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40 Cards in this Set

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1. Illusive
1. (Adj.) Deceiving
2. Retinue
2. (N) (a) A following; (b) group of attendants.

(b. ex.) the king and his retinue
(a. ex.) a pop star traveling with his retinue
3. Semblance
3. (N) outward and often specious appearance or show; an outward appearance: ex. (wrapped in a semblance of composure )
4. Reprove
4. (V - transitive verb) Rebuke, censure: ex. (1) to scold or correct usually gently or with kindly intent; (2) the father was forced to rebuke his son for the spendthrift ways he had adopted since arriving at college; (3) strongly rebuked the girl for playing with matches.
5. Voluminous
5. (Adj.) Having or marked by great volume or bulk; Large. ex. (1) the building's high ceilings and voluminous spaces; (2) a writer of voluminous output
6. Titular
6. (Adj.) (1) existing in title only; ex. She became the titular head of the company after her husband's death. (2) having the title and usually the honors belonging to an office or dignity without the duties, functions, or responsibilities [the titular head of a political party].
7. Plaintive
7. (Adj.) Mournful: ex. She had such a plaintive expression that someone asked if her dog had died.
8. Sojourn
8. (N) A temporary stay. ex. Our family enjoyed a two-week sojourn in the mountains.
9. Ambivalence
9. (N) 1: simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
2. a: continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b: uncertainty as to which approach to follow
— ambivalent - adjective;
— ambivalently - adverb
10. Inept
10. (adj.) 1: lacking in fitness or aptitude: unfit [inept at sports];
2: lacking sense or reason: foolish
3: not suitable to the time, place, or occasion: inappropriate often to an absurd degree [an inept metaphor]
4: generally incompetent: bungling [inept leadership]
— in·ept·ly\-ˈnep(t)-lē\ adverb
— in·ept·ness\-nəs\ noun
Ex.: (1) He was completely inept at sports.
(2) He made an inept attempt to apologize.
11. Adroit
11. (Adj.): having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations [an adroit leader] [adroit maneuvers]
— adroitly adverb
— adroitness noun
12. Sporadic
12. (Adj.): occurring occasionally, singly, or in irregular or random instances [sporadic protests] [a sporadic disease]
— sporadically - adverb
13. Frenetic
13. (Adj.): Frantic, frenzied. ex.: The celebration was noisy and frenetic.
frenetically - adverb;
freneticism - noun
14. Hapless
14. (Adj.) having no luck; unlucky; unfortunate.
Ex.: She plays the hapless heroine who is unlucky in love.
— haplessly - adverb;
— haplessness - noun
15. Defray
15. (V - transitive verb): To pay the costs of.
defrayable - adjective;
defrayal -ˈnoun
16. Debilitate
16. (V - transitive verb): Weak, feeble. ex.: The virus debilitates the body's immune system.
Debilitation - noun
17. Alienate
17. (V - transitive verb): (1) to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed; estrange; separate. (2) to convey or transfer (as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law; (3) to cause to be withdrawn or diverted.
Ex.: (a) He alienated most of his colleagues with his bad temper. (b) Her position on this issue has alienated many former supporters.
18. Onus
18. (N) Burden; responsibility. ex.: He perpetually tries to shift the onus for any mistakes onto other team members.
19. Moot
19. (adj): Debatable, open to question. ex.: (a) The court ruled that the issue is now moot because the people involved in the dispute have died. (b) I think they were wrong, but the point is moot. Their decision has been made and it can't be changed now.
20. Ambience
20. (N) (1) a feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing - environment; (2) Atmosphere. ex. The ambience of a tropical island.
21. Affable
21. (Adj.): (1) being pleasant and at ease in talking to others (an affable host); (2) characterized by ease and friendliness (an affable manner).
— affability - noun;
— affably - adverb
Ex.: a lively, affable young fellow
22. Foppish
22. (Adj.) vane about ones dress or appearance
23. Resplendent
23. (Adj.): shining brilliantly : characterized by a glowing splendor.
— resplendently - adverb
Ex.: (a) The fields were resplendent with flowers.
(b) She looked resplendent in her green evening gown.
24. Rift
24. (N) Opening; break; fissure. ex.: (a) The fight will only widen the rift with his brother.
(b) the rift in the rock
(c) We could see some stars through the rifts in the clouds.
25. Wrest
25. (V - transitive verb): (1) to pull, force, or move by violent wringing or twisting movements; (2) to gain with difficulty by or as if by force, violence, or determined labor
Ex.: (a) He tried to wrest control of the company from his uncle. (b) the boy wrested the book out of his sister's hands
26. Wary
26. (Adj.) (1) Very cautious; (2) marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger
— warily - adverb;
— wariness - noun
Ex.: (a) The store owner kept a wary eye on him.
(b) Investors are increasingly wary about putting money into stocks.
27. Blithe
27. (Adj.) (1) of a happy lighthearted character or disposition; joyous; carefree; cheerful; merry; (2) lacking due thought or consideration : casual, heedless [blithe unconcern]
— blithely - adverb
Ex.: (a) He showed blithe disregard for the rights of others.
(b) He was blithe about the risks to his health.
28. Caliber
28. (N) (1) degree of mental capacity or moral quality; (2) degree of excellence or importance.
ex.: (a) I was impressed by the high caliber of the team's work.
(b) musicians of the highest caliber perform at that concert hall
29. Dispersion
29. (N) the scattering of the values of a frequency distribution from an average
[the dispersion of energy from a source]
30. Forte
30. (N) Ones strong point or special talent. [Emily's particular forte was desserts.]
31. Freshet
31. (N) A great rise or overflowing of a stream caused by heavy rains or melted snow; a sudden flood.
32. Gamut
32. (N) An entire range or series; extent [ran the gamut from praise to contempt]
33. Stringent
33. (Adj.) (1) Binding; ridig; (2) Marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard [stringent decontamination procedures]
(3) marked by money scarcity and credit strictness [a stringent budget]
— stringently - adverb
Ex.: stringent rules against unauthorized persons being in the building
34. Vie
34. (V - intransitive verb): to strive for superiority: contend; compete
Ex. (a) They are vying to win the championship for the third year in a row.
(b) vied with his colleagues for the coveted promotion
35. Allude
35. (V - intransitive verb): To make indirect reference [comments alluding to an earlier discussion]; refer to indirectly.
Ex.: Mrs. Simons alluded to some health problems, without being specific.
36. Atone
36. (V - intransitive verb): to make amends [atone for sins]
37. Countermand
37. (V - transitive verb) (1) to revoke/cancel (a command) by a contrary order; (2) to recall or order back by a superseding contrary order [countermand reinforcements]
Ex.: Orders to blow up the bridge were countermanded.
38. Ensue
38. (V) As a transitive verb: to strive to attain; pursue [I wander, seeking peace, and ensuing it — Rupert Brooke]
As an intransitive verb:
To take place afterward or as a result; follow as a result.
39. Foil
39. (V - transitive verb) (1) To prevent from attaining an end; defeat; frustrate. [always able to foil her enemies] (2) To bring to naught; thwart [foiled the plot]
40. Impasse
40. (N) (1) a. A predicament affording no obvious escape b. deadlock
(2) an impassable road or way: cul-de-sac
Ex.: (a) An arbitrator was called in to break the impasse.
(b) She had reached an impasse in her career.