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48 Cards in this Set

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3 Physical Dimensions of Sound
1. Pitch = frequency of vibration (Hz)

2. Loudness = intensity of vibration

3. Timbre = complexity of vibration
Outer Ear
ear canal and ear drum

Sound funneled via the pinna (external ear)  ear canal  eardrum
External auditory canal (ear canal)
Tympanic membrane (ear drum)
Middle Ear
ossicles and oval window
– set into vibration by the tympanic membrane

Malleus = hammer; connects with tympanic membrane and transmits vibrations via the incus
Incus = anvil
Stapes = stirrup; presses against the membrane behind the oval window
Oval window
opening in the bone surrounding the cochlea that reveals a membrane; transmits sound vibration into the fluid within the cochlea
Inner Ear
cochlea, organ of corti
= snail-shaped structure; contains the auditory transducing mechanisms
3 main structures of the Cochlea
Scala vestibuli = “vestibular stairway”
Scala media = “middle stairway”
Scala tympani = “tympanic stairway”
Organ of Corti
= receptive organ for audition; lives in scala media; contains the auditory hair cells; all structures within it contain fluid
basilar membrane
a membrane in the cochlea of the inner ear; contains the organ of Corti
hair cells in ear
auditory receptor cells
movement of hair cells cause AP; bending of hair cell is essential occurrence in process of audition! (produces receptor potential)
anchored by Deiters’s cell – supporting cell found in the organ of Corti and sustains the auditory hair cells
tectorial membrane – membrane located above the basilar membrane and serves as a shelf against which the cilia of the auditory hair cells move
tectorial membrane
membrane located above the basilar membrane and serves as a shelf against which the cilia of the auditory hair cells move
essential in neural trandection of sound
bending of the cilia

it causes the receptor potential
fine, hair-like appendages; arranged in rows, according to height

involved in movement or in transducing sensory info
form synapses with dendrites of bipolar neurons whose axons bring auditory information to the brain
found in auditory and vestibular systems
Tip Links
elastic filament that attaches the tip of one cilium to the side of adjacent cilium
Under small amount of tension
Insertional Plaques
= point of attachment of a tip link to a cilium
Transducing Sound Waves into Nerve Potentials
bending of hair cells produces the receptor potential

tension on the tip links causes ion channels to open; K+ and Ca2+ rush in

causes a depolarization, resulting in the release of NT

relaxation of the tip links allows ion channels to close, causing hyperpolarization
Auditory Pathway
axons enter the cochlear nucleus of the medulla and synapse there (becomes neural impulse)

most neurons in the cochlear nucleus send axons to the superior olivary complex

pass through a large fiber bundle called the lateral lemniscus

axons to medial geniculate nucleus  auditory cortex
Olivocochlear bundle
bundle of efferent axons that travel from the olivary complex of the medulla to the auditory hair cells on the cochlea
NT at the afferent synapse in audition
NT secreted by efferent terminal buttons in audition

ACH is inhibitory effect on the hair cells
Inner hair cells
necessary for normal hearing

Each inner hair cell forms synapses with approx. 20 fibers

primary importance in the transmission of auditory info to the CNS
Outer hair cells
cannot hear at all – they are effector cells that alter the mechanical characteristics of the basilar membrane, influencing the effects of sound vibrations on the inner hair cells
Audtory Cortex is in the ______ ______
Superior temporal gyus
Soma means
senses of our body

on the surface
3 layers of skin
. 1st layer is called Epidermis. 2nd layer is Dermis, and subcucaneus is 3rd layer
skin receptors
the receptors in the skin that trigger an action potental
Types of skin receptors
Pacinian: pressure and deep touch

Mesisner Corpucle: light touch

Merkel's Disk:respond to indentation of the skin – pressure and vibration

Ruffini Corpuscle: vibration

Hair receptor

Free-Nerve ending: perception of pain and temperature
3 Important Qualities of Cutaneous Stimulation


ION channel in sensation is controlled by
A member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family of receptors, TRPC1, controls the ion channel.
somatosensation enters through the ______ root
Pain pathway
Form synapses w/ other neurons as soon as they enter the spinal cord  axons cross to other side of spinal cord  ascend through the spinothalamic tract (processes pain and temperature) ventral posterior nuclei of the thalamus
Anterior singulate gyrus is responsible for ____________ pain.
aversiveness of
Primary sensory cortex – ____ of pain. _________ will further process the significance of pain

Frontal lobe will further process the significance of pain
Axons that convey localized inf0: such as touch
Dorsal columns (white matter of spinal cord)  nuclei in lower medulla  axons cross the brain and ascend through the medial lemniscus to the ventral posterior nuclei of the thalamus axons project from thalamus to primary somatosensory cortex  secondary somatosensory cortex
Somatosensory axons from the skin, muscles, or internal organs enter the CNS via _______
spinal nerves
Cell bodies of unipolar neurons are located i
n dorsal root ganglia and cranial nerve ganglia
3 PERCEPTUAL AND BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS – all involve different brain mechanisms
Sensory component – pure perception of the intensity of a painful stimulus
Pathway from spinal cord  ventral posterolateral thalamus  primary and secondary somatosensory cortex

Immediate emotional consequences of pain – the unpleasantness or degree to which the individual is bothered by the painful stimulus
Pathways that reach the anterior cingulate cortex and insular cortex

Long-term emotional implications of chronic pain – the threat that such pain represents to one’s future comfort and well-being
Pathways that reach the prefrontal cortex
somatosensation is involved in what lobe
parietal lobe

also interpretor pain stimli for emotional significance
cingulate gyus (cortex)
responsible for the emotional significance of pain
Phantom Limb -
report feeling pain in missing limb (up to 70% of amputees report this phenomenon) – other sensations such as pressure, warmth, cold, wetness, itching, sweatiness, and prickliness
Brain areas effective to produce analgesia when stimulated
Periaqueductal gray matter
Nucleus raphe magnus (medulla)
analgesia-producing circuits
most cause release of endogenous opioids (natural occurring opiates that occur in the brain – neuromodulators)
reduction of pain
Pain sensitivity can also be regulated
direct neural connections
Periaqueductal gray matter – receives inputs from frontal cortex, amygdala, and hypothalamus
These inputs permit learning and emotional reactions to affect an animal’s responsiveness to pain even w/o the secretion of opioids
pain reduction process
Periaqueductal gray matter  nucleus raphe magnus  pain reduction
Contains serotonin-secreting neurons that project to the dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord and is involved in analgesia produced by opiates
Destruction of these axons = eliminates analgesia induced by an injection of morphine
Morphine resides in periaqueductal gray matter (midbrain)
Inhibitory effects of these neurons involve one or two interneurons in the spinal cord