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27 Cards in this Set

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Two classes of epithelial TISSUES with types of epithelial CELLS
1) simple (one layer thick) 2) stratified (2 or more layers). epithelium will have squamous, columnar, cuboid cells.
cell structure linking two cells physically
basal lamina (basement membrane)
close contact with connective tissue. facilitates transport of molecules and anchor cells in place.
2 types of junctions
tight junctions, gap junctions,
tight junctions
impermeable to fluids, link cells together.
secrete connective proteins
examples of connective proteins
elastin, reticulin, collagen
insoluble connective protein
types of connective tissues
bone, blood, cartilage, adipocytes, mast cells, melanocytes,
fibroblast secreting cartilage
mast cells
secrete histamine
function of histamine
increase blood flow to produce inflamation
Nernst equation with respect to inside of cell
relation of size of neuron to speed of current
cross-sectional area is proportional to speed. because of more ions and more cytosol
resting state of neuron (detailed) with definition of equilibrium potential
K+ permeability higher than Na+ permeability. High K+ inside, High Na+ outside. Diffusion of K+ more powerful than electrostatics. Gives outside positive charge, despite lower concentration of K+.

The point at which this electric field completely counteracts the force due to diffusion is called the equilibrium potential
An area which has just been depolarized will leak positive Na+ charge to adjacent areas. This area will then become more positively charged, leading to some Na+ ionphores to open. The ratio of open Na+ ionpores to K+ ionopores will give the threshold potential. Once this threshold potential is reached, all the Na+ pores open and Na+ floods into the cell, making it positively charged.
refractory period
1 msec after Na+ flood, the Na+ ionopores close and enter a refracttory period of a few msecs.
K+ pores open once Na+ pores close. K+ flows through concentration gradient to outside. potential goes from +40 to -87 mV (overshoots) because the potential that the K+ channels closes are below the resting potential which is made by the Na+/K+ pump.
K+ leaving the cell makes the potential more negative. It overshoots its target of -80mV for resting potential and is hyperpolarized to -87mV
myelinating cells inside the CNS
inside: oligodendrocytes
myelinating cells outside the CNS
outside: schwann cells
name of type of conduction with myelinated cells
saltatory conduction. from the latin word for "dancing", because the action potential seems to skip from node of ranvier to node of ranvier
action potential reaches terminal button then?
Ca2+ volted channels open. Ca2+ comes into button. Causes acetylcholine to be released because synaptic vessesls are merged with postsynaptic membrance.
acetylcholine released into postsynaptic cleft causes--
Na+ channels to open (NOT voltagegated, sino ligandgated)
acetylcholine in the cleft
if left, will keep exciting postsynaptic neuron, so it is degenerated into acetate and choline by acetylcholinesterase
what is acetylcholine made of and where made
cytosol from Ace-CoA and choline
what is nernst potential?
if you have a membrane which is selectively permeable to an ion which has different concentrations on each side, then a seperation of charge will occur on both sides of the membrane. This will produce a potential difference. The nernst potential is the potential which is needed to stop the ion from moving down its conentration gradient.
Which totally makes sense. The reason it can be calculated from jstu the concentrations is because there will be some point which the electrostatic build-up of charge will repel any more change in cx from diffusion.