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109 Cards in this Set

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Business Analyst
(Nontechnical) Adds bridge between business users/clients and the team. They bring the job to the team. Stay in all the stages of the project, at each stage the business analyst should communicate with the business users with updates (time, progress)
Data Analyst (stream)
Technical/Nontechnical position. A person who will analyze the data that you should put in your mission. ~ They will know what will be the system specifications, how much space is required. Model the data, give that data a structure and put it in your database, give you clean data.
Developers (Front/backend)
Querying, store data, backbone of the company. Front end give structure of how the project should look.
Database Administrator (DBA)
Administrators of the team, they are developers as well as developers that can handle administrative stuff. DBA do installations, resolve issues.
Project Manager
can be technical, not necessary, in charge of overseeing the whole project, manages timeframes, overall boss
Team Leader
in smaller companies, he/she is a project manager
Testers (QA)
Involved in each phase, but mostly the testing phase. Thoroughly check the developer's work. Report issues back to the developer(s).
basic, developers playground, developers can do w/e they want.
Test product that was sent by the developer
involving the user to the test the product, this is called UAT(User Acceptance Testing)
Live environment, database is up-to-date. Staging may not have up-to-date information (couple days, or week late).
How a project is modeled to its finished product.
Gathering requirements (business requirements)
BA’s are responsible to gather the business requirements from the business users. 3 most important people BA,PM (deadlines), TL(talk in technical, decide whether project is feasible or not) involved in team meetings. Different meetings: JRD or JAD.
joint requirement development (required) Discuss among the business users to get requirements. The output of this meeting business requirement document (BRD) prepared by the BA. Storybook, will have all the details.
joint requirement development (required) Discuss among the business users to get requirements. The output of this meeting business requirement document (BRD) prepared by the BA. Storybook, will have all the details.
Joint application development meetings discussions of higher technical terminology on how the product can be done. Entire team is included except business users. Outputs: (FRD) Functional requirement document, (SRS) System Requirement Specification, both these documents are created DA & Devs. FRD = Pictorial representation of BRD. SRS = all the details are specified for new software.
Joint application development meetings discussions of higher technical terminology on how the product can be done. Entire team is included except business users. Outputs: (FRD) Functional requirement document, (SRS) System Requirement Specification, both these documents are created DA & Devs. FRD = Pictorial representation of BRD. SRS = all the details are specified for new software.
(Business) Analysis
DA will check if the data fits, all information is checked. Whatever data is coming in will not affect the existing data.
Structure. Designing how the product should look like.
Development of the product
Thorough testing
UAT (User acceptance Testing)
UAT, any person outside of the team/company will be a user.
Production Release
Live Environment
Business Process
Different ways we use SDLC
Waterfall Model
Linear, sequential design process. Each phase must be completed in order to move on to the next phase. There is no reversing from previous stage. Used when: Requirements are very well documented. No ambiguous requirements.
Scrum (standup) meetings
Day-to-day meeting with only the developers
Conceptual Phase
All basic requirements are gathered, documents are done(JRD, BRD). Create ER Diagram draft, will need to refined (iterative process) until accurate. Output = finalized ER diagram.
Logical Phase
Cannot modify final ER diagram. Identify key attributes and constraints (all key constraints). Normalization. Language: Tables, columns. Output = normalized ER diagram.
Physical Phase
Work on any data modelling tool. MS Visio is expensive. ERwin is cheap, has new features. Translate from paper to computer (design canvas). Forward engineer to achieve physical instance (tables, columns).
Forward Engineering
brand new project, conception, logical to physical (1->2->3)
Reverse Engineering
there is already an existing database, when changes are required to the existing system, moving from the physical phase to logical phase. Find out the relationships between the tables, find constraints.
rows in a tables.
set of valid values for an attribute, datatype of a particular attribute (e.g. varchar, int)
absence of ANY value
How entities relate to one another
how many entities in a relationship
only one entity involved in the relationship
two entities involved
three entities involved
Measure of participation
Primary key
unique identifier, one primary key per table, SQL automatically creates a unique clustered index
Foreign key
points to PK
Candidate Key
key to be used in place of PK
Composite Key
key made of multiple keys
Unique key
Unique identifier, unique key can be NULL, more than one, up to 249
SQL 2005, up to 999
Surrogate key (OLAP)
Data warehouse PK (OLTP it’s called Primary Key)
Alternate key
any candidate keys not being used
Weak Entity
Dependence on another Entity (e.g. employee’s spouse cannot stand by itself if employee leaves company)
One to Many
One entity may or may not have a relationship with another entity.
Many entities may or may not have a relationship with some entities.
Surrogate key (OLAP)
(PK in OLTP) Surrogate key is an auto generated integer column.
defaults a value
Initial Row Count max rows growth by month
Use Inherited constraint
If someone is trying to enter any data other than current it will reject it.
use inherited default value
Null, some other value
Entity Integrity
Strong PK with no Nulls or Repeats (must be unique).
Domain Integrity
Correct and proper data type. Domain integrity specifies that all columns in a relational database must be declared upon a defined domain (set of allowable values).
User-Defined Integrity
Rules or constraints applied by the user to maintain rules of design, which do not belong to the entity, domain and referential integrity categories.
Referential Integrity
Each and every parent may or may not have a child, every child must reference to a parent. Every FK must refer to a PK or be null.
Structured Query Language
Structured Query Language
(1970) General SQL, framework, SELECT, DELETE commands
Transact SQL (Implicit transactions)
SSMS SQL Server Management Studio
Not the database, application used to access database engine.
Database Engine
The actual core part of the RDBMS. Capable of processing and executing the queries, managing the data. DE is somewhere on the hard drive installed. The front end (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) allows you to write /communicate/access with the database engine. Server type: [SSRS, SSIS]
SQL Server Authentication
Not only do you need to get into windows you need a separate key/pw to get authorized to the SQL server.
Hierarchy = SQL Server
(name) -> Databases -> Schema ->Tables -> Columns
a batch terminator. Used to break down the script into multiple batches. used to separate batches from scripts, before the statement the first batch will be executed, and after the statement will be executed after. Recommended to use for DDL
DDL Statements (Data Definition Language)
Create, Alter, Drop
You are defining the structure of the table
DDL Statements (Data Definition Language)
Create, Alter, Drop
You are defining the structure of the table
In this method we are creating stand alone table first and then issue Alter Table statements for creating constraints. This method should be used when there are a lot of tables to write and you can’t determine the order of the tables (based on the FKs)
<> <> <
null/not null>> ,...)
alter column <> <> <
null/not null>>
add <> <> <
null/not null>>
In this method constraints are created while creating the table (while defining the column itself: column level). Developer need to follow a particular order for table creating, that means there happens to be code dependency. We don’t have any control over the constraint names, constraint names are automatically assigned by SQL Server
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
delete is slower DML statement, DML
Insert/Update/Delete are detailed logged
select predicate
columns that come after the “select” statement
search predicate
after the “where” clause
1 search predicate
internally this is faster than using a where clause with two search predicates occurrences of any string or digit.
one occurrence of any string or digit
(called carrot) negation (negative)
Regular expression
any formula, that you pass to a string ~~
order date
current date
System functions
predefined functions
filter databases with non-aggregate columns
filtering based on aggregate columns
used by SQL server as a scratch pad, for sorting, grouping, the tempdb will hold the information. Where statements result will go first to the tempdb, then group by, then having predicates. You can create tables in tempdb for temporary work. These will
Inner Join
Inner Join will get you all matching records from left table and right table based on the joining condition.
Outer Join
Non-matching records All non-matching records from the the left table [with the corresponding NULLs on the right table]. RLOJ = LOJ
IJ All non-matching records from the the right table [with the corresponding NULLs on the left table]. RROJ = ROJ
Self Join (logical)
If the left and the right table happen to be the same table, meaning if you are joining the table with itself, regardless of which type of join you use, is called a self join.
Nested Subqueries (Faster)
No correlation from the subquery to the outer query, the subquery can relate..
Correlated Subqueries (Avoid, performance very slow compared to nested)
if you are writing a query that depends on another query then the entire block is correlated.
remove the duplicate records
union all
keeps the duplicate
first result set minus the second result set
only common records
permanent table
permanent virtual table
Data Control Language
Regular View
It is a type of view in which you are free to make any DDL changes on the underlying table. In this view, if you make some DDL changes on the column(s) which are referred by a view, view becomes inaccessible and becomes an orphan view. You can also do any DML operations on the underlying table.
Schema-binding table
It is a type of view in which the schema (columns) of a view is physically bound to the schema of the underlying table. This means you are not allowed to perform any DDL changes or operations to the underlying table, only on the columns which are referred in the view structure. All the columns which are not referred by the view structure from the base table can still undergo DDL changes. DML operations are ok on the underlying table.
Indexed/Materialized View
Is created when you create a unique clustered index on a schema binding view. One copy will be in the base table the other in the index structure. It has its own data, not a virtual table; a physical, permanent table. If you create a unique clustered index on a schemabinding view that particular view is called indexed/materialized view. Once you create an index view it no longer qualifies to be a virtual table but actually holds data rows. This means there are two copies of same data, one in the underlying table and one in the indexed view.
Written Exam
writing queries on paper (create/alter/join/subqueries)