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48 Cards in this Set

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Define socialization

Life long process in which people learn attitudes values and behaviors.

_____ is the term used to refer to a persons typical patterns of attitudes etc.


Know about Harry harlow's study

He studied monkeys that were raised in isolation away from their mothers and from other monkeys.

Define "self"

Distinct identity that sets apart from others.

Know about the "looking glass self"

Charles Cooley; used to emphasis that the self is the product of our social interactions.

Know Mead's stages of development

1. Prepatory stage

2. Play stage

3. Game stage

Prepatory stage

Children imitate the people around them especially members to who the continually interact.

Define "significant other"

An individual who is most important in the development of self

Who gave the concept of significant other


Know the terms introduced by Goffman

Impression management

Face work

Know Piaget's stages of development

Sensori motor

pre operational

concrete operational

formal operational

define gender role

Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females

In 2009 study, what percent of youths 8-18 had high speed internet?


A high school graduation or retirement party is an example of what

Rite of passage

What complicates socialization of older persons in the US?

Life course approach

what are humiliating rituals in total institutions

Degradation ceremony

Nature / Nurture what position do social scientists take

Combo of birth

Define "social control"

Refers to the techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.

Define "Sanctions"

Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm.

What state preformed the most executions between 1977-2010?


Positive Sanction

A sanction in the form of a reward.

Negative sanctions

A punishment or threat of a punishment to promote a conformity to norms.

Formal Sanctions

A reward or punishment given by a formal organization

Informal Sanction

A spontaneous expression of approval or disapproval given by an individual or group

The boss tells and editor to fire the editors old friend, this is an example of what?


Know about the Stanley Miligram study

conformity and obedience through shocking individuals, if they will obey higher ranked people like "doctors, people wearing lab coats, or things like that. Also, more people will give the electricity to others if they are black in the 1970s more white people would. Most people would shock the victim justbecause they are told to

What informal Social Control is supported by 59% of pediatricians


How many people are in prisoned (state and government) in the US?

About 7 Million

Define "control Theory"

A view of conformity and deviance that sudggests that our connection to members of society leads us to systematically conform to society norms.

_____ is the loss of direction felt when social control becomes ineffective.


Know the concepts of Robert Merton.



Ruitualism (ritualist overzealous)



A person convicted of a crime - even when arrest record is considered - is likely to get a shorter sentence if he.she is ________.


Know what is true about white collar crime.

Dosent hurt Peoples reputation

Know the difference in "income and wealth"

Income- Salary and Wages

Wealth- inclusive term encompassing all a persons material assets, including land stocks and other types of property.

Know the difference in "ascribed and achieved" status.

Ascribed- Social position assigned to a person by society without regard for the persons unique talents or characteristics.

Achieved - a social position that a person attains largely through his/her own efforts.


Most extreme form of stratification systems.

Define "capitalism"

an economic system in which the means of a production are held largely in private hands and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profits.

Know the concepts (terms) introduced by Marx Relating to stratification.

Bourgeoisie - capitalist class; owns the means of production

Proletariat - the working class

What did Weber suggest as distinct components of stratification?




Define "Prestige"

The respect and admiration that an occupation holds in a society.

The fact that unemployed coal miners in Kentucky has a higher standard of living then a doctor in the Congo is an example of what?

Absolute Poverty

Employment that is poorly paid and from the worker's perspective, insecure, and unprotected is ________.

Precautions work

Vertical mobility

Movement of am individual from one social position to another of a different rank.

Horiziontal mobility

Movement of an individual form on social position to another of the same rank.


Hereditary ranks that are usually religious dictated and tend to be fixed and immobile.

Estates (aka. Feudalism)

Required peasants to work land leased to them by notes in exchange for military protection and services.

Social Classes

Social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence social mobility.

Which of the following could be seen as a contributor to poverty int he US.

Minimum wage