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A reads text to speech;

32 Cards in this Set

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Editors of Journals or editors working for publishing houses who review manuscripts submitted or accepted for publication
Editorial Readers
Reviewers within an agency or foundation who evaluate grant proposals to determine if they should be funded
External Reviewers
An intermediate or end-product process aimed at identifying problem areas in proposals and making suggestions for improving their ability to get funded
Grant Evaluation
The social, political, and psychological dynamics of a workplace that affect how a writer writes to/for readers in that organization, and how readers will respond to that writing
Institutional Culture
A reader in your professional area (chemistry for example) who reviews your article or research report to determine its scholarly content and contributions to the field and makes recommendation as to whether or not the paper should published in a professional journal
Professional Reader
Recorded feedback from readers that allows the writer to hear the reader's response as s/he is using a document; a useful tool for spotting problem areas in a document
Protocol Analysis
Responses from readers/users of a document about the document's accessibility, clarity, reliability, readability, and utility
Reader feedback
The process of rethinking or re-invisioning a text
Testing a document (often a set of technical instructions) in the workplace to see how the users respond to and use the instructions for information
Usability Testing
A verb format in which the subject of a sentence does the action
Active Voice
To be clear. Professional writing aims to be clear and straight forward for its target audience
A sentence with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause
Complex Sentence
A sentence with at least two independent clauses
Compound sentence
A sentence with at least two independent clauses and and one dependent clause
compound-complex sentence
To be brief and to the point. Professional writing should use no more words than necessary
Any modifier (adjective or adverb), often a participal phrase or clause, that has no referent in the sentence; hanging her head, the desk looked like a disaster
Dangling modifier
The part of a sentence that includes a subject and a verb. If it weren't for a subordinating word, such as "when", or subordinating form, dependent clauses would be sentences
Dependent or subordinate clause
Reviewing a late draft for content, writing, or design problems and repairing them
An incomplete construction (clause or phrase) that is not a complete thought and cannot stand alone.
The structure of the language, how its parts interrelate to create meaning, and the rules that govern its use.
Writing that respects and acknowledges the interests and concerns of all readers
Inclusive writing
A full sentence with a complete subject and predicate
Independent Clause
A modifier (adjective or adverb) that is not near what it modifies and thereby creates confusion
misplaced modifier
Items that serve the same purpose in a sentence are in the same grammatical format: Bring the following items to school: pencils, paper, pens, crayons. each item in that list is a noun
The building blocks of language: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections
Parts of speech
A verb form in which the subject of the sentence recieves the action: Mary was hit by lightening
Passive voice
A combination of words that function as a unit. Phrases do not have fall subjects and verbs. Some examples prepositional or participal phrases
The final step before printing and distributing a document. When you proofread, check for mechanical, grammatical, or content errors. It is very much like editing, but since it is so late in the process, you concentrate on smaller sentence-level problems or repairs
How a sentence is constructed. There are four kinds of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.
Sentence structure
A sentence with one independent clause
Simple sentence
A list of words, phrases, and design decisions for a given document. Style sheets help writers ensure correctness and consistency throughout a document
Style sheet
A common sytlistic problem in professional writing. It means using more words than necessary to make a point. Repairing wordiness is a simple matter of cutting extraneous words without changing the meaning