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58 Cards in this Set

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What was Manifest Destiny?

Our Country's destiny to expand to the West

What are the names of the two people hired to explore the land received from the Louisiana Purchase?

Lewis and Clark

The Mississippi Territory became what two states?

Georgia and Alabama

What was a law that provided an orderly method for settling land north of the Ohio River?

Land Ordinance of 1787

What states arose from the Northwest Territory?

Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin

The deaths of more than four thousand Cherokee on the Trail of Tears resulted from President Jackson's assertion of which authority?

State's authority to extend their laws over American Indian lands

Which of the following was NOT a result of the War of 1812?

British resseltment of the Northwest Territory

What official act(s) provided for the settlement of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River, its governance, and it's eventual inclusion into the United States?

A pair of ordinances passed in 1785 and 1787

What was the strategic consequences of the U.S. victory over Britain in the Battle of New Orleans?

It ended British interference with American commerce in the lower Mississippi River Valley

Which of the following accounts for the strong congressional support for the 1846 declaration of war against Mexico?

Manifest Destiny

Many Northerners strongly objected to the 1846 war with Mexico because:

A U.S. victory could result in the expansion of slavery

Which statement best describes President Jefferson's position on the Louisiana Purchase?

He believed the United States had a destiny to expand to the West

In which of the following ways was the outcome of the War of 1812 advantageous to Americans?

The British defeat in the Battle of New Orleans boosted American morale

Which memorable statement is associated with the Texas Revolution?

Remember the Alamo!

According to Americans who opposed it, the 1846 war with Mexico was principally caused by which of the following?

President Polk's expansionist policies and calculated provocation of Mexico

Who was the subject of this 1820 obituary?

Daniel Boone

What does the shaded area of this map represent?

The final destination of the Five Civilized Tribes

Following the War of 1812, what main push factor promoted the surge of settlers into the Old Northwest?

Land prices stimulated migration of those seeking new economic opportunities

During the War of 1812, why did U.S. military leaders consider Canada an important front?

Canada was a base for British power and a refuge for American Indian tribes that had resisted westward expansion

Which British action was a violation of the 1783 Treaty of Paris?

Maintaining forts on American land

Which of the following events was most responsible for the sharp decline of international trade during the early nineteenth century?

The passage of the Embargo Acts

The 1846 war with Mexico was largely a dispute over the boundary between Mexico and what territory?


What motive guided by the establishment of the Ohio Confederacy under the leadership of Shawnee brothers Tecumseh and "the Prophet", Tenskwatawa?

To unify American Indian resolve in opposition to the sale and white settlement of native lands

What was the 1800 western border of the U.S.?

The Mississippi River

What was a township?

Division of 6 miles into 36 parts

What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

Made provisions for governing the new territory. No less than 3 and no more than 5 states could emerge from it. It was an imprtant achievement for the national government under the Articles of Confederation.

The Mississippi Territory included what land?

Land west of Georgia all the way to the Mississippi River

Who was President for the XYZ affair?

President Adams

What was the XYZ Affair?

Basically America went to France to negotiate peace so there wouldn't be war, but Talleyrand was all like, "That's chill man I'd love to, but like, for the right price ;)" and America was like, "dude literally that's so gross, no way. We don't swing that way in the U.S. of A." And they stormed out without ever negotiating. But then this dude "Gerry" (who the notes don't mention so idk who that is) decided to be rational and stay in France and calmed everything down. What a dude.

The Louisiana Purchase was strict or broad interpretation of the Constitution?


What was Marbury v. Madison?

Jefferson wouldn't allow Marbury to take his job because paper work wasn't submitted. Jefferson told Madison not to deliver his comissions to him. Marshall (the chief justice) said that commission had to be given to Marbury because of the Judiciary Act. This would've been dandy except the Judiciary Act was unconstitutional. So Marbury never received commission. 1st example of Judiciary Review.

Who was the president for the Embargo Act

Thomas Jefferson

What was the Embargo Act

Basically Jefferson decided to be a toddler and was like, "Britain and France aren't playing fair, fine. No one can play." And by "play" I'm referring to trading. This prevented the U.S. from trading with foreign countries and just hurt us in the long run. Not even in the long run. Like immediately. Oh my god Jefferson why didn't you think that one through?

What were Madison's three reasons for declaring the war on Britain (War of 1812)

1.) He accused the British government of acts hostile to the US

2.) He declared that our commerce had been plundered in every sea

3.) He blamed the British for frontier warfare with Native Americans

What did Francis Scott Key do?

Write the national anthem

What did Dolly Madison do?

Well, a lot of things probably. But she saved the original Declaration of Independence and the portrait of George Washington when D.C. was up in flames

Who was the general in the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

What was the problem with the Battle of New Orleans?

Peace treaty had already been signed

Battle of New Orleans casualties

Britain: 2,000

U.S.: 20

How did Americans fight at the Battle of New Orleans?

Hid behind cotton bales and aimed at British soldiers

What was the Hartford Convention?

A convention held to hopefully form a confederacy of New England States by New England Federalists

What was the Treaty of Ghent?

It ended the fighting of the War of 1812 but settled nothing

What did America gain from War of 1812?

Respect with rest of world and Nationalism

What time period did the US enter after the war of 1812?

Era of Good Feelings

What was the Monroe Doctrine of 1823?

The US would not tolerate European intervention in the affairs of any independent nation in the Americas

What was the Trail of Tears?

Americans got excited about gold in Cherokee land so Jackson made them leave to Oklahoma. Which was horrible and a real dick move because a lot of them died on top of having to leave their home.

Who started the Indian Removal Act and who carried it out?

Jefferson started it and Jackson carried it out

What does Assimilate mean?

It's when someone tries to blend in which another group of people

What was the Missouri Compromise?

Some people wanted Missouri to be a state and some didn't because it would disrupt the balance of power. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine added as a free state. 36/30 parallel

What was the 36/30 parallel?

Balance of slave to free states.

What two Acts were passed under Jefferson?

Embargo Act which stopped US trade and the Non-Intercourse Act which repealed the Embargo Act

How much did we pay for the Mexican Cession?

15 mil.

What states came from the Mexican Cession?

California, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico

How much did we pay for the Gadsden Purchase?

10 mil.

What states came from Gadsden Purchase?

Parts of New Mexico and Arizona

What was the saying from the Oregon Territory?

Fifty-four Forty or Fight

Was there bloodshed with Britain over the Oregon Territory?


What was the compromise of 1850?

In 1848 gold was discovered in Sacramento so everyone rushed to California (Gold Rush of 1849). This made Cali a free state in 1850.