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34 Cards in this Set

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an inlet or opening
aditus laryngis
a small cavity or socket
dental alveolus--a tooth socket
arched or bow shaped
arcuate ridge--a bow-shaped ridge on the anterolateral surface of the arytenoid cartilage
a cul-de-sac
foramen cecum--a small cul-de-sac depression at the sulcus terminalis of the tongue.
pertaining to a horn
ceratoglossus--the posterior portion of the hyoglossus muscle whose origin is the greater horn of the hyoid bone
pertaining to the cartilage
chondroblasts--cells that allow for growth of cartilage
a structure that is somewhat shell-shaped
nasal concha--a turbinate bone within th´lateral wall of the nasal cavity that is somewhat shell shaped
a rounded articular surface at the end of a bone or bony process
mandibular condyle--the rounded surface at the superior margin of the ramus of the mandible that articulates with the temporal bone of the skull
corpus of the hyoid--the body of the hyoid bone
a bony ridge
palatine crest--a bony ridge on the inferior surface of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone.
a plate of bone containing many perforations
cribriform plate--the horizontally directed plate of the ethmoid bone of the skull containing many perforations through which nerve fibers from the olfactory nerve pass as they enter the nasal cavity
a structure that is somewhat shaped like a leg
crus cerebri--the mass of nerve fibers resembling a leg that passes through the ventral surface of the midbrain
a longitudinally directed depression in bones
glenoid fossa--the depression in the head of the scapula that receives the head of the humerus
a somewhat shallow depression or pit
foveo oblonga--a shallow depression along the base of the anterolateral surface of the arytenoid cartilage
pertaining to the frontal bone of the skull
frontoparietal--the joint between the frontal and parietal bones of the skull
pertaining to the glottis
subglottic space--the space immediately below the level of the glottis
a thin plate or flat layer (usually in reference to bone or cartilage
posterior quadrate lamina--the somewhat flat, square-shaped posterior portion of the cricoid cartilage
a channel or passageway
external auditory meatus--the channel that runs from the pinna on the outer surface of the head to the eardrum within the temporal bone.
musculo/ myo
pertaining to muscles
musculoskeletal--the attachments of muscles to the skeleton
myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome--a condition where the muscles of mastication spasm, causing great pain to the sufferer
pertaining to the back of the neck
superior nuchal line--a small ridge running horizontally across the occipital bone of the skull where some posterior neck muscles attach
pertaining to the occipital bone of the skull
occipitomastoid--the region of the mastoid process of the occipital bone
pertaining to the eye sockets
infraorbital foramen--a small opening just below the orbit of the eye
-osseo-/ osteo
pertaining to bone
chrondo-osseous union--a junction between the car†ˆlage and bone osteoblasts--bone forming cells
pertaining to the parietal bones of the skull
parieto-occipital-the joint between the parietal and occipital bones of the skull
a part or portion
pars oblique--a bundle of diagonally directed fibers of the cricothyroid muscle
pectoral/ pectoralis
pertaining to the chest
pectoral girdle--the bones, ligaments, and muscles that form the shoulder region
pectoralis major--a large fan-shaped muscle of the upper lateral chest
pertaining to the lower region of the abdomen and the hips
pelvic girdle--the bones, ligaments, and muscles that make up the lower abdominal and hip region
a projection or outgrowth on bone or cartilage
vocal process--the projection at the base of the arytenoid cartilage where the medial and anterolateral surfaces meet that serves as the posterior point of attachment of the vocal fold
referring to a tube
salpingopharyngeus--a muscle that makes up the medial wall of the cartilaginous portion of the eustacian tube
a short thorn-like process of a bone
spine of the scapula--the sharp process of the scapula where the trapezius muscle attaches
the union of two structures
pubic symphysis--the tibrocartilaginous joint between the two pubic bones
pertaining to the temporal bone of the skull
temporomandibular joint--the joint formed between the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone and the condyle of the mandible
pertaining to the ventricular (false) folds
ventricular ligament--the skeleton of connective tissue on which a ventricular fold attaches
pertaining to the vocal folds
vocal ligament--the skeleton of connective tissue on which a vocal fold attaches