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73 Cards in this Set

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What is deviance

The violation of any social norm

Normality is

Socially constructed


Minor norm that if violated will typically illicit an informal sanction


Norms with great significance. If broken they will typically receive formal social sanctions


Norms that are so socially unacceptable that to even discuss them is thought to be shameful

What is social cohesion

The degree to which a community is bonded together

Norms and in/formal sanctions are used to generate this

Social cohesion

What is social control

The mechanisms in society that communicate what is allowed in society and what the consequences are for violating social expectations of behavior

Functionalists believe

Deviance serves an important role in maintaining stability and secuirty

Strain theory argues

Deviance is the result of everyone not having the ability to achieve socially desirable cultural goals


A person who has access to and accepts the conventional means and uses them to achieve cultural goals


A person who does not have access to or rejects the conventional means but still accepts and achieves cultural goals


A person who has access to and accepts the conventional means, but rejects the cultural goals


A person who "drops out" of society; rejecting both the conventional means and the cultural goals


Seeks new goals through new means

Howard Becker


Primary deviance

The first act of rule breaking that may receive a deviant or negative label

Secondary deviance

Subsequent acts of rule breaking that occur after primary deviance


A particularly negative social label that affects how you view yourself and how others view you

Just world hypothesis

The need to believe that the world is an orderly place that makes sense

FBI crime index

Collection of arrest data

What kills more people than all violent crimes combined

Occupational hazards

Where is the biggest threat to our money

Tax cheating and fraud and from consumer deception and embezzlement

FBI crime index does not include

DUI, business fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion

The majority of drug arrests are for


Who reported the highest rate of drug use in the past year


_____ college students reported using illicit drugs more than any other race


Traditional authority

Authority is afforded to people because of the status their role in society has carried for generations

Charismatic authority

Authority that is given to a person because of their "superhuman appeal" that is their charisma, likability, and leadership skills

Legal rational authority

Authority bestowed upon people based upon a system of impersonal legal rules

You can have more than __ source of authority at a time


Social stratification is

How a society is sorted into groups

Structural functionalists argue

Social stratification is universal it must be serving some function in society

How do you enter a strata

You are born into it


You rise or fall based upon your talents and your hardwork

Caste System

No mobility

Class System


What did Karl Marx believe

Social location within the economy determined your status




Have nots

Max Weber believed

A class of people was defined by the similar life chances they held

Socioeconomic status

An individuals position in a stratified social order, Typically based on income, education, and occupation


Money received by a person for work or from returns on investments


A family's or individuals net worth (total assets-debt)

What do we have in the US?

A class system

The bottom 80% hold ___ of the total net worth in the US


The upper class makes most of their money on

Returns from investments

Supply-side economics

The idea that if you cut the tax rate and provide incentives for the richest among us they will create jobs for the poor

Social Reproduction

If we compare one generation to the next and we see the social strata are simply recreated

Intergenerational mobility

The mobility that happens between generations

Intragenerational mobility

The mobility that occurs during a single life time

Vertical mobility

When you move up or down the social ladder

Horizontal mobility

When you move from one life situation to another that is at a similar social class

Structural mobility

Movement up or down the social ladder that stems from changes in the economy

Most americans do what?

Exceed their parents income

Less than half of those who start at the bottom do what

Stay there

James Loewen

History textbooks

Poverty line was 22,050

Women & children


When the government spends money to support the non poor


Isn't so much a biological fact as it is a social myth. It is socially constructed

Race is

A group of people who share similar social and sometimes physical characteristics

Racial formation theory

How racial categories are socially constructed

Thomas Theorem

Situations defined as real are real in their consequences


A shared cultural heritage; that is a collection of cultural traits, values and traditions that is frequently connected to the nations a person descends from


A belief or thought


An action


May or may not intend to hurt someone with your words/actions, they still hurt the person they are directed to

Internalized racism

Racial self-hatred

Dichotomized racism

You are either racist or you are not

Institutional discrimination

Normal operations of society

What is job query

Method where researches send out fake job applications to firms to see which ones gets a "call back" for an interview


Areas that were not predominately white were marked and declared too risky to provide loans to


The process by which racial ethnic minorities are steered away from predominately white neighborhoods and toward areas that are predominately of the same racial ethnic category