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117 Cards in this Set

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What is pathogenesis?

Occurrence, development and change of a disease.

What can contribute to disease or pathogenesis?

An imbalance of Yin and Yang, dysfunction of zang-fu organs, meridians, Qi, Blood and body fluids.

When does pathogenesis occur?

When Qi (Upright Qi) and Pathogens struggle (Upright Qi includes all types of Qi and Blood.)

No Pathogen + Normal Upright Qi =

Perfect Health

No Pathogen + deficient Upright Qi =

Deficiency Condition (aka empty condition)

Strong Pathogen + Strong Upright Qi =

Full Condition

Strong Pathogen + deficiency Upright Qi =

Full/Empty Condition

Weak Pathogen + Strong Upright Qi =

Full/Empty Condition

Weak Pathogen + Deficient Upright Qi =

Full or Empty condition (chronic)

Weak and deficient also means _______________


Strong also means _________________


What are some details on:

No Pathogen + deficient Upright Qi =

Deficiency Condition (aka empty condition)

- Mild symptoms

- Chronic disease developing slowly

- Internal only ( chronic int. only condition. Ex: SP Qi def because of lifestyle or KD Yang def from overwork etc.)

What are some details on:

Strong Pathogen + Strong Upright Qi =

Full Condition

- Internal or External

- Acute or Chronic

- Strong symptoms

- If external and acute, will have high fever (Ex. Strong wind/heat in a healthy person)(Lv Qi stagnation due to repressed emotions overtime will have more pronounced symptoms.)

What are some details on:

Strong Pathogen + deficiency Upright Qi =

Full/Empty Condition

- Mixed excess and def. patterns

- Internal or external

- External: Mild ex: body aches and mild fever

- Internal: Post viral fatigue. Can't seem to shake the symptoms completely. Pathogen penetrates deeper causing chronic condition

What are some details on:

Weak Pathogen + Strong Upright Qi =

Full/Empty Condition

- Internal or External

- Because pathogen is weak and upright Qi is strong, symptoms are mild.

- With external wind invasion, chills, or mild fever.

- Internal condition may have dampness with very few clinical manifestations.

What are some details on:

Weak Pathogen + Deficient Upright Qi =

Full or Empty condition (chronic)

- Can be full because there's still a pathogenic factor involved.

- Can be external or internal with super mild symptoms.

- External Condition: Mild invasion of wind-cold symptoms. No fever or chills. Internal Condition: Already has dampness or phlegm so the pathogen causes the symptoms to linger.

Explain an imbalance of Yin and Yang:

An excess of Yang brings about heat signs; and excess of Yin brings about cold signs. An excess of Yang leads to disorder of Yin and vice versa.

Excess yang produces excess _____________


Pathogenic yang is ____________ caused by ______________ pathogens that invade the body.

Heat or Fire - External Yang

What is caused by External Yang pathogens in the body?

- Wind-Heat

- Summer Heat

- Dryness

- Phlegm (also brings heat)

*anything that stagnates brings on heat (Qi, Blood, etc.)

Heat that is derived from the transformation of other pathogenic factors such as:

- Cold turning to heat

- Phlegm turning to heat

- Qi stagnation turning to heat in the blood, etc.

Excess yang producing heat symptoms can be internally generated from:

- Emotions: All 7 emotions can turn into fire.

- Diet and Stress can also cause heat.

What are symptoms of pathogenic heat?

- Heat

- Thirst

- Dark Urine

What are the main organs affected by heat?

- Heart

- Lung

- Stomach

- Liver

Heat injures ______________ and can lead to Yin deficiency.

Ying Qi

Excess Yin produces __________ symptoms.


External Yin pathogens that invade the body are:

- Wind-cold

- Cold Damp

External cold which invades the interior directly affects which organs:

- Stomach

- Intestines and Uterus

External cold which invades the channels and joints causes _________ pain.

Bi pain (Bi=blockage)

Pathogenic yin can cause symptoms such as ________, __________ and _____________ that are yin pathogens but often derive from yang deficiency.

Cold, Dampness and Phlegm

Symptoms of pathogenic yin (excess yin) are:

- Cold feeling

- Cold limbs

- Pain

- Pail urine

What are the main organs affected by cold?

- Stomach

- Lung

- Intestines and Uterus

Pathogenic Yin obstructs Yang Qi so leads to ___________.

Yang deficiency

A relative deficiency of Yin or Yang is due to the hypo-function of and _________, _________ or ____________.

Substance, organ or meridian.

Yang deficiency is also known as:

- Cold syndrome due to Yang def.

- Deficiency Cold

Yang deficiency cold is true weakness or absence of physiological heat in the body, caused by:

- Weak constitution

- Improper diet (excessive consumption of cold food)

- Excessive physical work or overwork

Over months, deficiency cold injures yang Qi causing ___________.

Yang Deficiency

Symptoms of Yang def. (aka deficiency cold) are:

- Feeling Cold

- Aversion to cold

- Desire for warmth

- Cold limbs

- Pale Urine

- No energy

- Slow pulse

Main organs affected by Yang def. (aka deficiency cold) are:

- Heart

- Spleen

- Lung

- Kidney

- Stomach

Yin Deficiency is also known as:

- Heat syndrome due to Yin Def.

- Deficiency Heat

Yang pathogens impair or consume ________ substances.

Yin substances (Yin Blood, Body Fluids, Essence)

Yang pathogens impairing yin (yin def.) is caused by:

- Over work

- External pathogen which consumes body fluids and yin as in febrile disease (signs of fever.)

- Yin def (def heat) can cause fire over time.

- Internal causes from intestinal fire from emotions or other reasons that can consume yin.

What are the symptoms of yin deficiency?

- Dryness (mouth, skin, eyes)

- Drinking in small sips

- Feeling warm or hot in the afternoons

- Malar flush

- Night sweats

What are the tongue and pulse for Yin deficiency?

- Red tongue with no coating

- Rapid pulse

What are the main organs affected by Yin def.?

- Heart

- Lung

- Kidney

- Liver

- Stomach

Deficiency of both Yin and Yang simultaneously usually occur:

In times such as menopause, causing aging symptoms and a mixture of cold and heat symptoms.

Yin depletion is:

A sudden, massive consumption or loss of fluids, leading to severe yin deficiency.

Symptoms of yin depletion are:

- Profuse Sweating

- Severe Vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Massive bleeding

- Red Face

- Coma or Fainting (as with heart attack)

Yang depletion is:

When pathogens deep in the body exhaust Qi.

Symptoms of Yang depletion are:

- Profuse cold sweating

- cold extremities

- exhaustion

- very weak pulse (as in kidney failure)

Which way should Qi normally move?

Ascend and Exit (yang movement) and defend and enter (yin movement.)

External diseases usually affect:

The entering and exiting movement of Qi.

Internal diseases usually affect:

The ascending and descending mechanisms of Qi

The movement of Qi can also be disrupted in the channels, usually due to _____________ in the channels or local stagnation due to __________ or _________________.

External pathogenic factors

Trauma or repetitive strain.

What is the main symptom for Qi obstruction?


_________ and __________ Qi to the orifices (mind, eyes, nose, mouth & ears) is important for normal function.

Ascending and Decending

When Qi fails to ascend to the orifices, these symptoms occur:

- Blurred vison

- Difficulty hearing

- Absent or diminished sense of smell

- Less sense of taste

- Poor memory

- Muzziness and unclear thinking

When Qi fails to descend from orifices, these are the symptoms that occur:

- Sticky, painful eyes

- Excessive ear wax

- Blocked/runny nose

- Sticky taste in mouth

- Feeling of heaviness and muzziness in head

- Dizziness

When we speak of Qi deficiency, we're usually referring to ______ if nothing else is specified.


What can cause Qi deficiency?

- Weak constitution

- Chronic illness

- Emotions

- Improper Lifestyle

- Being overworked

What are the symptoms of Qi deficiency?

- Weak voice

- Some shortness of breath

- Fatigue

- Spontaneous sweat

- Catching flu frequently

- Slow Digestion and Poor appetite

- Loose stools

If we're speaking of Qi stagnation, we're usually referring to ___________ unless otherwise specified.


What causes Qi stagnation?

- Emotions

- Trauma

- Phlegm

- Food

- Body Fluids or Blood Stagnation

What are the symptoms of Qi stagnation?

- Abdominal Distention

- Distending pain which moves

- Irritability

- Frequent mood swings

- Gloomy feeling

- Frequent sighing

- Wiry pulse

When we're referring to Qi rebelling, we're usually referring to __________ unless specified.


What is Qi rebelling?

Qi flowing in the wrong direction.

What are the causes of Qi rebelling?

- Emotions

- Stagnation of Qi, blood or pathogens

(cold-dampness-phlegm accumulation)

What are the symptoms of Qi rebelling in Lung?

Qi rebells upwards causing cough and asthma.

What are the symptoms of Qi rebelling in Stomach?

Qi rebells upwards causing nausea, vomiting, hiccups, acid reflux, belching.

What are the symptoms of Qi rebelling in Liver?

Qi rebells upwards to the head, causing headaches, dizziness, irritability.

What are the symptoms of Lv Qi rebelling horizontally against the St?

Belching, nausea and vomiting.

What are the symptoms of Lv Qi rebelling horizontally agains the Spleen?


What are the symptoms of Lv Qi rebelling horizontally agains Intestines?

Dry stools

What are the symptoms when Qi rebells downwards?

Burning urination

When we're referring to Qi sinking, we're usually referring to __________ unless otherwise specified.


What are the causes of Qi sinking?

- Weak constitution

- Sp Qi is already deficient and then pathogen invasion further weakens the Sp.

- Depression

- Prolapse of organs

- Empty Pulse

What are the symptoms of Qi sinking?

- Qi def symptoms

- Bearing down section in lower abdomen

- Mental depression

- Prolapse of organs

- Empty pulse

Blood deficiency are the disharmonies of which organs?

Liv unless specified.

Can also affect Sp and KD.

Blood deficiency is caused by:

- Organs not making enough blood (Sp+Lu+KD+HRT)

- Chronic bleeding or illness

- Overuse of mental activity

What are the symptoms of blood deficiency?

Dull, white, sallow complexion, Pale lips and fingernails, Dizzy, Palpitations, numbness, blurred vision, poor memory (HRT, Liv, KD), tingling, insomnia, scanty or no periods, depression, pale slightly dry tongue, choppy fine pulse.

Blood stasis is caused by:

- Qi stagnation

- Qi deficiency

- Heat in the blood

- Blood deficiency

- Interior Cold or Phlegm accumulation

Symptoms of blood stasis are:

Dark complexion, purple lips and nails, stabbing fixed pain, masses that do not move, stabbing headache, clots in menses blood with dark blood, painful periods, purple tongue, wiry or choppy pulse.

Blood heat is caused by:

Internal or external heat/fire, emotions.

Symptoms of blood heat are:

Feeling of heat, skin diseases with red eruptions, thirst, bleeding (internal or external,) a red tongue, rapid pulse.

Body fluids are similar to ________ so the manifestations are similar.


The causes of body fluids deficiency are:

Dietary (excess baked foods, drying foods or irregular eating,) heavy or prolonged loss of body fluids (vomiting,) sever loss of blood due to accident, surgery, dry-heat pathogens invasion becoming chronic, illness, emotions turn to fire, excessive intake of dry-pungent foods/herbs, trauma causing bleeding, vomiting, profuse sweating.

Symptoms of body fluids deficiency are:

Dry skin, mouth, nose, cough, lips and dry tongue

Symptoms of body fluids deficiency in LU:

Dry cough and dry skin. No phlegm and nose bleed (dry and dark.)

Symptoms of body fluids deficiency in ST:

Dry tongue with horizontal cracks and dry mouth with no desire to drink or if there is, small sips.

Symptoms of body fluids deficiency in KD:

Scanty urine, dry mouth at night and dry throat

Symptoms of body fluids deficiency in LI:

Dry Stool, small, constipation

Body fluid accumulation/edema is caused by:

Disturbances in the distribution and discharge of fluids due to Yang deficiency of KD, SP and LU, dampness, phlegm or Qi stagnation.

Symptoms of body fluid excess are:

Edema which can be pitted (Yang def) or non-pitted (Qi stagnation or dampness.)

Symptoms of excess body fluids in LU:

Affects upper jiao mostly, edema on face and hands. (ask if they have had lymph nodes removed.)

Symptoms of excess body fluids in SP:

Edema in middle jiao, distended abdomen and limbs.

Symptoms of excess fluids in KD:

Edema in lower parts of the body, legs and ankles.

What are the 5 internal pathogens?

- Wind

- Cold

- Dampness

- Dryness

- Fire

Symptoms of Liv Yang upper rising stirring wind (emotions):

- Tremor

- Dizzy

- Mouth deviation

- Hemiplegia

- Sudden fainting

Symptoms of extreme heat inducing wind (febrile acute disease):

- Convulsions

- Spasm

- High Fever

- Delirium

- Coma

Symptoms of Liver Yin deficiency generating wind (late stage of disease):

- Twitching

- Cramping

- Tremors

- Involuntary limb movements (on and off)

Symptoms of Liver blood deficiency generating wind (SP Qi def or loss of blood or chronic illness):

- Numb skin and muscles

- Tic

- Tensed muscles

Symptoms of body fluids def, generates blood dryness:

- Dry Skin

- Itchy Skin

- Scaly

- Flaky skin

Symptoms of SP Yang def. causing cold:

- Aversion to cold

- Loves heat

- Cold limbs

- Muscle spasms

- Fatigue

- Pale

Symptoms of KD Yang def, causing cold:

- Profuse clear urine

- Diarrhea

- Watery stoof

- Edema (feet area)

Symptoms of LU Yang def.:

- Cough

- Asthma

- Thin/watery frothy sputum

Symptoms of SP Qi def. causing accumulation of dampness:

- Distension & fullness of abdomen

- Poor appetite

- Sweet taste in mouth (Pancreas)

- Thick & greasy tongue coating

Symptoms of body fluids deficiency (dryness) affecting the ST:

Constipation with dry small stools

Symptoms of excess heat fire blazing:

Palpitations, thirst, mouth or tongue ulcers, mental agitation, restlessness, insomnia, red face, dark urine, bitter taste in mouth, red tip on tongue, yellow thick coat.

Symptoms of phlegm disturbing fire & harassing heart:

Palpitations, dream disturbed sleep, incoherent speech, mental confusion, uncontrolled behaviour, red tongue w/ sticky coat.

Symptoms of Liver yang turning into fire blazing:

Temporal headache, angry, red face & eyes, constipation, dark yellow urine, dizzy, irritable, tinnitus, nose bleed, red sides of tongue, thick yellow coat.

Symptoms of diet bringing on ST Fire:

Heart burn, loves cold drinks, very hungry, swelling & bleeding gums, nausea, bad breath, insomnia, red tongue with thick yellow dry coat in centre.

Symptoms of cold-damp affecting SP:

Heavy head, heavy body, no appetite, loose stools, fatigue, white vaginal discharge, cold body (improved by warmth), sticky-thin white tongue coating.

Symptoms of Damp-fire affecting LV and GB:

Rib and chest fullness, jaundice, yellow vaginal discharge, fever, scanty dark urine, abdominal bloating, itchy-red swollen scrotum, red sides of tongue with yellow sticky coat.

Symptoms of Damp-fire affecting BL:

Frequent-urgent urination, burning difficult urination, blood in urine, thirst, red spots at the toot of the tongue with thick yellow coat at the root also.

Symptoms of Damp-fire affecting LI:

Diarrhea with abdominal pain, mucus and blood in stool, offensive stool odour, burning anus, sticky sweat, scanty dark urine, heavy lower limbs, red tongue with sticky yellow coat.

Visible/palpable phlegm comes out:

The mouth and nose, etc.

Invisible phlegm does what?

Harasses Heart/Mind and creates mental illness.