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18 Cards in this Set

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Nominal Variable: Definition


Distinct categories that are not related in any numerical fashion.

Examples: religion, region

Nominal Variable:

Suitable descriptive statistics

Suitable descriptive statistics:

Frequencies, percentages, mode only

Note: Means and averages are meaningless because the categories are non-numeric (e.g. religion, race, region)

Ordinal Variable: Definition


Ordered categories with no intrinsic numeric qualities

Examples: Likert scales (distance from very to somewhat is non-numeric)

Ordinal Variable:

Suitable Descriptive Statistics

Suitable descriptive statistics

Frequencies, percentages, cumulative percentages, median, mode

Note: Means and averages are meaningless because the categories are non-numeric (e.g. religion, race, region)

Interval Variable:



Intrinsically numeric and continuous or have regular distance but lack a meaningful zero point.

Example: temperature

Ratio Variable Definition


Intrinsically numeric and continuous or have regular distance and has a meaningful zero point.

Example: age, height, etc.

Interval or Ratio Variables:

Suitable descriptive statistics

Suitable Descriptive Statistics:

Frequencies, percentages, cumulative percentages, mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation

Guttman Scaling: Definition


Simple test to determine if an scale is multidimensional (measures a single concept)

Compares valid patterns of responses to error patterns. Assumes valid patterns are available.

(refer to pg 212 in Weinberg et. al for example)

Definition: Index


Derived measure created by adding together scores on individual questions

Definition: Scale


Derived measure created by using intrinsic order to create a cumulative score.

Example: assumes nested inclusion in each category (e.g. everyone who gets news from newspapers also gets news from television and radio)

Definition: Statistical Significance


Probability of rejecting the null hypothesis is less than or equal to a given value

Definition: Z score


Used for hypothesis testing. Difference between the sample mean (X) and the null hypothesis mean divided by the standard error of the mean. Reject the null hypothesis if value is greater than 1.96 for .05. z=(X - u)/Sm

Definition: p value


Used for hypothesis testing. Probability that null hypothesis is true.

Example: if this value is less than .01, a result is significant at the .01 level.

Definition: Type I error


Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true

Definition: Type II error


Accepting the null hypothesis when it is false

Hypothesis Testing Assumptions

Population and Sample Means Are Known

Definition: t Test


Used in significance testing and establishing confidence intervals when dealing with samples that generally do not have normal distributions

Definition: Degrees of freedom
