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79 Cards in this Set

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Wandering Uterus
Conversion Disorder. Women were trying to get pregnant so that uterus was wandering around the body and would make the limbs go numb. It caused hysteria.
Possession Doctrine
Malleus Malificaurm. Felt that people were possessed by demons. MM was a book written by the church that helped people diagnose crazies with possession and then told them to torture them and burn them at the stake.
Custodial Treatment
Chain them to the walls because they didn't know what else to do with them
Dementia Praecox
Dementia that came before its time. In people's 20s.
Progression of a disease.
The cause of the disease
Internal instinct for sex, hunger, survival. PLEASURE PRINCIPLE.
Conscience. What to do and what not to do.
REALITY PRINCIPLE. Decision making between the two.
Defense Mechanisms
Unconscious process to help a person feel better. Denial, repression, sublimation, reaction formation, projection, etc.
Freud's treatment techniques
1. Hypnosis
2. Free-Association
3. Dream Analysis
4. Projection Tests
5. Non-directive
Self Actualization
The difference between the self and the ideal self. Living up to one's potential.
Humanistic Theory
Unconditional Positive Regard. Optimism. Self awareness. Self esteem.
Classical Conditioning
UCS/UCR, CS/CR. Learn something through conditioning and association.
Systematic Desensitization
hierarchy of things that you are afraid of and slowly expose the person to this hierarchy
It's all in your mind. Think about your fear and it will go away if you associate it with relaxation states.
Flood the person with their fear and continue to relax them and eventually their body will not be able to fight it.
Operant Conditioning
Learning that something will happen based on the consequences. Positive Reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction
Intermittent Reinforcement
Giving something good to the person only sometimes because of the behavior. Strongest way of reinforcing behavior.
Slowly working with the patient to get them to do what you want them to. Pigeon dancing.
If someone watches another person do it and there was no consequence, then they can learn that behavior
Avoidance conditioning
If you avoid the stimulus and it makes you feel better or less anxious, then you will continue to not do the behavior
Conditioning a person to react to a different stimulus. Pedophile with children and a woman.
Diathesis Stress Hypothesis
Says that people are predisposed to the disorder and if they are exposed to stress it will be activated
Nervous Systems...
Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System
Brain and Spinal Cord
Autonomic and Somatic Nervous Systems
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Arouses a body at the right time. Fear, anxiety, nervousness, sexual arousal, etc.
Brings the body back to equilibrium
Brain stem:
hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain (limbic system)
Dendrites, axons covered in myalin sheath, synaptic gap.
Stereotaxic System
The shape of the dendrites and receptors that take in the neurotransmitter. It's like a lock and key system.
Four major transmitters
Serotonin, Norepinephrine, GABA, Dopamin
Implicit Memory
Memory in your unconscious that you didn't even know that you had.
Lexical Decision Task
Learned Helplessness
You try to get out of situation and help yourself until you realize that there is nothing that you can do so you just give up. It tends to lead to depression.
Prepared Learning
Some people are predisposed to learn certain things faster and easier than others. Learning languages, alcoholism, phobias, etc.
Emotion versus affect
Emotion is short term. Affect is long term.
Concordance Rate
When a twin has a disorder, the other twin is much more likely to have that disorder as well.
Purposes of clinical assessment
1. To understand the individual
2. To predict behavior
3. To plan treatment
4. To evaluate treatment outcome
To ensure that a test will give the same results everytime
Every time it is administered it will give the same results
Inter-rater reliability
Each therapist gets the same results when they both do it
The results are correct in terms of the answers and the information about the disorder
Content Validity
The test is asking the right questions
Concurrent Validity
The test is for the correct disorder
If it is testing for depression, the score is really high and then if the same person is tested for community involvement it comes out negative.
Mental Status Exam
1. Appearance and Behavior
2. Thought Processes
3. Mood and Affect
4. Intellectual Functioning
5. Sensorium (date, time, place, self)
ABC of assessment
Antecedents, Behaviors, Consequences
Projective Testing
Test in which the patient projects their unconscious feelings into the story that they tell.
Rorschach inkblot test
Thematic Apperception Test
Objective Tests
Objective Intelligence Test
Intelligence Quotient
Objective Personality Test
MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
Neuropsychological Tests
Assess a broad range of motor, cognitive, memory, etc.
Luria-Nebraska Battery
Halstead-Reitan Battery
Pictures of the brain
Computerized Axial tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Idiographic Approach of treatment
Figure out personality traits, personal characteristics, specifics about this person's case
Nomothetic Approach of treatment
Figure out the general outline of treatment for a certain disorder
Classical or categorical approach of classification
Either yes or no to a disorder
Dimensional Approach of classification
You have certain symptoms that may characterize you as having that disorder
Prototypical Approach
Using both categorical/classical and dimensional
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
International Classification of Diseases
American Psychiatric Association
Five Axes
1. General disorders that you can get over. (Learning, motor skills, communication, developmental)
2. Stable, enduring Disorders (Personality, mental retardation)
3. Medical conditions related to the abnormal behavior (Liver damage due to alcoholism)
4. Psychosocial Problems affecting functioning or treatment (loss of job, bad marriage, abusive family)
5. Rating on a scale of 0 to 100 of how well you are doing psychologically
Nature of Anxiety versus Fear
Anxiety is future-based. Fear is present-based.
Somatic symptoms of anxiety
Sweating, heavy breathing, heart beating faster, muscle tension, etc.
What do anxiety and fear result from?
Direct conditioning, modeling, stressful live events as triggers, etc.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Women outnumber men 2 to 1. Benzodiazepines. CBT. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitions will effect emotions and emotions will effect behavior. If you think you're afraid of the dog, then you will feel afraid of the dog. If you feel afraid of the dog, then you will jump when you see the dog.
Panic Attacks (Subtypes)
Situation-bound Panic - expected
Unexpected Panic
Situationally Predisposed panic
Fear of open spaces because there is no place to hide or escape to
Serotonin Specific Reuptake Inhibitors
Types of PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
1. Acute PTSD
2. Chronic PTSD
3. Delayed onset PTSD
4. Acute Stress PTSD
Intrusive and nonsensical thoughts, images, or urges that one tries to resist or eliminate
Thoughts or actions to suppress the thoughts and provide relief
Thought-action fusion
Tendency to view the thought as similar to the action.
If you think it then it's basically the same as doing it.