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150 Cards in this Set

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#1) Has more power than any other branch of government
#1) Legislative Branch
#2) First Branch of this Government
#2) Congress
#3) Congress plays a central role in formulating ________________
#3) national policies
#4) means made up of two house, the senate and House of Representatives
#4) bicameral legislature
#5) Each term of Congress starts on ______ number years last for _______ years
#5) odd, 2
#6) Congress is divided into __________ or meetings
#6) sessions
#7) Congress remains in session until _______________________
#7) votes to adjourn
#8) Neither house nor the Senate may adjorn for more than ______ days without the approval of the other house.
#8) 3
#9) If Congress is adjourned the _______________ may call it back for a special session
#9) president
#10) __________________ is the large body of congress
#10) House of Representatives
#11) House seats must be _____________________ among the states
#11) divided
#12) Representatives must be at least______________ and be citizens for ______ years and be ______________of the state that elects them
#12) 25 years old, 7 years, legal resident
#13) Representatives live in the ________________they represent
#13) district
#14) Every __________years all members of the House must run for reelection.
#14) 2
#15) If a representative dies or resigns in the 1st session of Congress, the state must hold a _________________ to fill the vacancy
#15) special election
#16) _________________is a population count
#16) census
#17) A census is taken every _________
#17) 10 years
#18) The last census was in ____________
#18) 2010
#19) States with slow population growth or a population decrease may lose ______________________
#19) representatives
#20) when population of each state determines the new number of representatives it is entitled___________________
#20) reapportionment
#21) Limits the House to 435 representatives______________________________________
#21) Reapportionment Act of 1929
#22) Process of setting up new district lines after reapportionment has been completed is_______________
#23) Representatives are elected from ___________
#23) congressional districts
#24) 2 ways redistricting was abused
#24) unequal population and gerrymandering
#25) Ex. of __________________, some states in which the largest district in he state had twice the population of the smallest district.
#25) gerrymandering
#26) # of congressional districts in AL after ther 2000 census
#26) 7
#27) court case that said the court held that federal courts could decide conflicts over drawing district boundaries
#27) Baker v. Carr
#28) Court case held that the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment required that seats in both houses of the Alabama state legislature be apportioned on a population basis.
#28) Reynold V. Sims
#29) Court case, court ruled that the Constitution clearly intended that a vote in one congressional district was to be worth as much as a vote in another district.
#29) Wesberry V. Sanders
#30) Term Gerrymandering can be traced to
#30) Elbridge Gerry
#31) Means that the political party controlling that state government draws a district's boundaries to gain an advantage in elections.
#31) Gerrymandering
#32) _______________ and _______________ are ways to gerrymander
#32) packing and cracking
#33) means drawing the lines so they include as many of the opposing party's voters as possible
#33) Packing a distirct
#34) dividing an opponent's voters into other districts, to weaken the opponent's voter base.
#34) Cracking
#35) The supreme court ruled that congressional districts must be _________________________
#35) compact and contiguous, or physically adjoining.
#36) The senate includes _________members, _____ from each state
#36) 100, 2
#37) Senators must be at least ________ years old, citizens of the US for at least ____ years and a legal ________of the state they represent.
#37) 30, 9, resident
#38) Both Senate and House begin there terms on _________________, after the November election.
#38) January 3rd
#39) All voters of each state elect senators ____________
#39) at-large, or statewide
#40) If a senator dies or resigns before the end of the term, the ___________can appoint someone or call a special election.
#40) governor
#41) The senate and the house sets their own _____________
#41) salaries
#42) money paid for speeches________________
#42) honoraria
#43) prohibits a sitting Congress from giving itself a pay raise
#43) 27th Amendment
#44) postage for official business
#44) franking privilege
#45) Senator hold office for a term of _____ years
#45) 6 years
#46) ______________ of the senators run for reelection every 2 years
#46) 1/3
#47) Members of Congress cannot be __________ for anything they say on the House or Senate floor.
#47) sued
#48) Supreme Court ruled that members of Congress may be sued for libel for statements they make in news releases or newsletters.
#48) Hutchinson V Proxmire
#49) The power of the house to refuse to seat an elected member by majority vote.
#49) Exclusion
#50) Grounds for expulsion for members of Congress
#50) treason, accepting bribes
#51) Members of Congress guilty of lesser crimes may be _________________
censured, (formal disapproval)
#52) Congress includes a total of _________ members, ______senators and _______representatives
#52) 535, 100, 435
#53) Nearly ________ the members of Congress are lawyers.
#53) half
#54) The average age of members of Congress is usually over __________
#54) 50
#55) members already in office
#55) incumbents
#56) A modern method of campaigning
#56) Internet
#57) Main task of each house of Congress
#57) to make laws
#58) Legislators must have _____________to express their sometimes ninflammatory opinions
#58) freedom
#59) The House and Senate each print their own rules every _____
#59) 2 years
#60) House debates rarely last more than ___________
#60) one day
#61) Who has more power according to their rules? the House of the Senate
#61) The House
#62) _______________ do most of the work in Congress
#62) committees
#63) people in the districts they house members represent
#63) constituents
#64) only trained librarian in Congress who promotes literacy
#64) Major R. Owens from NY
#65) House members are elected from_______________
#65) districts
#66) 50 years after his bravery in WWII this african american received the medal of honor
#66) Vernon Baker
#67) Republicans sit on the ________side and Democrats on the ___________
#67) right, left
#68) In each house the ________________ selects the leaders of that body, controls the flow of legislative work, and appoints committee chairs.
#68) the Majority party
#69) _____________ is the presiding officer of the House and its most powerful leader
#69) Speaker of the House
#70) another name for closed meeting
#70) caucus
#71) ______________ of the majority party chooses the House Speaker
#71) caucus or closed meeting
#72) The ________________-follows the vice-president in the line of succession to the presidency
#72) The Speaker of the House
#73) Speaker's top assistant is the __________________
#73) majority leader
#74) _______________ job is to plan the party's legislative program, steer important bill's, etc.
#74) majority leader
#75) serve as assistant floor leaders
#75) whips
#76) ___________job is to persuade votes, & see that party members are present to vote
#76) majority whip
#77) The House of Representatives seems _____________
#77) disorganized
#78) ______________ is normally in session Mon-Fri
#78) the house
#79) All laws start as__________
#79 bills
#80) before a bill becomes a law it has to be ______________________________________
#80) passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president
#81) mahogany box that bills are introduced in ________
#81 hopper
#82) list bills up for consideration
#82) calendars
#83) _______________ list bills dealing with money issues
#83) Union Calendar
#84) Public bills go on the ___________ calendar
#84) House Calendar
#85) ________calendar lists bills that deal with individual people or places
#85) Private Calendar
#86) Any bill the House gives unanimous consent to debate out of regular oder is listed on the ______________Calendar
#86) Consent Calendar
#87) ____________________used for petitions to discharge a bill from committee
#87) Discharge Calendar
#88) ________________- serves as the traffic officer
#88) Rules Committee
#89) ______________ can move bills quickly, hold them back, or stop them completely
#89) Rules Committee
#90) Once speaker of the House
#90) Newt Gingrich
#91) Major bills that reach the floor of the House for debate and vote do so by a _________ or special order
#91) "rule"
#92) The __________________ also settles disputes among House committees
#92) Rules Committee
#93) the _________________can not pass a bill
#93) Committee of the Whole
#94) The ________ is a deliberative body who represent entire states
#94) Senate
#95) The senate allows unlimited debate allowing for a more _____________________
#95) informal atmosphere
#96) Does the Senate have a speaker???
#96) No
#97) The ________________presides in the Senate but may not vote except to break a tie
#97) Vice-President
#98) The ________________
cannot take part in Senate debates because he is not an elected member
#98) Vice-President
#99) When can the Vice-President cast a vote in the Senate?
#99) Only to break a tie
#100) Who presides over the Senate in the Vice-President's absence?
#100) President pro tem
#101) means for the time being
#101) president pro tem
#102) The ____________main job is to steer the party's bills through the Senate.
#102) majority leader
#103) The _____________________ develops criticisms of the majority party's bills and tries to keep senators in the minority party working together.
#103) minority leader
#104) The Senate only as ____ Calendars
#104) 2
#105) ________________list all the bills the Senate will consider
#105) Calendar of General Orders
#106) _______________ schedules treaties and nominations in the Senate
#106) Executive Calendar
#107) Stall tactics that include continual talking, etc in order to prevent a vote
#107) Filibuster
#108) set a record for a filibuster
#108) Senator Strom Thurmond A filibuster can go on for weeks or months
#109) A filibuster can be stopped by _________ of the Senate votes for Cloture
#109) 3/5
#110) allows each senator only 1 hour on a bill under debate
#110) cloture
#111) a ____________ of a filibuster is often enough to delay or defeat of a bill
#111) threat
#112) ______________ controls the flow of legislative work
#112) majority party
#113) ________________ help ease the work load and are the key power centers in Congress
#113) Committees
#114) _________________ allows members of Congress to divide their owrk among many smaller groups
#114) committee system
#115) _______________ are the places in which lawmakers listen to supporters and opponenets of a bill
#115) Committees
#116) ___________________ help the public learn about key problems
#116) public hearings and investigations
#117) permanent groups set up to oversee bills that dealt with certain types of issues___________________
#117) standing committee
#118) _______________ has power to write the rules in Congress
#118) majority party
#119) specializes in a subcategory
#119) subcommittee
#120) ______________ committees can be reclassified as a permanent committee
#120) select committee
#121) This committee studies one specific issue and reports their findings
#121) select committee
#122) have members from both the house and senate
#122) Joint committee
#123) _____________ coordinate the work of two houses of Congress
#123) joint committee
#124) set up when both houses have passed different versions of the same bill
#124) conference committee
#125) members of the conference committee are called_________________
#125) conferees
#126) _____________ of standing committees are the most powerful members of Congress
#126) chairpersons
#127) ________________ decide when their committees will meet, which bills they will consider, and for how long
#127) chairpersons
#128) In the __________ the key committees are Rules, Ways and Means, anjd Appropriations.
#128) House
#129) In the ______ the most prestigious committees are Foreign Realtions, Finance, and Appropriations.
#129) Senate
#130) _________________ gave the member of the majority party with the longest uninterrupted service on a particular committee the leadership of that committee
#130) seniority system
#131) The unwriiten rule of _______________ traditionally has guided the selection of chairpersons
#131) seniority
#132) _______________ help Congress members with their work, communicate with voters, draft bills, write speeches, etc.
#132) Staffers
#133) ______________________ grew as lawmaking became more complex after the early 1900's.
#133) Congressional staff
#134) 2 types of congressional staff
#134) personal and committee
#135) ______________ members work directly for indivudual senators and representatives.
#135) Personal Staff
#136) ----------------------members work for the many House and Senate committees
#136) Committee Staff
#137) Called AA, and is a very important legislative aide.
#137) Administrative Assistant
#138) ______________ run's the lawmakers office, supervises the lawmaker';s schedule, and gives advice.
#138) Administrative Assistant
#139) ________________attends committee meeting when the lawmaker can not be present
#139) LA, Legislative Assistant
#140) _____________ makes sure the lawmaker is well informed about the many bills in which he or she must deal with
#140) Legislative Assistant
#141) ________________ handle many request in a lawmaker's state or congressioanl district
#141) caseworkers
#142) ______________- are largely responsible for the work involved in making laws
#142) Committee staffers
#143) He was_largely responsible for changes in tax laws__________________
#143) Laurence Woodworth
#144) one of the biggest libraries inthe world__________________
#144) library of Congress
#145) answers thousands of request for information. they will check out anything
#145) CRS, Congressional Research Service
#146) put together to study the budget proposals put forward by the president each year
#146) CBO, Congressional Budget Office
#147) Nations watchdog over the spending of funds Congress Appropriates
#147) General Accounting Office, GAO
#148) _____________review the financail management of government programs the Congress creates, collect government debts, settle claims, and provide legal service
#148) General Accounting Office, GAO
#149) _________________largest mutli purpose printing plant in the world
#149) Governement Printing Office, GPO
#150) ________________ daily record of all the bills introduced in both houses and speeches
#150) Congressional Record