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34 Cards in this Set

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Peter Berger
1963- the sociological perspective: "seeing the general in the particular"
Emile Durkheim
1858-1917-examined suicide records in France finding white, wealthy, protestant and unmarried people commit most suicides
C.W. Mills
1959- used Great Depression to show how trying times help people employ sociological perspective
John Locke
1632-1704- began sentiments of individualism and personal liberty (as opposed to duties to God/king)
Auguste Comte
1798-1857- coined the term sociology; 3 stages of developement- theological stage (society product of God), metaphysical stage (society is a NATURAL phenom), and scientific stage; positivism- all is based on direct facts (linked with structural-functionalism)
Herbert Spencer
1820-1903- SFA, compared society to the human body (all parts in accord)
Robert Merton
1910-2003- SFA pointed out societies manifest (intended) and latent functions
W.E.B. DuBois
1868-1963- RCA first Black doctorate from Harvard, sociologist
Karl Marx
socialism, SCA, class warfare
Max Weber
SIA emphasized setting and POV in studies; verstehen (understanding) in interpretive sociology
William F Whyte
wrote "Cornerville", a sociology book based on participant observation in the hood; showed differing values of classes
Rene Descartes
The ghost in the machine, Cartesian Dualism
Jean Rosseau
Human as "The Noble Savage", romanticism
cultural transmition
process in which one generation passes culture to the next
Edward Sapir & Ben Whorf
Sapir-Whorf Thesis- people percieve world through the lens of language
culturaly defined standards people use to decide what is acceptable, beautiful, evil, ect.
specific statements people see as true
Ideal v Real Culture
"do as I say not as I do"
sociocultural evolution
historical changes in culture caused by new tech.
cultural lag
material culture moves faster than non-material can keep up
Structural-Functional approach
SFA shows how culture operates to meet needs, emphasizes stability; linked to
Social-Conflict approach
SCA states human social systems promote inequality, stress change
studies how human biology influences culture
Charles Darwin
1800s- human behavior is instinct, ethnocentric
John Watson
early 1900s- behavior is learned, nurture over nature
Abraham Maslow
unsatisfied needs are motivation; physiological, safety, love, esteem, self actualization
elements of personality; id, the ego, superego; psychoanalysis,
Jean Piaget
studied cognition; 4 stages of development; sensor motor stage, preoperational stage, cooncrete operational stage, formal operational stage
Lawrence Kohlberg
Theory of Moral development; preconventional level (pain and pleasure), conventional level (teens,define right and wrong in normative terms), post-conventional (beyond society, abstract principles)
Carol Gilligan
compared that boys and girls have different standards for right and wrong (girls:care and responsibility, boys:impersonal rules)
George Mead
Theory of Social Self; self is a product of social experience; two images, the I (how we see self) and the me (how others see self)
Erik Erikson
8 Stages of Human Development; trust, autonomy, initiative, industriousness, identity, intimacy, making a difference and integrity
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
5 stages of death; denial, anger, negotiation, resignation and acceptance
Kingsley Davis
studied socially isolated child Anna; showed social experience forms the personality