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104 Cards in this Set

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Direct Democracy

Democracy in which decisions are made directly by the people

Indirect Democracy

Democracy in which people elect representatives to government posts

Civil Liberties

Personal freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion, restrain the government from tacking actions against the governed

Bill of rights

The first 10 amendments of the constitution


Belief in limited government help for the individual, support for traditional ideals and resistant to change


Advocacy of national government for the public welfare, support for civil rights and tolerance to political change


Form of government where the river in power lies with the people and not a monarch


The power of government or other entity to enforce its decisions

Limited Government

Republic in which elected enforce laws and policies as well as make decisions on behalf of the governed

Popular Government / Sovereighnty

Concept that political authority is based on the will of the people

Representative Democracy

Form of government in which people are elected to make decisions by the people, but maintains the monarchy

Limited Government

Government who is limited by a document or widely shared beliefs

Confederal System

States retain ultimate autbority, and only a few powers are given to the central government

Separation of Powers

Principle of dividing governmental powers into different branches

Check and balances

Principle of the American system in which one branch checks the actions of the others

Federal system

System of government in which power is divided into the central gvt and it regional or subdivisions governments, each must have a guarantee over its political or constitutional authority


Proponents of a new constitution and a strong central government

Anti federalist

Opponents of the new constitution of 1787 and opposed a strong central government

Judicial review

The power of the supreme court and other courts to declare the constitutionally of laws and government actions

Condfederal system

System that consists of a league of independent states in which the central government only has powers granted by the league itself

Unitary system

Centralized government in which ultimate government authority rests with the national or central government

Enumerated Powers

Powers granted to the national government by the constitution most ate in Article 1, Section 8

Which article and section contain the enumerated powers of the central government

Article 1, Sec 8

Second name for the elastic clause

Nessassary and proper clause

Elastic clause

Clause in article 1 sec 8 that grant congress the power to do whatever is necessary to execute specifically delegated powers

Where is the necessary and proper clause found

Article 1 sec 8

Concurrent Powers

Powers held jointly by the national and state governments

Supremacy Clause

Constitutional provision that makes all national laws superior to that of all conflicting state and local laws

Cooperative Federalism

Model in which states and the national government work together to make decisions


The process of the transfer of powers from the national got to the state gvt

Dual federalism

Model of federalism where both states and the national government have their own sets of power and can't interfere with each others decisions

Writ of habeas corpus

Order that requires detainees to bring a prisoner before a court or judge and explain why they are detained

Establishment clause

Part of the first amendment that prohibits and limits the education of religion on schools and funding to such program's

Free exercise clause

First amendment right that allows you freedom of religion

Ex post facto law

Law that inflicts punishment for an illegal action at the time it was commited

Incorporation theory

View that the protections of the bill of rights apply to the states governments through the 14th amendments due process clause

Inherent power

A power of the President derived from the constitutional statement. The executive power shall be vested in the president

Bill of attainder

Law that inflicts punishment without trial

Articles of Confederation

The first government document that established division of powers to the states ratified in 1781

Federalist papers

85 essays that defended the new constitution and a form of Republican government

Who wrote the articles of confederation

john jay, Alexander Hamilton and James madison

First form to propose an amendment

2/3 vote in each chamber of congress

Second form to propose an amendment the constitution

Call of national convention with 2/3 of state legislatures

Ratification occurs when

Positive vote of 3/4 of the state legislatures and and 3/4 in state conventions

Examples of enumerated powers

Coin money, setting measurement standards,admitting new states , declaring war and the set up of government buildings

Implied powers

Powers granted to congress through the Nessassary and proper clause that states that congress had the power to make laws that will allow it to carry out the laws specifically stated in the constitution itself

Implied Powers are derived from where in the constitution

Article 1 sec 8

Inherent powers

Powers also not specifically mentioned I. The constitution but fall into the domain of the central government such as treaties, aqisition of land, waging war and commerce

10th amendment

Powers not delegated to the national government fall are reserved to the states

Denied / prohibited powers

Powers denied to the states and federal government since they are not expressed directly in the constitution

States rights

Right tha the state governments believed the national government should not hold domain over

Clear and present danger test

Cclause that allows courts to judge a person that shows a danger to the peace or public

Right to privacy

Was not exactly stated but prenumbtally stated in amendment 1 3 4 5 and 9th


Was at first not as bad can abort by the fist trimester now not at all

Roe vs Wade delt with?


Details about Roe vs Wade

Roe one left that the first trimester was okay to abort the rest had several parameters to stop it

Lead to a lot of civil unrest

Patriot act

Law that allows the government to breach your privacy under the assumption that you are a threat...created in response to the 9/11 and passed in 2001 and 6

Constitution ratified


What is the base content of the constitition

7 articles and 27 amendments

Constitution def

Doucument that sets a benchmwrch of the government's rules and regulations, through political law

What articles deal with national power

1,2.3 and 6

What amendment grants power to the states


Article one gives power to?

The legislative branch

Article 2 gives powers to

Executive branch

Due process

The right to be trailed in court for your accusations

What amendments effect the rights of criminal defendants

4 5 6 and 8

Search and seizure

Can only be justified by the use of a piece search warrant and if their is legitimemt reason for public safety

Right to council

The right to have one represented in court and if one cannot afford it the state must provide one with a representative

Excursioary rule

Judical policy that prohibits the admission of illegally attained evidence

Who won Miranda vs Arizona


What did the Miranda vs Arizona case yeild

Poliece officers must read you your Miranda rights before detaining you

Details of Miranda vs Arizona

Ernesto confessed before being read his rights

What amendment protects you from searches and seizures


Amendment 3 gives power to

The judicial branch

Marbury vs Madison

Foundation of judicial review allowed for indirect change of the constitution

Who won Marbury vs Madison



A states right to oppose federal actions that that the state deems unconstitution thus the state I responses the people and the central government


The action of a state declaring a federal unconstitutional and prevent enforcement of those laws in their borders

Grigsworyh vs connetecut

Birth control in a marital bedroom

14th amendment liberty

Undue burden

Significant difficulty or expense put in the way of an action that is trying to be taken

Which case delt with public safety exemption

NY vs quarles

Public safety exemption

A officer has the right to apprehend an individual if their significant cause for public endangerment

Article 4 deals with

The relation among states how laws are interrelated among states

Article 5

Addition of a new state

2/3 congress vote or national convention with a 2/3 vote aswell

Article 6 deals with

National supremacy

Article 7

Has to do with the ratification of the constitution

Amendment 1

Civil liberties/ bill of rights

Amendment 2

Right to bear arms

Amendment 3

No shattering of soldiers

Amendment 4

The protection against search and seizures


Protection against self incrimination

Plead the 5th

Eminent to menu with property

Double jeopoardy

Amendment 6

The right to council

Public and speedy trial

Amendment 7

Trial by jury

Amendment 8

Protection against cruel and unusual punishment

Amendment 9

Rights retained by the people even though they are not clearly stated in the constitution abortion, gay marriage ect

10th amendment

Powers not give my to the federal government fall to those Powers of the state

Marbury vs McCullough delt with

Implied woers vs enumerated powers

Main dispute of marbury vs mucculloh

Could the federal government create a national bank

The reason why they bank of the United States was allowed

Elastic clause / Nessassary and proper clause

Produrak restraints

Focus on how the government should act

Substantive restraints

Focuses on what the government has the power to do and not do

14th amendment

Single national citizenship so all rights are granted evenly from state to state

Escabato vs Illinois

Assistance of council in a trial to avoid self incrimination

Gideon vs wainwright

Case that ruled that under the 6th amendment the states are required to provide an attournry for those defendants that cannot afford one