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87 Cards in this Set

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A ___________________ organism obtains its energy by oxidizing inorganic substances, and then uses that energy to fix carbon dioxide
____________________ organism would be expected to harvest energy by photosynthesis and obtain carbon atoms from carbon dioxide.
Photoautotrophic / Photoheterotrophic
Methanogens, halophiles, and thermophiliac prokaryotes belong to what group?
Small parasitic bacteria
Blue green bacteria, require only water, vegetative cells, spores, and geterocysts.
Opisthokonts, amoebozoans
A dormant stage of a bacterium that can surivive unfavorable environments is a (an)
Heat Resisstant resting structure produced by Low -GC Gram positives
An asexual spore cut off from a parent sporophore by formation of septa
Production of two different sizes and sexes by the sporophytes of land plants
Causes tetanus, botulism, is anaerobic, facultative anaerobe, low C-G baterial species, lives on human skin, associated with many infections.
Psittacosis is a disease of _______ caused by a member of the _____ group of bacteria.
A _____________biofilm is an assemblage of a microorganism adhering to a surface that can cooperatively secrete a protective substance around themselves.
Proteobacterium inside archaea cell.
Spirochetes, Low C-G Gram Positive Bacteria, Proteobacteria
Groups containing no pathogenic disease causing species.
One benefits, the other ones suffers
One benefits, the other is not harmed
Both benefit
a pathogenic bacterial species First discovered in 1882 by Robert Koch,
has an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface (primarily mycolic acid), which makes the cells impervious to Gram staining, so acid-fast detection techniques are used, instead.
The physiology is highly aerobic and requires high levels of oxygen.
Primarily a pathogen of the mammalian respiratory system,
infects the lungs.
The most frequently used diagnostic methods are skin test, acid-fast stain, and chest radiographs.
Requires oxygen to grow.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Has edible species that are farmed/grown for human consumption.
Physical process that limits the maximum size a cell may attain.
This would be expected to be found as part of a eukaryotic cell, but not as part of a prokaryotic cell.
Nuclear membrane
Mitochondria in eukaryotes are thought to have originated from an endosymbiotic ________________ species.
Aerobic purple bacteria (proteobacteria)
A primary endosymbiotic event involving ___________ explains the chloroplast of ________________.
An aerobic purple bacterium

Green Algae (Chlorophyta)
Union of two gametes that are morphologically identical, as occurring in the life cycle of sea lettuce (Ulva latuca) is termed
In an alternation of generations, a multicellular __________ plant or algal stage composed of diploid cells alternates with a multicellular life cycle stage that is haploid.
Many species of brown algae (Phaeophyta) are ____ that is, they produce two different types of spores. The spores thus produced will grow into two different kinds of _____, termed "male" and "female" based on the type of gamete they will produce.

A diplontic life cycle, where a multicellular gametophyte stage is completely absent, occurs in all:
Neurotoxins produced by this are occasionally the cause of fatal poisoning in human beings who have eaten contaminated shellfish (e.g. clams)
Member of the lineage called apicomplexans and causes Malaria.
Vector for malaria
what is exchanged between ciliates during the sexual process called conjugation?
The gene - containing structure in all ciliates that contains numberous copies of certain genes, but not a complete set of genes and chromosomes is the:
a disk-shaped mass of circular DNA inside a large mitochondrion that contains many copies of the mitochondrial genome.
a DNA molecule that is separate from, and can replicate independently of, the chromosomal DNA. They are double-stranded and, in many cases, circular. Plasmids usually occur naturally in bacteria, but are sometimes found in eukaryotic organisms
a major line of eukaryotes[1] currently containing more than 100,000 known species.Most are algae, ranging from the giant multicellular kelp to the unicellular diatoms, which are a primary component of plankton.
Diatomaceous earth consists of marine sediments that contain a high concentration of the tests of dead
Massive fish-kills associated witha red tide are caused by population increases in
a major group of algae, and are one of the most common types of phytoplankton. Unicellular
Unicellular large group of flagellate protists. Most are marine plankton
 All unicellular
 Mostly marine
 Some freshwater
 Golden brown or reddish color.
 Endosymbiotic
 E.g., in coral animals.
 All dinoflagellates are photosynthetic – the endosymbiotic relationships can be mutualistic or commensalitic. Some are endoparasites of marine animals.
 Free-living forms frequently have two flagellae at cross axis to each other.
Form stromatolytes, o They are very tolerant of oxygen, as are other surviving prokaruotes with their other three nutritional strategies.
o About 1.5 bya this “oxygen revolution “ due to photosynthetic organisms has reached all of 1% of the modern level of oxygen in the atmosphere.
Kelp is the general term for several types of large what?
Brown algae
The leaf like structures of kelp that trail through the water are called
 As a lineage they hace chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
 Can be unicellular, multicellular, or something in between. (colonial)
Green algae
Root like anchoring structure
stem like structures
The brown color of brown algea (phaeophyta) is caused by combinng the green color of its chloroplasts with the yellow-orange pigment ___________ is its tissues.
a nitrogen-fixer in soil and as a commensal in some plant roots.
non parasitic
walls of most bacteria contain a polymer of amino sugars called
The disease known as Potato Blight is caused by
a water mold
The presence of phycoerythin and amoeboid sperm are synapomorphic features of what protist group?
Red Algea
In the life cycle of Ulva lactuaca, the adult gametophyte is
morphologically identical to the adult sporophyte
Gleen algae (Chlorophyta) species that are neither entirely unicellular nor entirely multicellular have an organization called ______________ where the individual cells cooperate functionally to a great extent, and show some morphological diversification, but are still primarily acting as individual organisms.
The bacteria growth medium agar comes from
red algea
Amoebas that have contributed to oil exploration technology through the study of their fossil tests.
o Unicellular
o No mitochondria
o Only anaerobic
o Two haploid nuclei enclosed by nuclear membranes
o Cytoskeleton
o Multiple flagellae
o Giardia – causes giardiasis, an intestinal parasite
o Two life cycle stages
o One with ameoeboid cells and one with flagellated cells.
o Infamous member – naegleria
 Lives as a free living amoeba in freshwater ponds and streams, abundant when water is
diplomonads, the parabasalids, and the heterloboseans
flagella, a lineage that contains two otherwise dissimilar groups.
• Euglenids and kinetoplastids
o Unicellular
o No mitochrondria
o One surface with an undulating membrane
o Flagellae present
o All parasites
 Trichomonas vaginalis – causes human std, vaginal and urethral parasite
Loathsome human parasite that is a member of the parabasalid group
Trichomonas vaginalis
Excavate Genus that consists entirely of free-living unicellular organisms with a well-defined shape and two flagellae. They normally possess chloroplasts, but can be heterotrophic as well as photosynthetic.
commensal bacteria in human intestines; can cause disease out of the system
E. Coli
proteobacteria – bad potato salad, turtles
Chaga's disease is caused by a blood parasite called
Tryponosoma cruzi
Tryponosoma cruzi is tramsmitted to huma beings by the bite of a blood feeding
causes malaria in vertebrates and it's transmitted by a mosquito
plasmodium vivax
Slime molds, fungi, animals, lobosean amoebas.
Which amoemas is a causative agent of a common form of amoebic dysentery?
marine, similar to “forams”, but have a silacaceous endoskeleton – also can occur in fossil deposits
marine, similar to “forams”, but have a silacaceous endoskeleton – also can occur in fossil deposits
The reddish color that appears in the feather of healthy flamingo birds caused by these bids ingestion of
What two kinds of organisms are implicated in bioluminescence phenomena seen in he world's oceans?
Vibrio and dinoflagellates
Thermus aquaticus
In order not to catch the debilitating and sometimes fatal disease of malarai, avoid
being bitten by mosquitoes in the tropics
In order not to allow an invariably fatal infection with Naegleria amoebas, avoid
Swimming underwater in stagnant pools of warm fresh water
In order not to catch the debilitating and unpleasant disease of giardiasis, avoid
drinking from freshwater streams in the mountains.
Human beings become infected with the bacterial genus Yersinia by being bitten by
ticks, mosquitoes, or rats?
none of these
In a species of eukaryote that produces two different types of gametes, how does one determine which is the male?
in has more mobility than the other type
These were fossilized by the photosynthetic processes of cyanobacteria
the first organism to arise by chemical evolution in the PreCambrian Era presumably had what characteristics?
Used DNA for genes
Transcription of the genes was with RNA

The translated Gene products were proteins
What caused the oxygen revolution of the precambrian Era
photosythetic prokaryotes
Evidence of the first terrestrial animals occurs about the middle of this era
by the end of this time, the oceans are full of microscopic life – unicellular and simple mutlicellular organisms.
This era lasts for 186 million years , before ending in another major extinction event – perhaps caused by a meteorite impacts. , the reptiles flourish, including dinosaurs, and mammals and flowering plants begin to diversify.
During what epoch did human beings undergo their own major adaptive radiation away from their common human- chimpanzee ancestor?
continents come to the present positions with respect to the coeans – mammals undergo a major adaptive radation – worldwide climate becomes progressively drier and cooler – major grasslands and deserts start to occupy their present posisiton .
Most genera and many species of animals and plants that exist today are present. Many small extinction events take place – dividing the smaller period divisions called “epochs