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15 Cards in this Set

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emphasied Love as being the highest goal to which humans can aspire
Victor Frankl (1905-1997)
What did Frankl say was the purpose of therapy?
to challege people to find meaning and purpose through suffering, work and love
He emphasided that choices determine the kind of person you become
Rollo May (1909-1994)
Area of phiolosophy concerned with the meaning of human existance; asks questions about issues of love death and meaning of life; how one deals with the snese of value and meaning of one's life
4 Things that Existntialists Believe
1. The world changes as people's ideas about it change
2. ideas of the world = human construction
3. "beings in the world" = self cannot exist w/o a world and the world cannot exist w/o a person to perceive it
4. Must study human beings in their worlds
people's perceptions or subjective realities; considered to be valid data for investigation
two people perceiving same situation differently
phenomenological discrepancy
the existntialist belief that people are not controlled by fixed physical laws
People having contradictory trains which produce tension
Dialectical Tension
process by which two contradictory forces or tendencies lead to a resolution or synthesis
Our relationships come from...
our relationships with others (existentialism)
human convirms the other person as being of unique value-direct mutual relationships
person uses others but does not value them for themselvse - utilitarian
6 Basic Dimensions of the Human Condition (Existenital Therapy)
1. capacity for self awareness
2. tension between freedom and responsibility
3. creation of an identity and establishing meaningful relationships
4. search for meaning
5. accepting anxiety as a condition of living
6. awareness of death and nonbeing
Awareness is realizing that: (4 things)
1. we are finite
2. we have the potential and choice to act or not act
3. meaning is not automatic (we must seek it)
4. we are subject to lonliness, meaninglessness, emptiness, guilt, and isolation