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19 Cards in this Set

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What are gametes? How many chromosomes do they have?
Reproductive cells. They have half a full set of chromosomes (haploid, 1n).
What are somatic cells? How many chromosomes do they have?
Non-reproductive cells. They have a full set of chromosomes (diploid, 2n).
What is the process of two gametes fusing? What is the product?
Fertilization. Zygote.
What process forms gametes from somatic cells?
What is the cycle of haploid and diploid cells?
Alternation of Generations.
What are the two rounds of division of meiosis?
Meiosis I and Meiosis II
What is synapsis?
The side by side configuration of homologous chromosomes during the prophase of Meisosis I.
What is homologous recombination?
The crossing over of genes between homologous chromosomes during synapsis.
What is reduction division?
The two successive divisions in meiosis with no replication between them. This results in haploid daughter cells being producted by a diploid parent cell.
What happens in prophase I?
Homologous chromosomes become very closely associate. They can exchange segments.
The presence of a ______ indicates that a crossing over has occured between homologous chromosomes.
Are the resulting daughter cells from meiosis I haploid or still diploid?
Meiosis II greatly resembles ________.
What is asexual reproduction? What is parthenogenesis?
Reproduction where the offspring gets all of its chromosomes from a single parent. The development of an adult from an unfertilized egg.
What is sexual reproduction?
Reproduction that allows for genetic variability.
Why don't advantageous traits always appear in the offspring of organism?
Segregation prevents advantageous traits from getting handed down consistently.
What are some of the theories about the origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction?
DNA Repair Hypothesis(only diploid cells are capable of repairing their DNA), Contagion Hypothesis(result of infection of eukaryotes by mobile genetic elements), Red Queen Hypothesis(recessive allelels can be stored for future use), Miller's Ratchet(keeps down the mutation load)
How is the process of sex both revolutionary and conservative?
It allows for genetic variation. It maintains most of the genetic code of the parents.
Who made these flashcards?
Robert Fromm