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101 Cards in this Set

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Domain archaea

Prokaryotic - structurally, biochemically, molecularly, adaptively different from typical bacteria:

- withstand harsher, more unusual conditions than bacteria

- external cell wall lacks peptidoglycan (main diff. From bacteria)

Examples: methanogens

- aerobic

- produce methane gas (methanococcus)

- live in peat bogs, guts of herbivores and termites

Halophiles: salt tolerant (halobacterium)

- live in great salt lake, and dead sea

Domain bacteria

Have external wall composed of peptidoglycan (chains of sugars connected by amino acids; form sheets) outside cell membrane

- protects cell from outside environment, breaking apart when it takes on water, and maintains cell shape (coccus: round or rod: e coli)

External cell wall patterns in bacteria

Gram positive bacteria: have a thick peptidoglycan external cell wall (several layers)

- cell wall stains blue during gram staining

Gram negative bacteria: have a thing peptidoglycan external cell wall (one layer)

- cell wall stains pink during gram staining


Structure outside the external cell wall (gram positive) or outer membrane (gram negative)

Capsule functions:

- protects against phagocytosis: engulf mentioned by white blood cells

- allows bacteria to stick to surfaces

- provides bacteria with ability to cause disease: virulence

Flagella, fimbriae, pili

Many bacteria have appendeges on cell surface

Flagella: organelles of motion; move cell toward or away from stimulus

Fimbriae (pili): allow bacteria to stick to surfaces and each other

Sex pili: connects 2 bacteria; 1 bacterium tansfers DNA to the other

- not reproduction but gene transfer

Cell membrane

protects cytoplasm, regulates material transport, responds to stimuli

- composed of phospholipid bilayer and proteins

- no cholesterol in prokaryote cell membrane


fluid inside cell containing DNA and ribosomes

- nucleoid: location of single, circular, double stranded pieces of DNA

* no nuclear membrane surrounding prokaryotic DNA

- some bacteria have plasmids: small pieces of DNA outside of nucleoid

*plasmid genes can provide resistance to antibiotics or produce toxins

- ribosomes: site of protein synthesis in all cells

* similar to eukaryotic ribosomes - smaller

Endospores - Bacillus

thick walled - endospore forms when environment becomes harsh or stressful

- survive heat, drying, toxins, low nutrients

- endospores released into the environment

- germinate when conditions improve

- endospores are the most resilient structure in nature

- found in amber (fossil resin) and pyramids

Bacteria have 3 patterns of symbiotic relationships with eukaryotes

Commensalism: commensal species benefit from relationship but do not harm host

- EX: normal flora - species grow on the body at all times; Staphylococcus aureus on skin

Mutualism: both species benefit

EX: normal flora contribute to digestion - E. coli synthesize vitamin K, some B vitamins inhibit competitors in large intestine

Parasitism: parasitic species harm the host; cause disease

10 factors contributing to the spread of disease

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria: due to genetic mutations and overuse of antibiotics


Fecal contaminated water

- cholera, typhoid

Undercooked food

- salmonella causes food poisoning

Lack of or improper hand washing

Increase in animal species maintaining disease agent in nature: Reservoir

- birds, mammals (rodents), insects

- ill humans function as reservoirs

- asymptomatic carriers: people are infected but do not show symptoms of illness

Increase in species transmitting disease agent from host to host - vector

- fleas, ticks, lice, mosquitos, flies

- ticks spread bacteria causing Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever

- overuse of pesticides has increased resistance in many insect groups

Unsafe sex

- chlamydia: intracellular parasite; most common bacteria STD in US

Biological Weapons: anthrax, endospores

Global Warming: may increase survival and distribution of reservoirs and vectors away from tropics

Pet Kisses

Life Cycles

Sexually reproducing organisms have 2 stages during their life - haploid and diploid

- Haploid phase (n): 1 copy of each chromosome

- haploid spores or gametes (sperm or egg) form by meiosis

- Diploid phase (2n): 2 copies of each chromosome

- 2 haploid gametes fuse to form a zygote - 1st diploid cell

- diploid phase divides by meiosis to form haploid spores or gametes

3 life cycle patterns in sexually reproducing organisms: zygotic, sporic, gametic

Zygotic life cylce

Dominant haploid phase

Zygote is the only diploid phase in life cycle

- zygote divides by meiosis to form haploid cells and gametes

Characteristic of fungi and chlamydomonas

- considered to be most primitive life cycle

Gametic life cycle

Dominant diploid phase

Gametes (sperm and egg) only haploid phase

- 2 haploid gametes fuse to form zygote

- zygote divides by mitosis to form multicellular diploid body

Gametic life cycle considered to be the most advanced life cycle

- characteristic of animals

Sporic life cylce

all plants and most algae

Characterized by 2 alternating, multicellular forms during life cycle - gametophyte and sporophyte

- gametophyte: haploid; produces gametes by mitosis

* gametes fuse from zygote

* zygote develops into diploid sporophyte

- sporophyte: produces haploid spores by meiosis

* spore develop into haploid gametophytes

2 life cycle patterns of the sporic life cycle

Some are isomorphic: sporophyte and gametophyte stages look identical ( ULVA)

Most are heteromorphic: sporophyte and gametophyte stages look very different

- one is the dominant stage: larger, longer lived, more visible

- other is the reduced stage: smaller, shorter lived, less visible

- some have dominant gametophyte, reduced sporophyte (mosses, Porphyra)

- Others have dominant sporophyte, reduced gametophyte ( most plants, Sargassum)


- does not change chromosome number

- haploid cell forms 2 haploid cells

- diploid cell forms 2 diploid cells


divides chromosome number in half

- diploid cell forms haploid cells

Starr arranges the original Kingdom Protista into 7 groups in the Domain Eukarya

- excavates

- rhizaria

- alveolates

- stramenopiles

- red algae

- green algae

- amoebozoans


- Protists are eukaryotic and mostly unicellular: cannot be characterized as true animals, plants or fungi

- group relationship based on molecular and morphological evidence

Animal Protists

- Animal protists are unicellular and heterotrophic: usually referred to as protozoans * distinguished by organelles of motion (flagella, cilia or pseudopodia)

* change form during life cycle: many have more than 1 host (cyst: infective stage; ingested by host)

Plant protists

photosynthetic - probably derived by secondary endosymbiosis

- primary endosymbiosis: photosynthetic cyanobacterium engulfed by heterotrophic eukaryote

* evolve into eukaryotic photosynthetic red and green algae

- secondary endosymbiosis: red and green algae engulfed by other heterotrophic eukaryotes

* forms dinoflagellates, diatoms, brown algae, euglenoids

- each distinguished by photosynthetic pigments, storage products, external cell wall

Fungus protists

resemble higher fungi - some parasitic

- characterized by hyphae filaments and sporangia

Slime Molds

included with amoebas but not directly related to any animal or fungus group

- animal like because it moves through environment

- fungus like because it produces sporangia and spores

Excavates - group one

Characterized by flagella and bilateral symmetry

- Giardia

- Euglena

- Trypanosoma



Adapted to live in the animal intestinal tract

- heart shaped cell with 2 nuclei and several flagella

* cysts transmitted host to host by fecal contaminated water, food or personal contract (cause of hiker's diarrhea)



Derived by secondary endosymbiosis with green algae

- exhibits plant and animal characteristics

* plant like: chloroplasts; photosynthetic in light

* animal like: heterotrophic with flagella; ingests prey; survives in dark

- red eyespot: directs Euglena to or away from light




- Causes african sleeping sickness in humans and domesticated animals (cattle)

* lion, hyena, antelope are natural reservoirs - other wild animals unaffected (spread host to host by tse tse fly: vector)

- trypanosoma releases neurotoxins into blood: eventually affects CNS

* causes sleep disorders (sleep day, awake at night), paralysis, death

charophytes - chara

living form considered to be most closely related to green plants share characteristics with both green algae and green plants


amoeba, slime molds

amoebozoans - protozoans, amoeba, chaos

group most closely related to true fungi and true animals - molecular evidence have pseudopodia for movement and feeling

Slime molds

no direct relationships to any other groups including fungi

Plasmodial (true) slime molds - physarum

- plasmodium: growth form; large, multinucleate cell without cross walls

- plasmodium moves around environment when conditions are favorable

* plasmodium ingests bacteria, yeast and fungal spores

* cytoplasmic streaming distributes nutrients throughout mass

- plasmodium reproduces sexually when environment becomes unfavorable

* forms stalked sporangia and produces spores

* spores reform large multinucleate plasmodium - resumes feeding

Kingdom fungi, choanoflagellates, kingdom animalia

choanoflagellates - living group considered to be the most closely related to kingdom animalia

Charophytes - chara

Living form considered to be most closely related to green plants.

- share characteristics with both green algae and green plants


Protozoans - amoeba, chaos

- group most closely related to true fungi and true animals: molecular evidence

* have pseudopodia for movement and feeding

Slime molds

Amoebozoans group

No direct relationships to any other groups including fungi

- plasmodial (true slime mold): physarium

* Plasmodium - growth form; large, multinucleate cell with out cross walls

- Plasmodium moves around environment when conditions are favorable

* Plasmodium ingests bacteria, yeast and fungal spores: cytoplasmic streaming distributes nutrients through mass

- Plasmodium reproduces sexually when environment becomes unfavorable: forms stalked sporangia and produces spores

* spores reform large multinucleate Plasmodium - resumes feeding

Kingdom fungi, choanoflagellates, kingdom animalia

Choanoflagellates - living group considered to be the most closely related to kingdom animalia

Primary endosymbiosis


Molecular evidence shows fungi more closely related to animals than plants or protists

- animals and fungi thought to have diverged about 1.5 bya (oldest fossil fungus about 460 million years old)

- amillaria: tree fungus; reported to be the largest organism on earth

* filaments extend more than 1500 acres (estimated to be 1900 years old)

Secondary endosymbiosis

Characteristics of fungi

Heterotrophic - don't ingest food directly

- secrete enzymes that break down substances outside of cell: nutrients absorbed into cell

* saporophytes - break down dead organisms, decaying organic matter

* parasites - infect and feed on host cells

- 2 primary growth forms: Hyphae and yeast

* 3 forms of hyphae

- hyphae cell walls composed of chitin: nitrogen containing polysaccharides also found in insect exoskeletons

Hyphae growth form in fungi

Mycelium - mass of hyphae (filaments)

- composed of lower and higher fungi

- 3 forms of hyphae: stolons, rhizoids, vertical hyphae

Lower fungi

Hyphae have no intercellular cross walls

- forms 2 multinucleate, haploid cell

* cytoplasm continuous throughout mycelium

- phylum zygomycota - rhizopus

Higher fungi

Have cross walls with pores

- hyphae appear multicellular, but are not

* 1 nucleus in each compartment

- phylum ascomycota, phylum basdiomycota

3 types of hyphae

Stolons: Hyphae that grow horizontally along surface

Rhizoids: hyphae that anchor to substrate and absorb nutrients

Vertical hyphae produce sporangia or conidia: produce asexual spores

- sporangia: produce enclosed spores (phylum zygomycota)

- conidia: produce exposed spores (phylum ascomycota, phylum basidiomycota)

Yeast growth form

Single cells that normally do not form hyphae

- reproduce by budding (mitosis): 1 cell divides to form 2 cells

3 phases to sexual reproduction in fungi

Cytoplasms from 2 different hyphae (individuals) fuse

- new hypha contains 2 different haploid nuclei from each individual

Haploid nuclei fuse to form zygote - only diploid phase; zygotic life cycle

Zygote divides by meiosis to form haploid spores

- zygomycota: zygospore forms spores; rhizopus

- asomycota: zygote forms 8 ascospores in ascus; cup fungi

- basidiomycota: zygote forms 4 basidiospores in basidium; mushrooms

Fungi groups characterized as lower fungi, higher fungi or deutermycota

Lower fungi - chytrids, zygomycota (primitive)

Higher Fungi - clomeromycota, asomycota and basidiomycota

Deutermycota - imperfect fungi; species known only from asexual forms

- cannot be placed in a phylum without sexual reproduction haracteristics

*histoplasma - only produces yeast form


considered to be the oldest fungus group

- only fungus that produces flagellated spores and gametes

- chytrids: implicated in decline of frog populations

* may represent new disease for frogs - no immunity in frogs


Conjugation fungi; rhizopus; black bread mold

- asexual reproduction by sporangia: produce enclosed spores

- sexual reproduction: conjugation

* different individuals and nuclei combine - forms diploid zygospore

*zygospore divides by meiosis to form haploid spores

* haploid spores form new haploid hyphae


Mycorrhizal fungi

- form mutualistic, symbiotic associations with plant rocks

* plants provide organic nutrients for fungi

* fungi enhance ion, mineral, water uptake into plant roots

- 2 forms of mychorrhizae

* endomycorrhizae ((arbuscular) - hyphae grow into root cells

- form arbuscules (hyphae branches) inside root cells

* entomycorrhizal fungi - cover surface of root and grow between by not into root cells


Sac (cup) fungi; yeasts, mildews, molds, morels and truffles

- asexual reproduction by conidia: produce exposed spores

- sexual reproduction: ascus formation

*zygote forms 8 haploid ascospores in each ascus

- yeasts: single celled; reproduce by budding

* saccharomyces cerevisiae - bakers (brewers) yeast

*ferments glucose to ethanol and CO2 - used to make bread, beer and wine

* candida albicans: part of normal flora of skin, vagina and mouth in humans

* opportunistic fungi - overgrowth leads to yeast infection (vaginitis), oral thrus

* infections result from broad spectrum antibiotics, tight pants

- molds:

* penicillium - source of penicillin antibiotic (discovered by alexander fleming)

*aspergillis - produces aflatoxins on poorly stored peanuts and cereal grains (may cause liver disease in humans and domesticated animals)

Phylum basidiomycota

club fungi; mushrooms, toadstools

- asexual reproduction by conidia: produce exposed spores

- sexual reproduction: basidium formation

* zygote forms 4 haploid basidiospores

- mushroom: fruiting body; composed of cap with gills and stalk

* agaricus - edible, store mushroom

* amanita - orange/ red cap with white spots; poisonous

Role of Fungi in ecosystem

Commensalistic, mutualistic or parasitic with other organisms

- Decomposers

- Lichens

Decomposing fungi

saprophytic; mutualistic

- breakdown organic matter and recycle nutrients back to soil


Mutualistic between fungi and photosynthetic green alga or cyanobacterium

- lichen form

- green algae or cyanobacteria benefits fungus

- fungi benefit green algae or cyanobacteria

- lichens mostly reproduce asexually

* Form soredia - clumps of hyphae with algae or cyanobacteria

Lichen form

Crustose: crust like

Foliose: leaf like

Fruticose: shrub like

Green algae or cyanobacteria benefits fungus

- Produce organic compounds by photosynthesis

- cyanobacteria also fix atmospheric nitrogen

Fungi benefit green algae or cyanobacteria

- Fungi produce toxic compounds that deter herbivores

- fungi retain water and minerals

- fungi secrete enzymes to absorb nutrients

Some fungi form mutualistic relationships with animals

Leaf cutter ants prepare fungus farms in nest - ants bring leaves to fungi

- fungi break down leaves to form used by ants

- ants protect fungi

- fungi obtain nutrients from leaves

Fungi mostly parasitic on plants

Produce parasitic hyphae; haustoria

- chestnut blight: introduced around 1900 from Asia; wind disperses spores

- oak wilt disease: hill country

Some fungi parasitic on humans

Dermatophytes: ring worms

- cause skin infections: athletes foot, jock itch, scalp itch

* epidermophyton causes most ringworm infections (90% cases in men - spread by direct contact; women resistant)

* athletes foot results from wearing shoes, not cleaning and drying feet (does not occur when people go barefoot)

Respiratory infections:

- histoplasma: causes histoplasmosis; most common fungus respiratory infection

* fungus grows in soils contaminated with bird fecal matter - inhaled spores (symptoms resemble TB)

- Histoplasma deuteromycota; known only from asexual form

Land plants

Multicellular, photosynthetic, terrestrial - 290,000 living species

- oldest fossil vascular plants - Rhynia and Cooksonia; 450 million years old

* branching photosynthetic stems - true leaves or true roots

* seedless - produce spores in sporangia

* cylinder of conducting tissue in stem moves water and substances throughout plant

Charophyta - chara; green algae

Multicellular group thought to be the closest living, photosynthetic relative of land plants

- evidence based on chloroplast and nulcear DNA, morphology and biochemistry

Charophyta share characteristics with both land plants and green algae

- photosynthetic with chlorophyll a and b

- starch storage product

- cellulose external cell walls

Charophyta exhibits characteristics found in land plants but are NOT found in green algae

- cell plate: support new cell wall that forms between 2 new cells during cell division

- plasmodesmata: connects cytoplasms of adjacent cells through cellulose walls

Land plants characterized by 6 adaptations for living on land

These do NOT occur in charophyta

- vascular tissue

- specialized meristems

- multicellular haploid and diploid alteration of generations in life cycle

- leaves with stomata and waxy cuticle

- specialized leaves from sporagnia that produce spores

- true roots

Vascular tissue

Conducts water and nutrients throughout plant

- xylem: conducts water and minerals up from roots to leaves

- phloem: conducts sugars, other nutrients from leaves throughout plant

Specialized meristems

Cells that divide by mitosis to increase lenth and diameter of plant body

- apical meristems: increase length of plant body and shoot tips and root tips

- lateral meristems: increase diameter of plant body

Multicellular halpoid and diploid alternation of generations in life cycle - 2 stages

Haploid gametophyte (male and/or female) produces gametes (sperm and/or egg) by mitosis

- male produces sperm in antheridium

* sperm moves to egg by flagella, wind of animals

- female produces large non motile egg in archaegonium

* sperm fertilizes egg in archaegonium - forms diploid zygote

- zygote forms embryo: embryo forms multicellular diploid sporophyte

Diploid sporophyte produces sporangia that produce haploid spores by meiosis

- haploid spores form haploid gametophytes

Leaves with stomata and waxy cuticle

Leaves capture sun energy for photosynthesis

- stomata: pores through epidermis and cuticle

* stomata open and close to allow gas exchange and control water loss

- waxy cuticle: protects exposed surfaces from dehydration and herbivores

- leaves characterized as microphylls or true leaves


Primitive leaf, outgrowth of stem with 1 vascular trace (vein)

- equisetum, Lycopodium, Selaginella = only living species with microphylls

True leaves produced by all other land plants

- branching vascular system

Specialized leaves form sporangia that produces spores

Lycopodium, ferns, Equistum form 1 sporangium type that produces 1 spore type

- spore forms gametophyte with both antheridia and archaegonia

* gametophyte produces sperm and egg

Selaginella and higher plants produce 2 different sporangium types, 2 different spore types

- small pores form male gametophytes with antheridia: produce sperm

- large spores form female gametophytes with archagonia: poduces egg

Sporangia producing leaves form clusters: strobilus (cone) or flower

True roots

Absorb water and minerals from soil

- anchors and stabilizes plant

- allow plant to grow taller

Non vascular plants

No vascular tissue to conduct water and nutrients throughout plant

- bryophytes: non vascular, seedless, all lack true roots and true leaves

* mosses and liverworts

Vascular plants

Vascular tissue conducts water and nutrients throughout plant

lycopods and ferns: vascular, seedless; produce spores

- most have true leaves and true roots

* lycopodium, selaginella, ferns, equisetum

Gymnosperms and Angiosperms:

- seed producing vascular plants

* most advanced plant group; 90% of land plants

- gymnosperms: vascular; produce seeds in cones; no flowers or fruits

* gingko, cycads, gnetophytes, conifers

- angiosperms: vascular; produce seeds in fruites; no cones

* all flowering plants - monocots and dicots


Non vascular, seedless: mosses and liverworts

- 1st land plants: dominant during first million years of plant evolution (475 mya)

- evolved in most terrestrial habitats: dependent on water to survive

- thin external cells walls: limits size

- photosynthetic with stomata: no true leaves

- no vascular conducting tissues: water, minerals absorbed across surface

- rhizoids: root like, anchor plant but do not absorb water

- produce flagellated sperm that swim to egg

Bryophytes: mosses

2 multicellular stages in life: polytrichium, sphagnum (peat) moss

- dominant haploid gametophyte

* produces gametes by mitosis

* sperm in atheridia

* egg in archegonia

* flagellated sperm fertilizes egg in archaegonium: forms zygote

- zygote forms small, short lived, diploid sporophyte

* sporophyte capsule - contains sporangium

* haploid spores form in sporangium

* spores released through openings in operculum of capsule when capsule dries

- hapolid spores form filaments that develop into haploid gametophytes

Peat moss used as fuel and moisture retaining agent in cultivated plant soil


Marchantia; seedless, non vascular

- simpler than mosses: no stomata; probably older than mosses

- dominant haploid gametophyte: produces sperm or egg

- flagellated sperm fertilize egg: forms zygote

- zygote forms very small, diploid sporophyte

- haploid spores form in sporangium capsule

- liverwort gametophytes can reproduce asexually by gemma cups

- gemma cups produce new gametophytes

Lycopodium, selaginella, ferns, equisetum

Most primitive living vascular plants

- ancestors dominant in carboniferous forests (390 mya)

- all contribute to coal deposits

- lepidodendron: club moss; large trees more than 40 meters tall, 2 meters in diameter

Lycopodium and selaginella - club mosses

- dominant sporophyte with true roots and small gametophyte

- microphylls: primitive photosynthetic leaves with 1 vascular trace

- sporangia bearing leaves form strobilius: cone like structure; produces spores

- cylinder of vascular conducting tissue in stem: xylem and phloem

2 club moss life cycle patterns

Lycopodium - produces 1 type of sporangium, 1 type of spore, 1 gametophyte

- gametophyte produces both antheridia and archaegonia

* produces both sperm and egg

Selaginella - produces 2 different sporangia, 2 different spores, 2 different gametophytes

- large spores form female gametophytes with archaegonia

* archaegonia produce eggs

- small spores form male gametophytes with antheridia

* antheridia produce sperm

Flagellated sperm swims to egg to form zygote

- zygote forms sporophyte

Ferns, equisetum

Seedless vascular plants - dominant sporophyte, very small gametophyte

- 12000 + living species: mostly ferns, many extinct species

* calamites - horsetail


polypdium, true roots, stems and leaves (fronds)

- sporophyte dominant

- sporangia clustered into sorus on underside of frond

* sporangia produce spores by meiosis

- spores form tiny heart shped gametophytes that produce both sperm and egg

- flagellated sperm fertilizes egg to form zygote

* zygote forms dominant diploid sporophyte


Horsetail (scouring rush); only living genus, all others extinct

- equisetum has true roots, stems and microphylls

* green stems are main photosynthetic organ

* stems are jointed with microphylls or branches arising at each joint

* stems are hollow for gas exchange

* stems contain silica

- strobilus at tip of stem produce 1 type of sporangium and 1 type of spore

* spores from gametophytes that produce eggs and sperm

Rhizaria - group 2

Radiolarians, foraminiferans

- characterized by slender pseudopodia for feeding and movement

Radiolarians - common in fossil record back to precambrian; silica shells

Foraminiferans - common in fossil record back to cambrian

- calcium carbonate shells: deposits form White Cliffs of Dover

Alveolates - group 3






Ceratium - component of marine and fresh water phytoplankton

- brown photosynthetic pigments similar to diatoms and brown algae

- 2 unequal flagella: rotate body

* one in groove extending to posterior

* other in groove around center of cell

- some bioluminescent: produce bluish light at night

* may startle predators or attract predators to eat dinoflagellate predators

- some cause algal blooms: red tide

* warm temperatures and excess nutrients cause blooms

* produce neurotoxins that accumulate in fish and shellfish (harmful to fish and humans)



Intracellular parasites of animals

Plasmodium - causes malaria; highest death rate of protists

- female Anopheles mosquito vector, human only host

- sporozoites form in salivary glands of mosquito

* sporozoites infect humans during blood meal: form merzoites in liver

* merozoites released from liver - infect red blood cells

- merozoites formed and released from red blood cells in 48 or 72 hour cylces

- merozoites form gametes and then sporozoites in ingested by second mosquito

* completes plasmodium life cylce

- malaria fatal without treatment; infects 40% of world pop in tropics

* antimalaria medications; insecticides, bed nets, remove standing water



Ciliated protozoans; Paramecium; Stentor; lost chloroplasts

- ciliates characterized by macronuclei and micronuclei

* macronuclei: functions for metabolism

* micronuclei: function for sexual reproduction ( cells without micronuclei can only reproduce asexually)

Ciliates: Paramecium


Specializations make paramecium appear multicellular

- cilia: move food into mouth and move entire cell

- oral groove: functions as mouth

- food vacuoles: package food for digestion

- anal pore: expels waste

- contractile vacuole: expels excess water

- conjugation: sexual reproduction in paramecium

* 2 different mating types fuse and exchange micronuclei

* new cells have 1 macronucleus and 1 micronucleus

Ciliates: Stentor


Funnel shaped with cilia around anterior end

Stramenopiles - group 4

water molds


brown algae



Resemble fungi due to convergence; many parasites

- phytophthora: cause of Irish potato famin (1845)

- saprolegnia: fish fungus



Unicellular; derived from red algae

- brown photosynthetic pigments similar to dinoflagellates and brown algae

- 2 piece, silica cell walls: fit like box and lid

* diatom classification based on wall shape, ornamentation and symmetry (centric: radial & pinnate: bilateral)

- mostly asexual reproduction

* each new cell gets cytoplasm and 1 silica wall: regenerates other wall

- shells accumulate in aquatic ecosystems: form diatomaceous earth deposits

* used as detergents, polishes, filters, insulators, deodorizers

- diatoms abundant in fossil record with many forms still living today

Brown Algae


Sargussum, Macrocystis (kelp); mostly marine

- multicellular: largest and most complex algae group

- derived from red algae

- brownish photosynthetic pigments

- characterized by thallus: plant like growth form

* holdfast - anchors to substrate; not root

* stipe - stem like structure that supports thallus

* blade - leaf like structure that functions for photosynthesis

* air bladders - floats that keep blades near surface

- sexual reproduction: sargussum; sporic; heteromorphic

* 2 multicellular stages in life cycle - look different

* sporophyte (diploid) dominant, gametophyte ( haploid) reduced

* multicellular diploid sporophyte forms sporangia (form haploid spores by meiosis)

* haploid spores form multicellular haploid gametophytes (form gametes by mitosis)

* flagellated sperm swim to egg

* sperm fertilizes egg to form zygote

* zygote forms new multicellular diploid sporophyte

Red algae - group 5

Polysiphonia, Porphyra ( nori)

- most abundant algae in tropical oceans

- re photosynthetic pigments



- 2 multicellular stages in life cycle; look different; opposite of brown algae

- gameophyte (haploid) dominant, sporophyte (diploid) reduced

- red algae used commercially

* source of agar for growing microorganisms

* provide moisture retainers for creams

* source of carrageenan: suspending agent in chocolate milk and puddings

* Porphyra gameophyte - nori

- thin, sheet like growth form used as wrap for sushi

Green algae - group 6

Chlamydomonas, closterium, vovlvox, spirogyra, ulva, charophytes

- major component of fresh water and marine phytoplankton


- unicellular, flagellated, haploid

- cup shaped Chloroplast with eyespot for light detection

- cellulose external wall: similar to higher plants

- asexual reproduction: normal reproduction in chlamydomonas

- reproduces sexually only in response to stress: scarce nutrients

* zygotic life cycle - zygote only diploid phase



- elongate

- unicellular

- central nucleus

- 2 chloroplasts



- colonial algae

- rotating sphere of flagellated cells enclose new colonies



- unbranched, multicellular filaments with spirally arranged chloroplasts

- reproduce sexually by conjugation between different individuals



- sea lettuce

- 2 multicellular stages in life cycle

- multicellular sporophyte and multicellular gametophyte look identical