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41 Cards in this Set

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inflowing or toward the center
afferent nerves--nerves that send impulses toward the central nervous system, that is, sensory nerves
almond shaped
amygdaloid nucleus--an almond-shaped collection of nerve cell bodies in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum, immediately anterior to the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
resembling a spider's web
arachnoid--the intermediate (middle) layer of the meninges
arbor vitae
literally "tree of life"
arbor vitae--the white matter of the cerebellum; upon sagittal sectioning, its appearance is similar to a tree with branches
pertaining to the brainstem
bulbar palsy--progressive muscular paralysis that results from degeneration of the cell bodies of the cranial nerves in the brainstem
huge, massive
corpus callosum--a masive bundle of myelinated fibers connecting the two cerebral hemispheres
cauda equina
literally "horse tail"
cauda equina--the roots of all of the spinal nerves below the first lumbar spinal nerves, somewhat resembling a horse's tail due to their arrangement
pertaining to the tail
caudate nucleus--a mass of nerve cell bodies that consists of a head with a long curved tail
pertaining to the cerebellum
cerebellar gait--a wide-based gait with unsteadiness evident upon lateral movement
pertaining to the cerebellum
tentorium cerebelli--a strong fold of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from the occipital region of the cerebrum
pertaining to the cerebellum
cerebellopontine angle--a recessed area where the cerebellum, pons, and medulla converge
pertaining to the cerebrum
cerebral palsy--a neurological condition affecting motor ability and coordination due to damage to the primary and/ or secondary motor pathways
pertaining to the cerebellum
crus cerebri--the tightly compacted nerve tibers passing througn the ventral midbrain
pertaining to the cerebellum
cerebrovascular accident--a stroke, caused by damage to the vascular system of the cerebrum
to surround
cingulate gyrus--a long curved convolution of the medial cerebral hemisphere immediately above the corpus callosum and surrounding it to a certain degree
a small mound or elevation
inferior collinculus--one of two paired swellings in the dorsal midbrain that are part of the auditory pathway
a crown
corona radiata--widely radiating fibers of the internal capsule that somewhat resemble a crown
a body
corpora quadrigemina--fiour oval masses (superior and inferior colliculi) found in the dorsal midbrain that are part of the visual and auditory pathways
cortical/ cortico
pertaining to the cerebral cortex
cortical blindness--a loss of vision as a result of damage to the cerebral cortex
pertaining to the cranium or head
cranial nerves--the nerves originating in the brainstem that primarily supply the muscles and viscera of the head and neck
pertaining to the dura mater
subdural hematoma--a hemorrhage into the space immediately below the dura mater
outflowing or away from the center
efferent nerves--nerves that send impulses awas from the central nervous system, that is, motor nerves
pertaining to the brain
mesencephalon--the midbrain
a bundle, usually in reference to nerve fibers
arcuate fasciculus--a bowed bundle of nerve fibers in the cerebrum connecting
a deep furrow or cleft
longitudinal fissure--the deep cleft that separates the two cerebral hemispheres
pertaining to the flocculus (a part of the cerebellum)
flocculonodular lobe--a small lobe of the cerebellum that is part of the vestibular system
bent sharply, like a knee
medial geniculate body--one of a pair of bodies on the posterior and inferior surface of the thalamus that are part of the auditory pathway
lateral lemniscus--a thin tract of fibers in the brainstem that sends auditory information to the inferior colliculus in the midbrain
bi-convex or lentil shaped
lenticular nucleus--a bi
pertaining to the meninges covering the brain and spinal cord
meningeal vessel grooves--a series of depressions on theinner surface of the bones of the cranium where the blood vessels covering the brain reside
pertaining to nerve tissue or nerves
epineurium--the outermost layer of connective tissue surrounding peripheral nerve trunks
pertaining to the nervous system or nerves
neuromuscular junction--the point where nerve fibers innervate muscle fibers to create a contraction
pertaining to the nodulus (a part of the vermis of the cerebellum)
flocculonodular lobe--a small lobe of the cerebellum that is part of the vestibular system
pertaining to the olivary nucleus
olivocerebellar--nerve fibers that pass from the llivary nucleus in the medulla to the opposite hemisphere of the cerebellum
pertaining to the pons
cerebellopontine angle--a recessed area where the cerebellum pons, and medulla converge
pertaining to the pyramids on the anterior surface of the medulla
pyramidal motor tract--the primary motor pathway that originates in the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex and eventually decussates at the pyramids before traveling down the spinal cord
corpora quadrigemina--four oval masses (superior and inferior colliculi) found in the posterior midbrain that are part of the visual and auditory pathways
pertaining to the spinal column
cortico spinal tract--the primary motor pathway that originates in the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex and provides input to the spinal nerves
a slight groove or depression, not quite as deep as a fissure
central sulcus-an obliquely directed groove in each cerebral hemisphere that separates the frontal from the parietal lobes
Thalmic/ thalmo-
pertaining to the thalamus
subthalmac nucleus--a subcortical mass of nerve cell bodies within proximity to the substantia nigra
hook shaped
uncinate fasciculus--nerve fibers that hook around the lateral sulcus to connect the orbital cortex with the anterior temporal cortex.