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86 Cards in this Set

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the study of all aspects of the aging process
Gerontological nursing
the holistic view of the nursing care of older persons
the branch of medicine dealing with the physiologic characteristics of aging and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the aged
long term care
the provision of medical, social, and personal care services on a recurring or continuing basis to persons with chronic disorders
extended care facility
an institution devoted to providing medical, nursing, or custodial care for an individual over a prolonged period, either for a chronic or acute disease
skilled nursing facility
for elders who require a higher level of nursing care b/c of the acuity level of the client requires a greater nurse to client ratio
Communication technique

Giving recognition
calling the patient by their name
Communication technique

Offering self
make yourself available
Communication technique

Acknowledging feelings
lets the patient know his feelings are understood and accepted
Communication technique

Giving information
make available the facts the patient needs or ask for
Communication technique

Using silence
gives patient time to collect thoughts and nurse to see nonverbal cues
Communication technique

Broad openings
encourage patient to talk and determine the direction of the conversation
Communication technique

General leads
lets patient know your listening and they can continue
ex.- yes, oh, uh uh
Communication technique

repeat part or all of patients statement
Communication technique

Seeking clarification
seek to make clear what is vague
Communication technique

Sharing observation/ perceptions
verbalize what is perceived and call to patient's awareness
Communication technique

Asking questions
trying to get information; can be closed ended, leading, and/or opened ended
Communication technique

everything you did at the end of the day
Communication technique

Presenting reality
show them the truth
Communication block

False reassurance
Letting the patient know they will be ok
ex.- Don't worry you will be fine
Communication block

Giving approval/ disapproval
saying yes or no to a patents actions
Communication block

refusing to discuss certain topics with the patient
Communication block

Agreeing/ Disagreeing
Saying yes or no to a patients statements, puts the nurse in the position to judge
Communication block

Telling the client what to do
Communication block

Trying to get information out of the patient for curiosity
Communication block

Giving a response that makes clients prove their statement or point of view
Communication block

Explaining or protecting other peoples actions
Communication block

Denies importance of patients feelings
Communication block

saying or acting on stereotyping comments
Communication block

Leading questions
Directing the conversation in the self interest of the nurse
marked interest or regard usually arising through a personal tie or relationship
liable to be called on to answer
assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
2 kinds:
Learned- you have seen it before
True- you have experienced it
the act or capacity of entering into or sharing the feelings or interests of another
sincerely and honestly felt or experienced
Involved objectivity
Conscience awareness to see events without reacting in a highly personal way
Unconditional positive regard
Caring for the person as a person not an object
showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom
Non- judgemental
Not reacting on your values or what you think is right
Non- punitive
not inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment to the patient for saying or doing something the nurse does not like
Nursing process
nursing practice in action, used to meet the client's health care needs, required by National Practice Standards, and provides the basis for the NCLEX
collecting, organizing, validating, and recording data about the client's health
Objective data
measurable data
ex.- lab work, hieght, weight
Subjective data
data given by the patient

ex.- "I'm in pain"
Medical Diagnosis
the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms
Nurse Diagnosis
a clinical judgement about an individual, family or community responses to actual and potential health problems for which the nurse is accoutable
putting together the goals wanting to be achieve, the expected outcomes, nursing interventions
carrying out the planned interventions
review goal/ expected outcomes to determine the degree to which they have been achieved
Cultural care
the provision of nursing care across cultural boundaries
the non physical traits such as values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs
the fact or state of being different
group within the social system that claims to possess variable traits such as a common religion or language
Holistic health belief
Health is a positive process; overall healthy functioning.
Illness is an imbalance in physical, psychological, or sociocultural environment
Magico- religious health belief
Health is a sign of God's favor or blessing. Illness is seen as them doing bad or wrong
a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits
Scientific health belief
Health is the absence of disease
the process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs, and accumulated knowledge of society through education and training for adult status
cultural modification of an individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture
Cell mediated immunity
involves the T cells; cannot be given like a vaccine
Active immunity
the host PRODUCES its own antibodies
used to remove "invaders"
Antibody- mediated immunity also called acquired immunity
involves the B cell lymphocytes; can be active or passive
foriegn substance in the body that triggers the body to make antigens
ex.- bacteria, virus
substance (as hydrogen peroxide) that checks the growth or action of microorganisms especially in or on living tissue
being clean and/or sterile
Convalescent period
last stage in the infectious process; acute symptoms of infection disappear; recovery occurs; duration may be longer than expected; can easily relapse or get another infection
caused by some procedure done in the hospital
Illness period
marked by signs and symtoms that are specific to the type of infection; fever is often present
Incubation period
period b/w invasion of the microorganism and before the first visible sign of disease; varies with the illness
an invasion of body tissue by pathogenic microorganisms which proliferate and can cause damage to the tissue and possible loss of function.
Standard precautions
isolation or barrier protection against unknown pathogens; to be used fro all clients when contact or possible contact with blood, body fluids, non intact skin and mucous membranes may occur
Nosocomial or HAI
acquired during delivery of health care
Passive immunity
the host RECEIVES antibodies from natural and/ or artificial source
Prodromal period
nonspecific feelings of discomfort, feelings that illness is about to occur, low grade fever, fatigue; most capable of speading disease to others; short duration of time
physical change and increase in size; measured quantitatively; takes place in the first 20 years of life
increase in the complexity of function and skill progression; the capacity and skill of a person to adapt to the environment; continues throughout life
concern for the next generation; thinks outside of themselves (altruistic)
unable to expand interests; does not accept responsibility; withdrawn; self indulgent
individually expressed and highly personal; evolves from life experiences; many different influences; no universal sexual behaviors
Sexual health
5 critical components
sexual self concept; body image; gender identity; gender role behavior; freedoms and reponsibilities
that part of a human being that seeks meaningfulness through intra-, inter-, and transpersonal connection
Spiritual well being
a feeling of being generally alive, purposeful and fulfilled
Spiritual distress
a challenge to the spiritual well being or belief system
process of anticipation that involves the interaction of thinking, acting, feeling, and relating