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49 Cards in this Set

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Earth & Water
Earth & Fire
Fire & Water
Fire & Air
Ether & Air
Air & Earth
vata balancing
sweet, sour, salty
vata aggravating
pungent, bitter, astringent
pitta balancing
sweet, bitter, astringent
pitta aggravating
sour, salty, pungent
kapha aggravating
sweet, sour, salty
kapha balancing
pungent, bitter, astringent
heavy, cold, moist
V- P- K+
sweet (earth & water)
hot, light, moist
V- P+ K+
sour (earth & fire)
hot, moist, heavy
V- P+ K+
salty (fire & water)
cold, dry, light
V+ P- K-
bitter (ether & air)
hot, dry, light
V+ P+ K-
pungent (fire & air)
heavy, dry, cold
V+ P- K-
astringent (air & earth)
stimulates pitta
pungent (fire)
improves agni
sour (fire)
enhances circulation, increases body temperature
salty (fire)
promotes anabolic action
sweet (no fire, cooling)
pacify pitta
bitter (no fire, cooling)
agni, relieves inflammation & burning, increases shukra
astringent (no fire, cooling)
taste: sweet/vipaka: sweet
helps in elimination, softness; increase shukra & ojas; K+
taste: salty/ vipaka: sweet
helps in elimination, softness; increase shukra & ojas; K+
taste: sour/vipaka: sour
metabolic effect but reduce shukra P+
taste: bitter/ vipaka: pungent
cleanses and flushes ama V+
taste: pungent/vipaka: pungent
burns and flushes ama V+
taste: astringent/ vipaka: pungent
dries ama? V+
sweet: normal, excessive, depleted
taste perceived by tongue
every substance has:
1 taste, 2 energy, 3 post digestive effect
contentment, groundedness, anabolic, softness in tissue, builds Ojas
stimulates senses and appetite, encourages elimination of wastes, lessens spasms
helps in digestion, absorption, assimilation, elimination, softens, loosens, balances electrolytes by removing water, helps in metabolism, osmotic pressure in gut, helps to enhance taste of other things
improves digestion & absorption, reduces fat, cleans tissue, sharpens senses. Normal enkindles agni, improves digestion and absorption, cleans mouth, aids circulation, removes fat from body, helps eliminate wastes from body, psychologically: investigative inquiry, extroversion
anti toxic, anti inflammatory, cleansing, supports pancreas. Normal: helps with kill worms and ama in body, relieves burning sensations, itching, and skin disorders, strengthens the skin and muscle tissue, pacifies fever and lymph congestion, purifies milk and supports the pancreas, psych: brings self awareness and self consciousness
anti inflammatory, decongestive
Normal improves absorption, creates binding of stool, helps heal wounds, removes fat, helps blood clo
excessive: dry in mouth, pain is chest, spasms… depleted congestion and excessive flow in all channels
Exc: cause v imbalance, depletes dhatus, nausea, drowsiness, vertigo, convulsions, psych: rejection, aversion and separation. Depleted: causes blockages in channels and skin pores.
bitter foods
turmeric best, olives
astringent foods
green leafy vegetables, raw apple, raw veggies, bananas
Excessive dizziness and loss of consciousness, impotence, diarrhea, heartburn, insomnia, tremors, skin conditions…Depleted??
pungent foods
chillies, spices
sour foods
salty foods
black/himalayan salt
sweet foods
legumes, grains (must be cooked), quinoa, potatoes, carrots, ghee, sugar. Natural sweet, not concentrated like cakes. company of friends
post digestive effect, in small intestine, absorbed through illeocecal wall, what impact that ahar rasa has on every tissue