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36 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
cavity for the midbrain
cerebral aqueduct
components of hindbrain
pons, medulla, cerebellum
3 types of white matter
commisural, association, projection
What is the largest collection of commisural fibers
corpus callosum
What is the largest collection of projection fibers
internal capsule
3 nuclear groups of the thalamus
anterior nucleus, medial nucleus (dorsomedial), lateral
3 parts of the dorsal lateral thalmic nuclei
lateral dorsal, lateral posterior, pulvinar
4 parts of the ventral lateral thalmic nuclei
ventral anterior, ventral lateral, ventral posterior (VPM/VPL), metathalamus
VPM - for head or for body
for head
VPL - for head or for body
for body
2 parts of the metathalamus and their functions/connections
Lateral geniculate body from optic radiation (vision); Medial geniculate body from inferior colliculus (hearing)
Name the cx from the lateral geniculate body to the visual cortex
Posterior thalamic radiation
Name the cx from the medial geniculate body to the auditory cortex
inferior thalamic radiation
5 general thalamic functions
1. sensory relay; 2. motor integration; 3. arousal (RAS); 4. pain modulation; 5. Memory/behavior
thalamic memory/behav. anatomic connections
prefrontal cortex, limbic system
primary blood supply to thalamus
thalamogeniculate artery branch of the posterior cerebral artery
Major side effect of thalamic syndrome
increased threshold to all stimuli on OPPOSITE side of body, so you get exaggerated responses; can cause motor paralysis of one side and changes in personality, memory
3 major diviison of the Internal Capusle
anterior limb, genu, posterior limb
What fibers are found in the anterior limb of the intenral capsule? (2)
frontopontine fibers and anterior thalamic radiation
What fiber is found in the genu of the intenral capsule
corticobulbar fibers (cranial nerve nuclei)
What are the 3 parts of the posterior limb of the internal capsule?
lenticulothalamic, retrolenticular, and sublenticular parts
What fibers are found in the lenticulothalamic part of the posterior limb of the intenral capsule? (4)
CORTICOSPINAL, frontorubral, thalamocortical, main sensory radiation
What fiber is found in the retrolenticular part of the posterior limb of the intenral capsule?
posterior thalamic radiaiton (optic radiaiton and fibers from pulvinar to sensory assoc. areas)
What fiber is found in the sublenticular part of the posterior limb of the intenral capsule?
auditory radiaiton from MGB to auditory area
The anterior limb of the IC gets its blood from...(2)
middle and anterior cerebral arteries
The genu of the IC gets its blood from...(2)
anterior cerebral and posterior communicating arteries
The posterior limb of the IC gets its blood from...(3)
middle cerebral, anterior choroidal, posterior communicating
Facial nerve paralysis
nuc. of facial nerve is divided into upper and lower half; upper half supplies upper muscles, like the frontalis/orbic. oculi; lower facial = lower face - DAO/bucc.
facial nucleus
corticobulbar: upper facial - same AND opposite side; lower facial - ONLY opposite side
if pt has stroke in LEFT cerebral hemisphere, which part of the nucleus is missing ipsilateral control?
lower facial nucleus since it's only controlled by the opposite side. So, pt loses motor control over lower facial muscles (can still wrinkle forehead, cloe eyes hard)
If pt has only lower face injury, this means
UMN lesion of opposite side
pt with facial paralysis and medial strabismus
abducent nerve nucleus AND facial nerve paralysis, so lesoin must be in brainstem in facial colliculus
facial colliculus is made up of...
facial n. fiber and abducent nucleus; LMN injury since it's in nerve fiber, nuclues, or msucle
LMN injuries come from
nerve fiber, nucleus, musclces
UMN injury is where
pyramidal tract or cerebral cortex itself