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7 Cards in this Set

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Pattern Identification according to 4 Levels?
Wen Bing Lun
Discussion on Warm Diseases
Ye Tain Shi (1677-1746)
Wei/Defensive Qi Level
Clinical Manifestations
aversion to cold,
sore throat,
slight sweating,
runny nose with yellow discharge, body aches,
slight thirst,
red tongue tip and margin and a floating, rapid pulse.
Qi Level
Clinical Manifestations?
aversion to heat, r
ed tongue with a yellow coating, and a rapid pulse
* Cough,
asthmatic breathing,
chest pain,
expectoration of sticky yellow sputum
* constipation with dry stools, fullness,
hardness and pain in the abdomen, tidal fever,
great thirst, a
red tongue with a dry, yellow coating and a deep forceful pulse
Ying Level/Nutritive-Qi Level
Clinical Manifestations
Feverishness of the body which is worse at night,
dry mouth without a strong desire to drink,
mental restlessness,
possible coma,
delirium and incoherent speech, indistinct macules,
a red crimson tongue and a
fine rapid pulse
Order going from lower to higher richer and stickiness
water= Bf.---Blood---Yin---Essence
In Chinese Medicine, water is outside of body
Functions of Body fluids: moistening and nourshing
BF= water (90%) + nutriton (90/10)
Blood= Body Fluids + nutritive Qi (30/70)
Yin= Blood + more nutritive Qi (20/90)
Essence = Yin + more nutritive Qi (90%)
Pattern Identification According to 4 Levels
Xue/ Blood Level (Ht)– Excess Heat Pattern
Heat Victorious Moving Blood
Clinical Manifestations?
Burning heat of the body,
mental restlessness,
manic behavior,
distinct dark macules,
vomiting of blood,
blood in urine,
blood in stool,
a crimson or purple tongue, and a fine, rapid pulse
(fine pulse does not always mean weak. Can be fine and strong.)
Xue Level / Blood Level
Deficient Heat Pattern
Clinical Manifestations?
Long-Standing low grade tidal fever, 5 palm heat,
dry mouth and throat,
listlessness (shen disturbed), hearing loss,
possible tics or tremors of the limbs with small amplitude (versus excess which is gross)
, thin dry tongue without coating and a weak, fine, rapid pulse