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69 Cards in this Set

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What does "halo" mean?
What is the only mold that isn't considered a fungus?
Slime Molds
What is the purpose of the cell wall?
What are the 4 sections of Kingdom Protista?
Diatoms, Amoeba, Paramecium, and Euglena
Describe diatoms.
-10,000 different species
-made up of 2 shells
-each daughter gets 1 shell and builds the other
Describe amoebas.
-no cell wall
-not bacteria
-have extensions called pseudopods
What is phagocytosis?
How amoebas get food using pseudopods
What amoeba gets into peoples eyes?
Amoeba Canthis
Describe paramecium.
-1 celled eukaryote
-have a gullet
-ciliated protozoan
Describe euglena.
-have chloroplasts
-have a gullet
-have an eyespot
-have a long flagellum
What were the first cells on Earth?
How long have Archaeans been on earth?
3.8 billion years
How long have eukaryotes been on earth?
2.7 billion years
Do Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes have a true membrane? Which one doesn't have a membrane?
Eukaryotes have one
Prokaryotes don't
Do Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes have a larger cell than the other?
What has its DNA in a circle? What has its DNA in linear strips?
Linear Strips---Eukaryotes
What are the linear strips that hold DNA called?
What uses "spools" to "wind up" the DNA?
What are the "spools" called?
What are ribosomes?
Protein Factories
What has no organelles besides ribosomes?
What has membrane bound organelles?
Are Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes multicellular? Which one is unicellular?
What has aerobes, anaerobes, and facultative anaerobes?
What is made up of 85% water and 15% protein?
Name some characteristics of Hominids.
-gluteus maximus enlarged
-femur tilted
-less hair
-hidden estrus
How old are the Laetoli Footprints?
3.6 million years old
What are the 3 homo species?
Homo-Habilus, Homo-Erectus, and Homo-Sapiens
Name the characteristics of Homo-Habilus.
-1st to use tools
-1st to use crude weapons
Name the characteristics of Homo-Erectus.
-1st to use fire
-sophisticated tools and weapons
-50% larger brain case than habilus
What are the 2 human sub-species?
Name the characteristics of Neanderthals?
-buried dead
-heavy muscled
-heavy brow ridges
-flat skull bones
-broad skulls
"flute" (82000 years old)
What does sapien mean?
What word is used when a female is fertile?
Name the characteristics of Cro-Magon.
-cave paintings
-dome skulls
-smooth brows
-prominent chins
Where are the oldest cave paintings located?
Lasceaux, France
What are plant cell walls made of?
hat are bacterial cell walls made of?
What are all cell membranes made up of?
Phospholipid Bilayers
What does Karyos mean?
Kernel, core, nucleus
Which two levels did Linnaeus come up with?
What are fungal cell walls made of?
What does Eu mean?
What are the two bacteria domains?
What are the 4 kingdoms of the domain Eukarya?
What are the characteristics of kingdom plantae?
-cellulose make up the cell wall
-store food in plastids
-stomata for gas exchange
-alternation of generations
What are the characteristics of kingdom fungi?
-either Saphrophytic or Parasitic
-chitin makes up the cell wall
-store food as glycogen
-both multi and unicellular
What are the characteristics of kingdom protista?
-unicellular (some both)
-have cilia and flagella at one point
What does motile mean?
Can move
What are the characteristics of kingdom animalia?
-store food as glycogen or a lipid
-usually motile
-have muscle and nerve tissue
What are the 3 domains?
Which domain(s) contain prokaryotic cells?
What is the classification of humans?
What does saprophytic mean?
to be a decomposer
What do the pharyngeal slits become in fish? In humans?
Humans---Inner Ear Bones
What becomes your brain and spinal cord?
Dorsal Hollow Nerve Cord
What is the brachiostoma?
Most distant cousin of the phyla chordata
What does arboreal mean?
Living up in trees
What became of your notochord?
What is the correct term for your tailbone?
What are some examples of a monotreme?
-Duck bill platypus
-spiny ant eater
What is a plasma membrane?
cell membrane
What does the Fimbrae do?
helps attach the cell to surrounding materials
What does the flagella do?
helps the cell move
What happens in the mitochondria?
cellular respiration
What is another name for the slime capsule?
How much DNA are in 1 nucleus?
-2 meters
-about 6 feet
What does somatic mean?
body cells
What is mitosis?