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76 Cards in this Set

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What tunica of an artery is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure and continuous blood circulation?

Tunica media

Most blood from the brain flows down the internal jugular veins and then into-->

Subclavian veins

What is the effect of aldosterone on blood volume?

Blood volume increases

What is the effect of ANP on blood volume?

ANP decreases blood pressure = decreases blood volume

Lymphocytes and monocytes are classified as ________ to distinguish them from the other three types leukocytes


Name two hormones that increase blood pressure by widespread vasoconstriction

Epinephrine. Norepinephrine, and aldosterone

Which of the following is NOT true about the lymphatic system?

Lymphatic vessels are vessels similar in structure to arteries with thick muscular walls used to move lymph forward

The lymphatic trunks converge to form the right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct, these ducts drain into the -->

Subclavian veins

The arteries that directly feed into capillary beds are called


Which of the following arteries does not branch directly off the aorta?

The brachiocephalic artery

Left common carotid artery

Left coronary artery

Right common carotid artery

Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gasses between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of


True or false- the three primary branches of the celiac trunk are common hepatic a., L gastric a., and splenic a.


Hemolytic disease of a newborn is caused by complications from: _______________

Rh- mother with an Rh+ fetus (after second pregnancy)

The highest pressure that moves water into a capillary is _____________

Blood colloid osmotic pressure

(Hydrostatic moves water out of capillary)

To get from the subclavian artery to the brachial artery the blood must flow through the _________

Axillary artery

Renin is secreted by the kidneys in response to

Blood pressure is too low

Small muscle mass is attached to the chordinae tendinae are the _________

Papillary muscles (in ventricles)

What protein is converted to its active form by renin?


If the Vagal nerves to the heart were severed, the heart rate would_______

Increase ( because there is no more Vagal tone)

The human body only has one _______________

Brachiocephalic artery (only a Right brachiocephalic artery)

The baroreceptors that are located in the circulatory system are sensitive to ________

Stretch (related to blood pressure)

Calculate a patients MAP if her blood pressure is 150/90

MAP = 90 + (60/3)= 110

What is the correct order of blood flow?

Blood flows in through the superior and inferior vena cava > R atrium > R AV valve > R ventricle > pulmonary semilunar valves > pulmonary trunk/pulmonary artery > lungs > back to the heart through the pulmonary veins > into the L atrium > L AV valve > L ventricle > aortic semilunar valve > aorta > systemic system

All of these can lead to edema except:

Obstruction of lymphatic vessel, liver disease, hypertension, or hyperproteinemia

What are two effects of angiotensin II

Raise BP, raise blood volume

Secretion of aldosterone

Change in insotonic vasoconstriction

A patients hematocrit is 60% what is his hemoglobin level

Hb= hematocrit/ 3

60/3 = 20g/ml or g/dL (look up)

What is the name of the membranous sac around the heart?


(Endocaridum is the inner layer, myocardium is the muscle layer)

True or false- a man of blood type B cannot be the father of of a baby with blood type O


Correct sequence of structures that electrical Impulses pass through the heart:

SA node > AV node> AV bundle > bundle branches > purkinje fibers

How is blood moved through the veins?

Local muscle contraction and thoracic pressure

The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates:

Atrial depolarization

Which of the following is not a branch of the celiac trunk?


L gastric


Superior mesenteric

Which of the following properties does not affect peripheral resistance

Vessel wall thickness

What does affect- vessel length, vessel diameter*most important*, and blood viscosity

Blood from which three vessels enters the right atrium?

Superior and inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus

Intestinal blood leave the superior portion of the liver by the way of:

The hepatic vein

The cisterna chyli drains into the

Thoracic duct

What affect does aldosterone have on urine formation?

Decreases urine formation

__________ are formed elements of the blood that are not and never will be true cells


Which of the following describes pulmonary circulation?

R ventricle>L atrium

The most common leukocyte is _______ while the least common is _________

Neutrophils and basophils

True of false: papillary muscles help to prevent the prolapse of the semilunar valves


Pectinate for semilunar valves- papillary for AV valves

An unconscious man walks into the ER and it found to have blood type A- . He needs blood and the following types are available, what would be the safest to administer?

AB- or O-

Calculate a patients CO if SV is 50ml/beat, and a heart rate of 80 bpm


50x80 = 4000mL/min or 4L/min

The end of blood clotting is characterized by platelets being held together by


Which of the following cells do NOT have a nucleus


A patients packed cell volume =4mL of a 10mL sample, what is the hematocrit?

V packed cells / sample x100


Intestinal blood enters the liver by the way of:

The hepatic portal vein, leaves the liver by the hepatic vein

The two heart sounds s1 and s2 are produced when:

Valves in the heart close

The highest pressure that moves water out of the capillary is:

Hydrostatic (blood hydroststic)

The major deep veins of the forearm are the ________ on the medial side and the ________ on the lateral side

Ulnar vein and radial vein

Which of the following veins do not occur in the upper extremity?

Great saphenous vein

When administering first aid to someone in circulatory shock, we commonly elevate the feet, why?

To get blood back to the heart,prevent blood from pooling in lower extremities

The muscular wall of the left ventricle is thicken than the right wall because it:

Pumps blood to the entire body

The two internal carotid arteries unite at the base of the brain near the pituitary gland to form the

Circle of Willis

The internal ridges in the atria are called _______ muscles while the internal ridges in the ventricles are called ________

Pectinate and trabeculae carnae

The common route for blood flow is heart to arteries to arterioles to capillaries to venules to veins and back to the heart, there are exceptions to this route. Notable portal systems and anastasimosis, in a portal system blood flows from one ___________ to another, in anastasimosis one ___________ to another

Capillary bed and artery/vein

Calculate a patients SV if their ESV = 50 and EDV =140


140- SV =50


If a person has a BP of 160/100, their pulse pressure is


You're following the pathway of blood from the superior vena cava to the aorta, what is the correct order of valves through which the blood will pass?

R AV valve> pulmonary semilunar valve> L AV valve > aortic semilunar valve

True or false: if the SA node is destroyed, the heart will stop beating


The SA node is merely the pacemaker AV node will take over for period of time

The arterial supply for the upper limbs begins with the subclavian artery, which continues as the _______ and ________ arteries as blood flows to the elbow

Axillary and brachial

What three factors affect stroke volume?

Preload, afterload, contractility

The first line of defense against pathogens is

Intact skin

The tonsils are found in the nasopharynx referred to as the adenoids are the


This primary lymphatic organ is very large in a fetus and contains maturing T cells


External carotid artery

External structures to head


Brain (internal)

Dorsal pedal a.

Ankle and foot

Superior mesenteric a.

Small intestine

External iliac a.

Lower limb

Sagittal sinus


Azygos vein

Thoracic and abdominal walls

Inferior mesenteric v.

Large intestine

Great saphenous v.


ANP is secreted by the heart because

Blood pressure is too high

What is ANPs effect on urine production?

Increased urine production