria move toward chemical stimuli


found on the surface of some bacteria.

tubular structure that is involved in conjugation


short thin appendages on the outside of some bacteria

involved in attachment to surfaces of other cells

what makes up the cell Envelope?

cell membrane cell wall and glycocalyx

slime layer

matrix of polysaccharides that are secreted by the cell for the purpose of attachment to other cells or surfaces


is composed of polysaccharides AND/OR protein

prevents the bacterial cell from being phagocytized by white blood cells

gram positive cell wall


no outer membrane

more penetrable

some have periplasmic space

gram negative cell wall


outer membrane

less penetrable

ALL have periplasmic space


are composed of lipids, polysaccharides and inorganic compounds


assist in the synthesis of proteins


enable bacteria to survive in a dormant state for hundreds of years, and resist high temps and toxic chemicals

Chromatin body

the hereditary material of bacteria

life cycle of spore forming bacteria

Vegetative cell-metabolically active and reproducing cell

Sporangium- Chromatin body and small portion of cytoplasm are walled off at one end of the cell

Spore- spores become thicker and heat resistant, Sporangium begins to deteriorate

why is it an advantage for cells to be small?

the smaller the cell the greater the surface are/volume ratio

the smaller the cell the less total volume

how big are Prokaryotic cells?

1-10 um

how big are eukrayotic cells?

10-100 um

plasma membrane

two layers of phospholipids with embedded proteins

controls the passage of molecules in and out of the cell

cell wall

found outside the plasma membrane

composed of cellulose which give the cell walls strength and rigidity


surrounds the hereditary material

contains relatively large pores which allow the passage of certain molecules into and out of the necleus


small granules composed of RNA and protein

assist in the production of proteins from amino acids

endoplasmic reticulum

composed of membranous canals

transport and synthesis of molecules

golgi apparatus

made up of flattened membrane sacs

processes and then packages molecules in vesicles

transport molecules within the cell or secrete them out of the plasma membrane


contain digestive enzymes that carry out hydrolysis reactions

plant vacuole

membrane sacs of fluid

makes the cell pump

stores and recycles various molecules


have two membranes

carries out chemical reactions which allow the oxidation of organic molecules and the use of that energy to produce ATP


contain the green pigment chlorophyll

carry out the reactions of photosynthesis which involve the conversion of light energy to chemical energy


store starch in plant cells


network of fibers

functions in the cell shape and movement


assist in movement

constructed of protein tubules call microtubules


the ingestion of organic material into a cell


reverses the process of endocytosis, secreting material out of a cell


material taken into the cell is solid material


material taken into the cell is liquid


specialized invaginations of the plasma membrane that carry out photosynthesis

membrane bound organelle

organelles only found in eukaryotic cells

prokaryotic cells

do not have a nucleus or organelles

eurkaryotic cells

have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

eukaryotic plant cells

contain a cell wall

the vacuole is singular, central and large

eukaryotic animal cells

do not have cell walls

have numerous small vacuoles