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90 Cards in this Set

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Where the digestion of carbohydrates begin
Propulsion of food through the gastrointestinal tract
Villi and micro villi
Cause surface area in the small intestine to increase
Artificially acquired active immunity
Immunity produced by a vaccine
Are released by damaged cells to draw out white blood cells
Enhances destruction of pathogens
Fertility rate
The average number of children a women will have durning childbearing years
Less developed countries
Fertility rates are highest
Crude birth rate and crude death rate
Defined by the number of births and deaths per 1,000 people per year
Taxonomy hierarchy in order
Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Natural selection
Survival of the fittest
Stretches of DNA on a chromosome that make an organisms characteristics
Name of all the different forms of genes produced by a mutation
Changes in DNA that affect how the gene functions
Nucleic acids
Store and transmit hereditary info
Type of sugar
Phosphate group
A molecule in the backbone of DNA And RNA that links adjoining bases together
Nitrogen base
Molecule found in DNA and RNA that encodes genetic info
5 types of nitrogen bases
Adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil
Found in both DNA and RNA
Adenine, cytosine, guanine
Found only in DNA
Found only in RNA
RNA is the messenger between.
DNA and protein production
Type of cell that can function independently of other cells there DNA is located in the nucleoid
Cell wall
Separates the inside and the outside of a cell
Gel like fluid that houses organelles
Condensed DNA of a cell
Circular portions of DNA not associated with nucleoid
Manufactures proteins for cells from RNA
Long and whip like and project outward from the cell
Site of atp production in cells
Is present in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
DNA is found in the nucleus
Central dogma of biology
States that DNA gives rise to RNA which gives rise to protein
Large structures of DNA that create genes
Cellular differentiation occurs in
Embryo and adult
Early stages of a plant or animal after fertilization
Process of cell duplication
Interphase of a cell consist of
S phase G1 and G2
How is DNA double helix released to allow replication
Enzymes initiate the unwinding of DNA and release two complimentary strands of that DNA so DNA polymerase enzymes can duplicate them
Cells that form a new organism via sexual reproduction
Process by which gametes reduce there DNA
Diploid cells
Cells that contain toe sets of chromosomes
Haploid cells
Cells containing only one chromosome
Cells found in diploid cells that are twins
Mitosis prophase
The spindle fibers form and the centrioles moves to opposite sides of the cell. Nuclear membrane disappears
Mitosis metaphase
The chromosome align midway along the spindle fibers
Mitosis anaphase
The chromosome begins to separate from their daughters. Cytokinesis begins
Mitosis telophase
Identical sets of chromosome are at opposite ends of the cell. Spindle fibers disappear, nuclear membranes reappear, and cytokinesis completes
Meiosis prophase1
Homologous chromosome condense and link in the process-forming tetrads. This allows crossing over or recombination to occur
Meiosis metaphase1
Homologous chromosomes move to the metaphase plate
Meiosis anaphase1
Homologous chromosomes separate, but the sister chromatids stay together
Meiosis telophase1
Cytokinesis has occurred and two haploid daughter cells are the result
Meiosis prophase 2
A brief stage in which spindle fibers begin to reappear and centrioles move to opposite poles
Meiosis metaphase 2
Sister chromatids align at a new metaphase plate
Meiosis anaphase 2
Sister chromatids separate
Meiosis telophase 2
Four haploid cells result after cytokinesis
During meiosis what happens to a diploid cell
Gives rise to 4 haploid cells
Process by which the energy from sunlight is trapped by chlorophyll and used for synthesis of glucose
Organelle in plants that allows photosynthesis to occur
Proteins are responsible for
Expression of genetic traits
Complete set of DNA that make up a persons genes
DNA polymerase
Major enzyme responsible for DNA replication in cells
Physical expression of genetic traits
The organisms underlying genetic makeup and code
Punnett square
A graph to show All the possible combinations of alleles given by two parents
A large saturated hydrocarbon will contain
More than twice as many hydrogen atoms as carbon atoms
Cells are a higher level of organization than
What is needed for cellular waste recycling
What system contains the mouth and anus
Respiratory system
Keeps the body's cells supplied with oxygen: lungs larynx, nasal cavity
Endocrine system
Controls body function: thyroid thymus and adrenal
Provides support and protection for the whole body
which by-products of cellular respiration is used by autotrophs in the production of glucose
carbon dioxide
what bond is primarily responsible for base pairing in complementary strands of DNA
DNA polymerase proofreading
is the first defense against mutations during DNA replication
after passing through the stomach, food continues into what structure
are associated with spindle fibers during mitosis
absorption of water occurs in what part of the gastrointestinal tract
the stage at which individual tissue layers begin to form
liberates oh in solution
the property of a base
during which stage of interphase is mrna synthesized
chlorine ions
a catalytic reaction involved in the breakdown of the ozone
superior vena receives blood from
veins of the upper body
inferior veins receive blood from
veins of the lower body
ascending and descending artoa receive blood from
the heart
pulls air into the body during inspiration
how do inhbibitors affect the rate of enzymes
they block the active sites of the substrate, causing greatly reduced activity
the process by which RNA relay information to the ribsomes
produce bile that begin to breakdown fat