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17 Cards in this Set

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symptom noun
a sign or an indication of something
symmetric adjective
even on both sides; one side is a mirror image of the other
sym (root word)
Greek prefix that means together or with (another way to spell syn)

pathetic adjective

pitiful; worthless; weak; lame; causing pity
syntax noun
the way in which the words and phrases of a sentence are arranged to show how they are related to each other
sympathy noun
sharing with a person’s feelings of sorrow or trouble
syn (root word)
Greek prefix that means together or with (another way to spell sym)
pathogen noun
anything capable of producing a disease, especially a virus, bacteria, or a microorganism
empathize verb
to feel empathy; to understand and share someone’s feelings
symbol noun
something that stands for or represents something else

path (root word)

Greek root that means feeling, emotion, suffer, or disease
empathy noun
the ability to understand someone’s feelings
synchronize verb
when something occurs at the same time
pathos noun
the quality in speech, writing, music, events, or a scene that causes pity or sadness
pathologist noun
an expert in the study of causes and natures of disease
apathy noun
lack of interest or desire
synthetic adjective
something that is artificially made; fake