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15 Cards in this Set

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variation in RBC size on a peripheral blood smear
What is a Band?
Percentage of differential?
immature neutrophilic granulocyte w/ horseshoe.

Sausage-shaped nucleus

2-6% of the differential count

what dye stains it?
percent of differential?
mature WBC w/ cytoplasmic granules.

basic, methylene blue stains it because its granules are acidic.

absolute increase in basophils
what are echinocytes?

also called:
red cells with spicules.

burr cells
dacrocytes are what shape?
What 3 things occur in a differential?
Microscope exam of a stained blood smear.

1. Determine relative number of each type of WBC.
2. Estimate WBC, RBC, and platelet counts.
3. inspect RBC, WBC, platelet morphology.
What are Dohle bodies?
Single or multiple, round or oval, blue cytoplasmic inclusions in neutrophils.

associated with toxicity
What are pencil-shaped cells called?
what are erythroblasts?

where are they found?

if in circulation, what is indicated?
nucleated, young RBCs.

in bone marrow

disease causeing them to be pushed out of marrow too early
What is the Hematocrit?
Percentage of RBCs in whole blood.
formation/development of blood cells in bone marrow
hemoglobin - what is it?
what is its function?
iron--containing pigment in RBCs;
carries oxygen from lungs to tissues.
what is hemoglobinemia?
presence of Hb in the plasma.
What is a Howell Jolly body?
a red cell inclusion that forms during abnormal erythropoiesis. It is a nuclear remnant that contains DNA.