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42 Cards in this Set

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nerve cells that carry messages from thecells in the sense organs to the cns

Somaticnervous system

a part of the nervous system thecoordinates the movement of the body and receives information from the sensoryneurons


any factor that stimulates a receptor andbrings about a response

sympathetic nervous system

part of the nervous system that speeds upthe function of the body and makes the body more efficient.


the space between two neurons

adrenal glands

endocrineglands situated on the kidneys


thecommon name for the hormone epinephrine


a hormonethat controls the amount of urine produced in the body

endocrine glands

glands that produce hormones

endochrine system

all the endocrine glands in the body


ableto maintain a constant body temperature


a hormoneproduced in the adrenal glands, it is commonly known as adrenalin3#?w


a chemical store of glucose in the liver and muscle


a hormone that has the opposite effect of insulin. it releases glucose from stores in the liver and muscles


the process of maintaining a constant internal environment.


chemical substance that acts as a messenger in the body


a portion of the brain that checks the internal environment of the body


hormone produced in the pancreas that causes the liver and muscles to extract glucose from the blood stream and stores in the liver and muscles


all the chemical reactions occurring in the cells

pituitary gland

the endochrine gland that controls the activities of the other endocrine glands, often called the master gland

target cells

the cells on which a hormone acts

autonomic nervous system

the system controlling involuntary actions such as heartbeat


a nerve fiber that sends nerve impulses away from the body

brain stem

part of the brain where the spinal cord enters the skull; it controls the bodies vital function such as breathing, blood pressure and heart rate.

cell body

part of the neuron that contains the nucleus

central nervous system

the brain and spinal cord


part of the brain that is responsible for coordination and balance


part of the brain that controls conscious thoughts. controls the movement of every body part and receives sensory messages from each body part


branches from the cell body that receive messages from other neurons


muscles or glands that put the messages into effect


the lower half of the brain stem

motor neurons

nerve cells that carry messages from the CNS to effectors

myelin sheath

the insulating layer that covers a neuron

nerve impulse

the electrical message carried by a nerve cell


a nerve cell


a chemical message released at the end of the axon to be received by the next neurons axon

optic nerve

the nerve that carries messages to the brain from the retina at the back of the eye

parasympathetic nervous system

part of the nervous system that slows the body down and controls it when resting

peripheral nervous system

the nerves that carry messages to and from the central nervous system and other parts of the body


special cells that detect stimuli

reflex actions

quick, automatic actions that protect the body from danger; they are also known as reflexes

reflex arc

the nerve pathway operating in a reflex action