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24 Cards in this Set

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a defense mechanism in which one supplies a logical rational or socially acceptable reason rather than the real reason for an action or event
a defense mechanism in which one reverts to a behaviour that might have reduced anxiety at an earlier stage of development
reaction formation
defensed mechanism in which one expresses exaggerated ideas and emotions that are the opposite of one disturbing unconscious impulses and desires
a defens mechanism in which one substitues a less threatening object or person for the original object of a sexual or aggressive impulse
a defense mechanism in which one rechannels sexual or aggressive eneergy into pursuits or accomplishments that societ considers aceptable or admirable
psycosexual stages
a series of stages through which the sexual instinct develops
arrrested development at a psychosexual stage occuring because of excessive gratification or frustration at that stage
oedipus complex
occurring in the phallic stage, a conflict in which the child is sexually attracted to the opposite sex parent and feels hostility toward the same sex parent
reciprocal determinism
bandura concept of a mutual influential relationship among behavior congnitive factors and environment
self efficacy
the perception a person has of his or her ability to perfom competently whatever is attempted
locus of control
Rotter concept of a congnitive factor that explains how people account for what happens in thier lives either seeing themselves as primarily in control of their behavior and its consequences or perceiving what happens to them to be in the hands of fate luck or chance
self actualization
developing to one fullest potentioal
coditions of worth
conditions on which the postive regard of others rest
unconditional postive regard
unqualified caring and nonjudgmental acceptance of another
a personal quality or characteristic which is stable across situations that is used to describe or explain personality
five factor theory
a trait theory that attempts to explain personality using five broad dimenisions each of which is composed of a constellationof personality traits
paper and pencil test with question about a person thoughts feelings and behavior
the most extensively reseached and widel used personality test which is used to screen for an diagnose psychiatric problems and disorders
revised of MMPI
a highly regarded perosality test developed especially for norma individuals aged 13 and older
a perosoality inventory useful for measuring ormal individual differences
projective test
a personality test in which peole respond to inkblots
Rorschach Inkblot Method
a projective test composed of 10 inklots that the test take is asked to describe used to asses personality make differential diagnoses plan and evaluate treatment and predict behavior
projective test consition of drawing of ambiguous humansituation which the test taker describes, thought to reveal inner feelings conflicts and motives which are projected onto the test material