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50 Cards in this Set

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What is an 'I Statement'?

An I Statement helps us to express how we think or feel. It is a tool we can use when being assertive.


What does D.A.R.E mean?

Define, Assess, Respond, Evaluate.

What does R.E.A.L mean?

Refuse, Explain, Avoid, Leave

What are 4 ways to refuse?

Repetition, verbal, nonverbal, and acknowledge and maintain.

What are 4 ways to explain?

Explain you have something else to do, Explain that you aren't into drugs, Explain you can't because of sports, parents, etc..., make up an excuse as a way of explaining.

What are 3 ways of avoiding?

Avoid the situation, change the subject, in the situation you avoid.

What is a way of leaving

Leave the situation

What are the 3 ways to start off an 'I Statement'?

I Think, I Want, I Feel.

Agree to what?

Disagree, it means both people are okay with disagreeing with each other.

What are the 4 ways to ask for help?

Hypothetical situation (using someone else's name)


Asking indirectly

Asking directly

What is an eco-map?

A diagram representing the people you talk with about important issues or concerns.

What are peer norms?

Typical behavior of a social group.

What are others norms?

Behaviors others say are okay.

What are my norms?

What I think is alright for myself and others.

What is a support network?

The people you go for advice, help, encouragement, or guidance.

What does being assertive mean?

When you stand up for what you believe in, in a calm manner.

What does being passive mean?

You give into something you wouldn't normally do.

What does being aggressive mean?

You stand up for what you believe in, in a rude manner. You may push, yell, or physically hurt someone.

Every choice has a...


What % of 8th grade students do not use what

90% do not use Marijuana.

What % of 8th grade students do not What?

93% do not smoke.

What is a simple preference ?

When you don't really think about the concequences of your decision much. The concequences are not big.

What is a wise choice?

When you think hard about the decision you have to make. Has a big consequence.

What are the 4 ways of bullying, describe each.

Cyber - Online bullying, using electronics.

Physical - Physically hurting someone.

Verbal - Teasing you.

Social - Telling others to ignore or make fun of someone.

What is a bystander?

A bystander is someone who watches or walks by someone who is getting bullied, does not report he bully.

What is a risk?

A risk is taking a chance, something could go wrong.

Define =

What's the problem.


What are my options?


Act out your choices.


Did I make the right decision?

Every medicine has a...

Side effect

What is HELP




Parents approve

What's over the counter drugs?

Drugs anyone can get. Buys at a store.

What are prescription drugs?

Drugs prescribed to you by a doctor. You are the only one it's for.

What are street drugs?

Illegal drugs. Found only on the streets.

Describe the menstruation cycle.

1. The ovaries release 1 egg.

2. Egg goes down he fallopian tube and into the uterus.

3. If egg is not fertilized, egg will come out of the body with the tissue and lining of the uterus.

4. If egg is fertilized, egg will attach itself to the uterus and will begin to grow and develop.

What main purpose does the uterus serve?

It's where a baby grows and develops.

What is AIDs

Aquired Immune Disorder

What is HIV

Human Immune Virus (Can turn into aids)

What are STIs

Sexually transmitted Infections

What are some bodily fluids that can transmit HIV and some other STIs



Vaginal Fluid

Breast Milk

What are the 2 main groups of STIs, what's the difference

Bacterial STIs- can be cured with medication

Viral STIs- Can be treated but never cured.

Birth control = ?


3 types of birth control

Abstinence- not having sex

Hormonal- Hormones send a message to the ovaries, require a doctors prescription.

Barrier- Blocks sperm from reaching the egg

What are hormones

A chemical substance produced by glands

Stages of baby and how it develops

1. Cell

2. Embryo

3. Fetus

4. Baby

What effects baby development



Enviroment- mothers uterus

Contraception = ?

When the female egg and male sperm meet

What does advocate mean?

A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy

What do testes mean?

The male reproductive gland, in which the sperm and the male sex Hormones are produced