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41 Cards in this Set

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Who fought in the war?
A war where Greece supposedly attacked troy over a woman
What famous story?
Iliad is where the story of troy was told from
Famous story?
And Trojan horse
The Greeks used a giant wooden horse that the used to get into the city then defat troy
What is it? (EPIC)
2 famous story’s?
The Greeks used epic to preserve stories of their history and religion when they had no written language
- Myths passed orally from generation to generation
What 2 story’s did he wright?
The man who wrote the epics Iliad and odyssey
What is a polis?
2 most famous polis?
Why did the poli devopled alliances?
The city-States were known as polis
2 most famous were Athens and Sparta
devolved alliances when they were going to be attacked
What isit?
Who had one?
A government ruled by the people instead of a king
Athens had one
Male born in Athens no slaves were the restrictions for voting
Which police was an oligarchy? What is an oligarchiy?
This means they were led by a small group
A small Council of Elders suggested laws that had to be approved by a vote of all Spartan citizens
Who was Aristotle?
What did he do?
What 2 is he famous for?
Who toucht him?
Famous Greek philosopher
Used logical reasoning
First to classify animals
Who was he?
What did he do?
First to open a high school called academy
Alexander the Great
Who was he?
What is he famous 4?
King of Macedonia
Destroyed Thebes
He created Alexandria built a library in side that protected and preserved Greek knowledge and he created Hellenistic
What is it?
A mixture of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian ideas
Most famous school
Doctors take Hippocratic oath
Math guy who knew geometry
What effect did geography have on Greece?
So mountains made cities become city-states
Rocky soil made for trading (not farming)
Surrounded by water more trade
Compare Athens and Sparta in three areas:
Sparta – oligarchy
Athens – limited democracy
Sparta – valued strength courage and bravery educated to fight read maps accounting
Athens – valued reading writing and music (Spartans thought was useless)
Spartans – are famous for there military, battle of 300
Athens – knowledge
What caused the “Golden Age of Greece”?
Won the war against Persia
What happened to Alexander’s Empire, and why?
died from a cold
What was the long-lasting effect of Alexander’s empire?
his library
Twelve Tables
What they were?
Why were they written and posted?
- the laws of ancient Rome
they were written down and posted in the middle of town because the plebeians (common people) demanded it
Who was he?
a great general
- he fought for Carthage (in Africa) during the Punic Wars
Who were they?
- these were the common people in Rome
Who were they?
What part of the government did they control?
- The powerful landowners
- they controlled the magistrates and the senate (2/3)
Julius Caesar
Who was he?
Who killed him and why?
- he started as general, then became a consul, later he was named the dictator
- he was killed by a group of centers because he took away power from the senate
Roman Republic
How many branches?
Most powerful?
- It had three branches; the senate, assemblies, magistrates
- The senate was the oldest and most powerful
Roman Empire
Who cased the roman empire?
what was it?
- what they had after Caesar
- a dictator (or Emperor) rules the government
- they still have the three branches, but the leader makes all of the decisions
Punic Wars
Why bad for rome
- Rome vs Carthage: Rome won
- They caused trouble for Rome because
- farmers lost their farms while fighting, had to sell their land. Had to move to the cities for jobs
- the new colonies were controlled by governors who over-taxed the people
- had any job, depended on their masters
usually captives from war
Partial Citizens
What were they?
What rights did they have?
- people who were conquered by Rome (in places like Greece)
- they were allowed to own land and get married
What are they?
Name one?
Anyone who dies (or suffers) for their beliefs
- Jesus
- Christians who were fed to the lions
- the Language of the Roman Empire
Who was he?
He is the founder of Christianity. He was a Jewish teacher, he was crucified for his teaching
What does it mean?
Means messiah in Greek
It is the name given Jesus after he died
Who was he?
The first Roman emperor to allow Christianity
Discuss the positive and negative geographical features of ancient Rome.
- good: water is good for trade and travel, mountains protect from invaders
- bad: so much coastline is hard to protect, mountains make trade and travel in the north hard to reach
How was the Roman Republic similar to our (US) government?
- three branches
- consuls are similar to president
- checks and balances /vetoes
- senate
How did the Punic War cause problems for Rome?
- They caused trouble for Rome because
- farmers lost their farms while fighting, had to sell their land. Had to move to the cities for jobs
- the new colonies were controlled by governors who over-taxed the people
- too much land was conquered- it was hard to control
Who killed Julius Caesar and why?
SENATE because they lost their power
What was the difference between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?
- Republic had three branches (senate was the most powerful)
- Empire had dictator/Emperor that ruled everyone
How did Christianity change Rome?
Rome first followed the mythology of Greece
- It tried to silence Jesus
- It killed many Christians after Jesus’ death – feed Christians to the lions
-eventually it became the official Roman Religion
Why were good roads and bridges so important to the Roman Empire?