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51 Cards in this Set

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Cnidaria, hydra

Craspedacusta sowerbii



Molluska Dreissena polymorpha

Zebra mussel

Arthropoda, Aranae, Loxosceles, Loxosceles reclusa

Brown recluse


Arthropoda, Aranae, Theridiidae, Latrodectus

Black widow

Comb foot

Arthropoda, Aranae, Araneidae, Argiope aurantia

Black and yellow garden spider

Orb weaver

Arthropoda, Aranae, Araneidae, Micrathena

Spiny orb weaver

Orb weaver

Arthropoda, Aranae, Araneidae, Gasteracantha

Crab like spiny orb weaver

Orb weaver

Arthropoda, Aranae, Agelenidae, Agelenopsis

Grass spider

Funnel web

Arthropoda, Aranae, Pisauridae, Dolomedes

Fishing spider

Nursery web

Arthropoda, Aranae, Lycosidae, Lycosa rabida

Rabid wolf spider


Arthropoda, Opilones, Leiobunum


Arthropoda, Odonata, Ana junius

Green darner

Arthropoda, Odonata, Erythemis simplicicollis

Green clearwing

Arthropoda, Odonata, Tramea lacerata

Jagged edged saddlebag

Arthropoda, Odonata, Enallagma


Arthropoda, Blattaria, Periplaneta americana

American cockroach

Arthropoda, Blattaria, Blatella germanica

German cockroach

Arthropoda, Mantodea, Stagmomantis carolina

Carolina mantis

Arthropoda, Orthoptera, Tomales guttata

Eastern lubber grasshopper

Arthropoda, Orthoptera, Pterryophyla camellifolia

Northern katydid

Arthropoda, Orthoptera, Ceutophilus

Camel cricket

Arthropoda, Orthoptera, Scapteriscus borrelia

Southern mole cricket

Arthropoda, Hemiptera, Ranatra

Water scorpion

Arthropoda, Hemiptera, Cimex lectularis

Bed bug

Arthropoda, Homptera, Magicicada septendecim

Periodical cicada

Arthropoda, Homptera, Tibicen

Dog day cicada

Arthropoda, Cooleoptera, Dineutes

Whirligig beetle

Arthropoda, Coleoptera, Alaus oculatus

Eastern click eyed beetle

Arthropoda, Coleoptera, Anthonomus grandis

Boll weevil

Arthropoda, Coleoptera, Odontotaenius disjuctus

Horned passalus

AKA bessy bug

Arthropoda, Coleoptera, Phyllophaga

June beetle

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Danaus


Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Limenitis archippus


Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Papilio glaucus

Eastern tiger swallowtail

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Papilio troilus

Spicebush swallowtail

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Phoebis sennae

Cloudless sulphur

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Agraulis vanillae

Gulf fritillary

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Hyphantria cunea

Fall webworm

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Actis luna

Luna moth

Arthropoda, Lepidoptera, Ceratomia catalpae

Catalpa sphinx

Arthropoda, Diptera, Musca domestica

Common house fly

Arthropoda, Diptera, Tipula

Crane fly

Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Apis


Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Bombus


Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Vespula


Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Dolichovespula maculata

Bald faced hornet

Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Dasymutilla

Velvet ant

Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Solenopsis invicta

Fire ants

Arthropoda, Hymenoptera, Trypoxylon

Organ pipe mud dauber

Arthropoda, Plasmida, Anisomorpha

Southern two striped walking stick