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25 Cards in this Set

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How is the volume of the body calculated?
Using a tracer.

Quantity of tracer/[tracer]
What are some tracers that are used to estimate total body water?
100 g of heavy water (D2O) is administered to a 60 kg subject. After 2 hours, the blood concentration is 0.003 g/ml plasma D2O and the loss from the body (urine, sweat, etc.) is 0.3 g.

Calculate the volume and TBW water.
33.23 kg H2O
55.4% TBW
How do you measure blood volume?
Volume = plasma volume/(1-hct)

Plasma measured with Evans blue
What fraction of the total body weight is fast ECF?
What fraction of ht total body weight is total ECF?
How do you measure the interstitial space?
Must use two markers: ECF marker and plasma marker.

ECF-plasma = interstitial fluid
What is the difference between fast and slow ECF?
Slow includes dense connective tissue, bone, joint and intraocular cavities, cerebral ventricles.

Fast (proper) is only readily accessible spaces and lymph.
Which body fluid volume cannot be measured directly, but instead must be calculated using two markers?
Interstitial volume
Which ECF marker would be used to calculate an interstitial volume proper?
Fast ECF
Is most of the bodies water intercellular or extracellular?
intercellular (30-40%)
What is the range for normal total body water?
What is the 20/40/60 rule?
20% of the water is outside the cell
40% of the water is inside the cell
Making 60% total water by weight
At what age is the total body water the greatest?
0-1 month
At what age is the total body water the least?
Over 60
Adipose is what % water?
What tissue in the body hold the majority of the bodies water?
What tissue hold the least water?
What tissue has the high composition of water?
What makes up lean body weight?
73% water
27% solid
What % body fat is classified as obese?
Women: >32%
Men: >25%
What is the normal range for plasma osmolality?
280-295 mOsm/L H2O
What compounds for the majority of the anion charges in the intracellular fluid?
Organic phosphates and acids
Why is the osmolality of plasma higher than intercellular fluid? What is the result?
presence of impermeable proteins
Greater osmotic pressure on the capillary side
What mechanism maintains the intracellular and interstitial fluid osmolality as equal?
Na/K pump: This equilibrium requires energy