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78 Cards in this Set

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The brain develops from ____ primary dilation or vesicles.
The neural tube cranial to the __ pair of somites forms the brain.
Initially, closure of the neural tub in this region forms (the somites) 3 primary brain vesicles. name them.
mesencephalon (midbrain)
prosencephalon (forebrain)
What initial brain vesicle is considered the hindbrain?
What initial brain vesicle is considered thE MIDBRAIN?
What inital brain vesicle is considered the forebrain?
the prosencephalon
During week __ the prosencephalon and rhombencephalon divide further so tha there are 5 brain vesicles. what do they divide into?
Prosencephalon: into telencephalong and diencephalon
Rhombencephalon: into myelencephalong and metencephalon
T/FEach of these vesicles and their lumens will form discrete parts of the brain.
What are the 4 (5) parts of the diencephalon?
thalamus (dorsal)
sub- or ventral thalamus
metathalamus (MGN and LGN)
What comprises the metathalamus?
What are some synonyms for the diencephalon?
interbrain, between brain
The _________ connects the cerebral hemispheres with mesencephalon.
Where is the diencephalon located?
between cerebral hemispheres, atop the midbrain.
What comprises the epithalamus?
habenula and pineal gland
What makes up the hypothalamsu?
mammillary bodies, infundibulum area below hypothalamuc sulcus
What is the sub or ventral thalamus a part of?
motor system Basal ganglia
What are the 4 major subdivsions of the thalamus?
posterior, anterior, and lateral and medial
is the thalamus simply a relay station?
NO, there is regulation, cortical attention and gating functions all at this level
What are the 3 divisions of the internal capsule?
anterior limb, posterior limb and genu
What tracts travel through the anterior limb of the internal capusle?
DM to prefrontal and ant n. to cingulate
What travels through the genu of the intrenal capsule?
VA/VL to motor and VA/VL to motor
What travels through the post. limb of the internal capsule?
pulvinar/LP to assoc
LGN to visual
auditory radiations
what are the white tracts extending from the cortex to the thalmus?
corona radiata - internal capsule
What lobes do the anterior commissure connect?
temporal lobes
In the lateral subdivision of the thalamus what is found in the dorsal tier and what is found in the ventral tier?
Dorsal tier: lat. dorsal, and lat. posterior
Ventral tier: vent. ant., vent. lat., vent. post.
What does the VPL stand for?
ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus
Where is the VPM found?
in the ventral posterior medial nucleus of the thalalmus in the lateral subdivision
What nuclei are found in the medial group of the thalamus?
the dorsomedial and midline nuclei
What nuclei are found in the anerior groiup>
the anterior nucleu
What nuclei are in the posterior group of the thalamus?
pulvinar, MGN, LGN
What runs along the lateral surface (consisting of myelinated fibers)
External medullary lamina
What runs between all of the nucleu in the thalamus? (myelinated fibers)
internal medullary lamina
Thin shell of cells that intervene between IC and EML =
Reticular Nucleus, has no projections to cortex (Unique)
T/F the reticular nucleus has no projections to the cortex
Is the nuclei of the thalamus somatopically organized?
yes, in the lateral division: the more posterior you get (towards pulvinar) are usually neurons associated with the upper limbs, when movig more anteriorly you find neurons associated with lower limbs
T/F the olfactory nerve doesn't project to the thalamus
What does the upper and lower body sensation project to? what nucleus of the thalamus?
where does the taste and sensation of the face synapse in the thalamus?
the VPM
Where does all
Trigeminothalamic tracts (P, T, Gen tact head,neck)
Medial Lemniscus (FT, Vib, con prop)
Spinothalamic (P, T, Gen tact)
to the ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus
What is the function of the intralaminar nuclei (central medial nucleus)?
poorly understood, most likely motor
What is the MGN responsible for?
What is the LGN responsible for?
What nucleus does the Red nucleus project to?
the ventral lateral nucleus via the dentatorubrothalamic tract from the cerebellum.
Where does the ventral lateral nucleu PROJECT to?
premotor cortex and motor cortex
where does the basal ganglia project to in the thalamus?
to the ventral anterior nuclei
where does the ventral anterior nuclie project to?
motor, premotor cortex
What nuclei of the thalamus does the limbic lobe associate with?
What are the 3 major groupings for the thalamic nuclei
specific, non-specific, reticular
What is the job of the specific group of the thalamic nuclei?
receive/project specific information to/from specific areas
Name some specific nuclei of the thalamus.
MGN, LGN, ventral posterior nuclei, Ventral lateral and anterior nuclei
What is the path from auditory system to area 41, 42
MGN: path: auditory system - (cohlear nuc - (trapezoid body -lateral lemn) inf. colliculus - MGN - area 41,42 of brain
What is the path from the retina to area 17
retina - LGN - area 17
Where does the ventral post. nucleus receive information from?
medial lemnisucus, spinothalamus, trigeminothalamic, and projects all to area 3,1,2 (association cortex - primary sensory cortex)
What input dos the ventral lateral and anterior nuc. receive?
Lat input: cerebellum, red nucleus, globus pallidus, substantia nigra
Antt: globus pallidus, substantia nigra
Both project to pre and primary mot. cortex (area 4***, 8 and 6)
What nuclei of the thalamus are considered non-specific?
anterior (cingulate gyrus), dorsomedial (prefrontal and orbital cortex) - limbic), pulvinar, lat. dorsal, lat post. and reticular nucleus
What do the pulvinar, lat. dorsal and lat. post all have in common?
connection with other thalamic nucli and cortex and all of the connections are reciprocal
is the reticular nucleus developmentally related to the thalamus?
Does the reticular nucleus have it's own very distinct,anatomical and physiological properties
What is the role of the reticular nucleus?
modulatory role in sleep-wake cycles
What nuclei associate with the limbic system?
lateral dorsal, dorsomedial, and anterior
What nuclei are the 'motor relay' nuclei of the thalamus?
the ventral anterior and ventral lateral
What nuclei associate with the sensory (ascending)?
What integrates sensory info?
What receives taste?
what nuclei receives input form substantia nigra?
What receives input form globus pallidus?
What is associated with intellect, mood, emotion, and integrates vision, auditory and sensory inputs?
Pulvinar and lateral posterior nuc
Work together, Unique to ________ and ________
and humans
THe cingulate gyrus helps in what behavior?
Modulation of emotion
Mood and behavior
What are the highest limbic connections?
Highest limbic connections
Foresight, rational thinking,
Social behavior, drive
the reticular nucles receives input from all _____- and output to all _____-
thalamic nuclei
When you have a lacunar infarct within the thalamus what occurs?
thalamic pain syndrome
When you have thalamic pain syndrome you initially lose ______- sensation.
Initially, tinglin/stinging
affected area variable
later, itching burning, tearing and tactile hypersesnitivity
these are symptoms of what?
Pain syndrome - thalamic
What is the initial pain:
tingling and stinging
Is the area affected by the thalamic pain syndrome specific?
no, variable
What is the later sensation experienced with thalamic pain syndrome
itching, burning, tearing, tactile hypersensitiviy
Is thalamic pain syndrome permanent?
most often, yes