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8 Cards in this Set

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What is the Stamp Act?

This law placed a tax on all paper products in the colonies (legal documents, newspapers and playing cards)Colonist were being taxed without representation.

What is the Townshend Acts?

The British place a Tariff on many of the goods the colonists imported from Britain. (paper, wool, glass, paint and lead

Who was Patrick Henry?
a lawyer from Virginia gave powerful speeches against the Stamp Act
Son of Liberty?
-organized protests

-Other groups attacked and threatened Stamp Agents .

What did the colonist boycott?


Samuel Adams and James Otis spoke out about?
colonists rights
Mercy Otis Warren?
Wrote poems, plays and historical writings encouraging people to boycott Tea and other imported items.
The Daughters of Liberty organized what?
“spinning bees” to make wool. Also make Liberty Tea to boycott british tea.