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22 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of Realism
Every subject matters, Accurate renditions, Common place themes, The working class, Nothing is idealized, Spontaneous and rough handling of paint, Real life.
What is an example of a painting from painters that adhered to Realism
Gustave Courbet (1819 - 1877) - The Stone Breakers and
Burial at Ornans 1849.
Also, The Third Class Carriage, c. 1861
What are is the subject matter of the painting "The Stone Breakers?
Courbet presented a glimpse into the life of rural menial laborers in The Stone Breakers (FIG. 22-27), capturing
on canvas in a straightforward manner two men—one about 70, the other quite young—in the act ofbreaking stones, traditionally the lot of the lowest in French society. By juxtaposing youth and age,Courbet suggested that those born to poverty remain poor their entire lives.
The artist neither romanticized nor idealized the men’s work but depicted their thankless toil with directness and accuracy. Courbet’s palette of dirty browns and grays conveys the dreary and dismal nature of the task, while the angular positioning of the older stone breaker’s limbs suggests a mechanical monotony. Courbet’s depiction of stone breakers in 1849 was very timely and populist.
What is Realism
Realism was a movement that developed in France around midcentury against the backdrop of an increasing emphasis on science.Advances in industrial technology during the early 19th century reinforced the En-lightenment’s foundation of rationalism. The connection between sci-ence and progress seemed obvious to many, both in intellectual circles and among the general public, and people increasingly embraced em-piricism (the search for knowledge based on observation and direct ex-
perience). Indicative of the widespread faith in science was the influ-ence of positivism, a Western philosophical model developed by the French philosopher Auguste Comte (1798–1857) Accordingly, Realists focused their attention on the experiences and sights ofeveryday contemporary life and disapproved ofhistorical and fictional subjects on the grounds that they were neither real and visible nor of the present.
What are some characteristics of Impressionism
The art (paintings) from this movement the subject matter is not important because this type of art is meant to just be viewed for the use of light and colors. No interpretation needed.
Is it true that Impressionist were the first artists to separate from the academy.
By which type of art was Impressionist's arts greatly influenced?
Japanese art
Characteristics of Impressionists art
Avant Garde, En Plain air, Short thick Visible brushstrokes, Effects of natural light, Modern world, Fascinated with Japanese art, Subject not as important, Leisure activities of second class,
What does Avant Gard mean and why is it used in this context
Soldier in front - Meaning the subjects of the painting are placed on the foreground.
Describe the painting "Luncheon on the Grass"
Highly critized for the subject matter, for using rough brushstrokes, not refined. Manet’s masterpiece, Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe(Luncheon on the Grass; FIG. 22-33), depicts two women, one nude, and two clothed men enjoying a picnic ofsorts. Consis-tent with Realist principles, Manet based all of the foreground fig-
ures on living people. The seated nude is Victorine Meurend (Manet’s favorite model at the time), and the gentlemen are his brother Eugène (with cane) and probably the sculptor Ferdinand Leenhof, although scholars have suggested other identifications. The two men wear fashionable Parisian attire of the 1860s, and the foreground nude not only is a distressingly unidealized figure type but also seems disturbingly unabashed and at ease, gazing directly at the viewer without shame or flirtatiousness.This audacious painting outraged the public—rather than a traditional pastoral scene, like the Renaissance Pastoral Symphony (FIG. 17-35), which featured anonymous idealized figures in an idyl-
lic setting, Le Déjeuner seemed merely to represent ordinary men and promiscuous women in a Parisian park
What other painting was submitted by Edouard Manet, that was just as controversial as "Luncheon on the Grass"
Olympia - 1863, which depicts a young white prostitute reclining on a bed that extends across the foreground. Entirely nude except for a thin black ribbon tied around her neck, a bracelet on her arm, an orchid in her
hair, and fashionable mule slippers on her feet, Olympia meets the viewer’s eyes with a look of cool indifference. Behind her appears a black maid, who presents her a bouquet offlowers from a client. Olympia horrified public and critics alike. Although images of prostitutes were not unheard ofduring this period, the shamelessness ofOlympia and her look that verges on defiance shocked viewers.
Impressionism was a movement that got its name from which painting?
Sunrise 1872
Is it true or false that post Impressionism is a movement that has not much to do with impressionism, if true, why?
True, Impressionist like modern world but post impressionists did not, in fact this movement was the result of evaluation of all industrial advances and how these were affecting society, which post impressionists dislike.
Name a painting from the "post impressionist's movement that dealt mainly with the use of colors and points
Sunday Afternoon - He disciplined the free and fluent play of color that characterized Impressionism into a calculated arrangement based on scientific color theory (see “19th-Century Color Theory,”). Seurat’s system, known as pointillism or divisionism, involves carefully observing color and separating it into its component parts
Which movement was know as first American Art movement
Abstract expressionism
What was the main topic of the abstract expressionism
World War II
Characteristics of paintings from the Abstract Expressionism
Big sweeping moves, Large fields of color
Characteristics of Performance Art
Access and immediate response from audience
Characteristics of conceptual art
Art is in the concept not on the object,
Example: One and Three Chairs - 1965
Neo Expressionism Artist Cindy Sherman objectives
Deals with different roles woman play
New Expressionism is a...
Global Art Movement
What is is know as appropriation in art
Not your own art - appropriating the idea