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67 Cards in this Set

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What type of government does Saudi Arabia have?

“hereditary” monarchy

What branch of government is responsible for making & carrying out laws in a parliamentary system ofgovernment? ________________________________


The leader of a parliamentary system is often called the ______________________________.

prime minister

The Israeli parliament is called the


5. Saudi Arabia is ruled by a _____________.


6. What role do the people play in a government that is a monarchy like that of Saudi Arabia?

They have little influence, as the ruler makes most decisions.

What is Sharia?

Laws based on the teachings of the Qu’ran.

What is an Ayatollah?

A Shia religious leader in Iran.

9. Saudi Arabia specializes in the production of __________ and ________________________.

oil & natural gas

Israel specializes in ______________________________________________________.

high tech manufacturing, financial services, & agriculture

If a country does not invest in its human capital, how can it affect the country’s gross domestic product?

GDP may go down because poorly trained workers will notbe able to do their jobs as well.

12. Who drew up the boundaries of the new countries created from the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI?________________________________________

European politicians

Why did so many countries in the United Nations feel it was right to create Israel in 1948?

Many felt the Jews deserved help due to their suffering inthe Holocaust.

What world organization created the new state of Israel in 1948 as a homeland

United Nations

15. How did Arabs living in Palestine in 1948 feel about

They rejected it as unfair to them.

When war broke out in Palestine, what group joined w/the Palestinian Arabs to try to stop the creation ofthe new state of Israel?

League of Arab Nations

What was the outcome of the 1948 War between the new state of Israel & the Arabs living in & aroundPalestine?

Israel won the Israeli War of Independence & the newstate of Israel was even larger than originally planned. Great Britain could not deal with the Palestinians & Jews fighting constantly over Palestine after WWII. Britain asked the United Nations to handle the situation. The United Nations gave 55% of the land to the Jews & 45% to the Arabs. The Arabs were outraged with the decision & did not accept this plan. The Palestinians & the League of Arab Nations attacked Israel the day after they were declared a State of Israel. The Jews & Arabs fought for 8 months. The Palestinians & the League of Arab Nations were defeated and the Palestinians had no place to call home. The fighting still continues in the state of Israel today.

18. Why did the United Nations try to stop Iraq from taking over Kuwait in 1990?

The economies of many countries depend on oil & Iraq’sactions threatened that supply. Saddam Hussein owed a great deal of money to Kuwait & Saudi Arabia for their 8 year war with Iran. Saddam believed if he took over the countries, he would not have to pay the debt but control all of the oil.

Who are the “Taliban”?

19. A group of radical Muslims in Afghanistan.

Why did the U.S. bomb & invade Afghanistan in 2001?

They believed the government was offering safety to al-Qaeda, the organization that attacked the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001.

Why did the U.S. go to war against Iraq in 2003?

A search for weapons of mass destruction.

Why do most economies in the world today operate somewhere in between a market economy & acommand economy?

Most countries have found they need a mix of free market& government to be successful & protect consumers.

What is the reason Iraqis had difficulty forming a new government after the fall of Saddam Hussein?

Many religious & ethnic groups in Iraq who want power.

How has Israel made up for its lack of natural resources?

They have developed a strong technology sector of theireconomy.

Before the state of Israel was declared in 1948, Palestine was ruled by

Great Britain

Who was the U.S. president during the Camp David Accords? ______________________________

Jimmy Carter

Which recent war in SW Asia did the events of September 11, 2001 play the most important

Invasion of Afghanistan

28. Iran has an ayatollah & a president. How is the ayatollah chosen?

By vote of the Assembly of Experts.

What event marks the end of the Ottoman Empire?


What is the reason for continuing conflicts in the M.E.?

Historical claims to the same land

When a country invests in transportation systems & power plants, it is investing in


32. This person has an idea for a good/service & takes the risks to produce it is called a(n)


Prejudice against Jews is known as:


34. Site of continual conflict between Israel & Palestinians is in what territory?

Gaza Strip

Iraqi Sunnis are in conflict with this group in Iran?

Shia Muslim

Iraq said this country is part of Iraq from the Ottoman Empire days:


How does a democratic government differ from an oligarchic government?

controlled by many

After the Persian Gulf War, the United Nations imposed an embargo on Iraq. What would be the reason anembargo was used by the United Nations?

38. To restrict trade with any country that would attack a fellow member of the United Nations without cause by another country.

In which form of government does the central government hold the most power?


In which form of government is power controlled by a select few individuals, rather than the citizens?


What is a major similarity between the economics of Saudi Arabia & Iran?

Both countries rely on oil as a primary export.

Why did Anwar el-Sadat want to bring peace to his country?

He had seen so much violence between the two countries.

Saudi Arabia is mostly desert and mountains, with little of its land used for growing crops. Saudi Arabiaalso has few factories to make the machinery it needs. With huge underground reserves of petroleum, however, Saudi Arabia is a leading world producer of oil. How does this affect Saudi Arabia’s foreign trade?

It exports oil & imports food & machinery.

The citizens of Israel have a little more influence over the election of their chief executive than the citizensof Saudi Arabia. Why is this?

The citizens of Israel elect the legislature who then electsthe prime minister while in Saudi Arabia; the chief executive is decided through the royal bloodline.

Why would one country place an embargo on another?

political differences

Tariffs are useful trade barrier if the government of the country placing the tariff wished to achieve whichgoal?

increasing tax revenue on imports

What natural resource plays a major role in the economies of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran?


Today, in the M.E. there are many conflicts that stem from where the boundaries of the countries aredrawn. Many boundaries either include groups that have historically opposed each other or split groups with commonalities into different countries. This problem is largely a consequence

The way Europe divided the region after the fall of theOttoman Empire.

In regards to the U.S. Military, Afghanistan and Iraq are similar in that both

Have experienced a high presence of U.S. military forces

Who is the most powerful elected official in Iran?


What part of the Saudi Economy is most fully under a command economic system?


What was the dominant religion in the Ottoman Empire?


What is the organization responsible for the regulation of the world’s oil supply and price structure?


What two challenges does Israel face in building its economy?

national security & immigration

What country did Saddam Hussein rule?


The movement to unite displaced Jews & settle them in Palestine was called:


What two countries divided the Middle East into countries after WWII?

Great Britain & France

During WWII, 6 ½ million Jews were killed in what is called the:


What happened at Camp David Accords?

From 1977-1979, Pres. Jimmy Carter, Pres. Anwar Sadat ofEgypt, & Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel met at Camp David, Maryland to end conflict in the M.E. Pres. Sadat promised to recognize Israel as a state and Prime Minister Begin would give back the Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt. Pres. Sadat was shunned by the League of Arab Nations & paid the biggest price with his life. Conflicts still exist today.


Balfour Declaration


Collapse of ottoman empire


End of WW2


State of israel established


Camp David Peace Accords


Persian Gulf War Desert Storm


Invasion of Afghanistan


Operation Iraqi Freedom