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68 Cards in this Set

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calcium is involved in
bone/neuromuscular excitability, cardiac conduction, muscle contraction, secretion, coagulation, intercellular mediation, cellular adhenison 2nd messenger
control over calcium is tight/loose?
phosphate roles
bone, membrane, nrg metab, nucleic acid polymerizaiton, maintenance of cell excitability and viabiltiy by ATP hydrolysis for ion pumping, extracellular buffering, regulation of cellffunction (proteing phosphyrlation/ getp hydrolysis0)
99% of bodiy's calcium is in
extracellular vs intracellular calcium
intracellular 4 orders of magnitude less
what keeps intracellular ca low
na ca exchange and atp dependent ca 2+
bone remodeling
ostoclasts precursors activated by osteoblasts…. Recruited to sites in bone to diffentiate and fomre osteoclasts… resorb bone… preosteoblasts arrive, differntaite, osteoblast secrete osteoid collagen matrix; osteoblasts then secrete ca and p which are deposidted
osteoclast differentiate from
macrophage-monocyte lineatge
preosteoclasts hav ewhat kind of nucleus
mono- they fuse and form multi-nucleate osteoclasts and acquisition of secretory activity
activates Rank
receptor activator of NFKB
where is RANK L
surface protein of osteoblasts/stromal cells while rank is on osteoclast
macrophage colony stimulating facort promotes osteoclast
rank l is induced by
pth and vitamin d during resorption
opg osteoprotegenir
on osteoblast
M-CSF is on
osteoblast stims osteoclast progenitor
PTH, 1,25 D; PGE2; IL1
all stimulate RANKL and OPG
the osteo clast bind to bone via
matrix integrins and then folrm a membrane
what passes through the osteoclased ruffled membrane
Cland H+ is pumped in.. Mobilizing bone
Cathepsin K
degrades demineralized protein component of bone… it's a lysososma protease
the deradation producst are processed how
endocytosed, transported to and released from the aniresorptive surface
bone morphogenic protein… most notable frowth factor for osteoblast
which step of osteoblast differntiation is stimulated by PTH and vitamin D?
how much Ca2+ circulating is active
50% the ionized form is the physiologic active form
what decreases protein bound calcium
cirrosis total drops but free same
what decreases diffusable calcium
citrate, phosphate komplex… usually is 7%
majro regulators of ca and PO4
claclitriol and PTH
minor regulator of Ca nd PO4
how to correct total plasma
correct total plasma ca by adding .8mg/dl for every mg/dl reduciton in serum albumin below normal
how does hypocalcemia cause excitability
remember the Ca+ lineed up outside the membrane, so it depolarizes when low
hypercalcemia symptoms
lethargy, drowsiness, coma, neuromsucular fatige and weakness, HTN brady cardia, arrythmias, nausea vomiting constipation, nephropathy, ectopic calcification
hypocalcemia symptoms
increased neuromuscular excitability; paraestheis, muscle cramps, tentany and convulsions… prolonged asphygiation due to laryngospasm
excessive sulights
degrade previtamin d3 and vitamin d3 into inactive photoproducts
skin vit d rxn
7dehydrocholestorl to
pre d3 goes to
cholecalciferal (same that's absorbed
vitamin D2 and D3 transport from diet
chylomicrons transported by lymphatic into vensous
where is D2 or D3 stored
fat cells
how is vitamin d ciruclated
citamin d binding protedin
the major circulating forma f vitmaind
vD-25 hydoxylase
converts vitamin d (D3, to 25OH3 (what's measured)
FGF-23 and vit amind D
FGF-23 decreases 1,25 (OH)2D synthessis as does 1,25 9OH)2D itself
what promotes 1,25 synthesis
low phosphate or low Ca2+
D-1 alpha hydroxylase
converts 25(OH)D to 1,25 (OH)2 D
vitamind d is a ligand for
VDR vitamin d receptor
Steroids and vitamin D
VDR is a transcription factor in the steroid-hromone superfacmilty of nuclrear transcriptional regulators
VDR distribution
vit amind d and cell differentiation
has the potential to promote
the main stimulus for secterionof PTH
in familial hypercalcmin hypocalcurir what must happen
ca must rise to a higher level before inhibitn pth secertion
normal pth but high Ca
Familiaal hypercalcemic hypoclcuria
transcellular Ca pathway apical channel
intracellualr transcellular pathway
Ca?na exchanger
last step in intenstial transcellular pathway
what transcellular ca steps are stimulated by calcitriool
ll 3 , trpv5, ca/na xchg; calbindidn
major ca absorption route
not transcellular
calcitrio effects on bone
enhances phosphate mobilization directly, but indirectly (stimulates osteoblast differentiation) aids in bonode formation and by maintianng proper ca 2+ it aids in ineralization
calcitiorl effects on kidne
decreases excretion of clacium and phosphate
PTH1R recognizes
both PTH and PTHrP
PTH1R in
bone, kidney and proximal tubles
PTH1R is what type of receptr
G proteing
PTH or PTHrP binding to PTH1r indcuses
two g proteins Gs (PKA) and Gq (PKC)
intracellular messenter for PTH action in bone
cAMP in bone (Gs PKA cAMP)in kidney it's both PKA and PKS
recognizes only PTH, uncertain role
Calcitonin MOA
stimulate cAMP produint in bone and kidney however a requirement for cAMP in CT effects is not established
Calcitonin effects
direct inhibition of bone resorption and calcium and phosphatel 2. increases excretion of calcium and phosphate by the kidney
does calcitonin effect intestinal absorption?
no not of calcium or phosphate
calcitonin secreted
inresponse to hypercalcemia