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20 Cards in this Set

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The Tendency of systems to Maintain a steady internally balanced state
Secretions from endocrine glands that help regulate bodily processes
A structure in the hindbrain unvolved in controlling cordination and balance
Action Potential
Abrupt change from a negative to a possitive charge of a nerve cell also called a neural impulse
Sympathetic Nervous system
Branch of the autonomic nervous stsem that accelerated bodily processes and releases the stores of energy nedded to meet increased physical demands
Chemical Messengers that transport nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another
Basic building blocks of the nervous system-the body's wiring through wich messages are transmitted within the nervous system (Nerve Cells)
small pea-sized structure in the forebrain that helps regulate many vital bodily functions including body temp and reproduction as well as emotional states agression and response to stress
Basic units of heredity that contain the individuals genetic code
Tree like structures projecting from the soma that RECEIVE neural MESSAGES from neighboring neurons
Cerebral Cortex
The wrinkled outer layer of gray matter that covers the cerebral hemispheres: controls higher mental functions such as thought and launguage
Central Nervous System
The part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord
Tubelike part of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body toward other neurons
A structure in the forebrain that serves as a relay station for sensory info and that playsa key role in regulating state of wakefulness and sleep
The small fluid-filled gap between neurons through wich neurotransmitters carry neural impulses
Severe chronic psychological disorder, characterized by DISTURBANCES in THINKING PERCEPTION EMOTIONS and BEHAVIOR
Peripheral Nervous System
the part of the nervous system that connects the spinal cord and brain with the sensory organs muscles and glands (bodys link to outside world)
Autonomic Nervous System
the part of the peripheral nervous system that automatically regulates involuntary bodily processes such as breathing, heart rate and digestion
Limbic System
Formation of structures in the forebrain that includes the hippoicampus andygdala and parts of the thalamus and hypothalamus; is involved in memory and emotional processing
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Branch of the autonomic nervous system that regulates bodily processes, such as digestion that replenish stores of energy