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115 Cards in this Set

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In a gastrointestival closure, the mucosa of the intestinal tract is closed with
chromic 4-0 or 3-0
What type of suture would be used to invert the stump of an appendix
Why are bumpers or bolsters used on retention sutures
to prevent the suture from cutting into the skin surface
Montgomery straps are used to
hold in place bulky dressings that require frequent changing
A dissecting sponge that is a small roll of heavy cotton tape is a
What procedure would require a pressure dressing
plastic surgery, knee surgery, and radical mastectomy
Patties are
moistened with saline
Intra-abdominally, lap pads are most often used
moistened with saline
Intra-abdominally, lap pads are most often used
moistened with saline
A catheter commonly used in a gastrostomy is a
Before handing a Penrose drain to the surgeon
moisten it in saline
A closed-wound suction system works by
negative-pressure vaccum
What condition regarding sterile technique is recommended
Sterile tables may be set up and safely covered util time of surgery
The following condition is an acceptable aseptic technique
scrub nurse standing on a platform or standing stool, scrub nurse keeps hands below shoulder level, and scrub nurse's hands are at or above waist level
If the surgeon sutures on the skin towels, the scrub nurse should
discard the needle and holder from the field
When sterile item is hanging or extending over the sterile table edge, the scrub nurse
does not touch the part hanging below table level
The following is considered a break in technique
a sterile person sits or leans against a nonsterile surface
In what situation should sterility be questioned
if a sterilized pack is found in an unsterile workroom
When handing skin towels to the surgeon, where should the scrub stand in relation to the surgeon
on the same side of the table
The Mayo stand should
remain sterile until the patient leaves the room
The following helps prevent wounds and punctures
use an instrument to remove blades, account for each needle as surgeon finishes with it, protect sharp blades edges and tips
The following is an acceptable technique in draping
hold the drapes high until directly over the porper area, protect the gloved hands by cuffing the end of the drape over them, place the drapes on a dry area
The procedure to follow if a hair is found on the operative fields is to
remove it with a clamp, cover over area
Cancer technique in surgery refers to
the discarding of instruments coming in contact with tumor after each use
Why are gowns, gloves, drapes, and instruments changed following a breast biopsy before incision for a mastectomy
to protect margins of healthy tissue from tumore cells
A postoperative complication attributed to glove powder entering a wound is
The correct procedure for sterile dressing application is
apply dressing before drape removal
When drop techniue for an intestinal procedure is utilized
contaminated instruments are discarded, gloves are changed
If the floor or wall becomes contaminated with organic debris during a case, the circulator
dons gloves and decontaminates promptly
The Sengstaken-Blakemore tube is used for
esophageal hemorrhage
A specially treated form of surgical gauze that has a hemostatic effect when buried in tissue is
An enzyme extract from bovine blood used as a topical hemostatic agent is
The desirable position for better isualization in the lowere abdomen or pelvis is
Another name for the Kraske position is
The following are helpful in keeping accurate account of sponges
keep sponges separate from linen and instruments, keep needles separate from sponges, keep a mental count of the number of sponges on the field at any given time
Dark blood in the operative field may indicate that the patient is
In an extreme patient emergency, a sponge count
may be omitted
Cultures obtained during surgery
are passed off the sterile field into a bag or container held by the circulator
How is a frozen section sent to the lab
The following specimens are placed in preservative solution
curettings, tonsils, uterus
The term transduodenal sphincterotomy indicates srgery of the
distal end of the common bile duct
A McBurney is an incision for
The simplest abdominal incision offering good exposure to any part of the abdominal cavity is the
vertical midline
During an appendectomy, a purse-string suture is placed around the appendix stump in order to
invert the stump of the appendix
Gastrointestinal technique is required in all of the following procedures
low anterior colon resection, appendectomy, hemicolectomy
A hernia occurring in Hesselback's triangle is called
Pathologic enlargement of the male breast is called
Sutures placed in a wound to prevent wound evisceration are called
Surgical enlargement of the passage between the prepylorus of the stomach and the duodenum is a
A Whipple operation is surgically termed a
A left subcostal incision indicates surgery of the
A lower oblique incision is a
The curved transverse incision used for pelvic surgery is
What breast procedure performed to remove extensive benign disease is a
simple mastectomy
What incision is indicated for an esophagogastrectomy
In which incision could retention sutures be used
vertical midline
In which hernia is the blood supply of the trapped sac contents compromised and in danger of necrosing
In which hernia does the herniation protrude into the inguinal canal but not the cord
Which hernia leaves the abdominal cavity at the iternal inguinal ring and passes with the cord structures down the inguinal canal
An abdominal wall defect may be reconstructed using
Goretex patch
Mersilene is a
synthetic mesh
In a choleystectomy, which structures are ligated and divided
cystic duct and cystic artery
The following statements refer to pilonidal cyst surgery
it is performed with an elliptical incision, the wound frequently heals by granulation, probes are required on setup
An important consideration during cholangiogram is to
remove all air bubbles from the cholangiocath
An instrument used to elevate the thyroid lobe during surgical excision is a
The intestinal layer in order, from inside to outside, is
mucosa, submucosa, serosa
A common postoperative patient complaint following a laparoscopic procedure is
shoulder pain
A subphrenic abscess occurs in the
Portal pressure measurement is indicated in
hepatic resection
Which organ is removed due to either trauma or a blood condition
Following a hemorrhoidectomy a
petroleum gauze packing is placed in the anal canal
A benign anal wall "slit" type of lesion requiringexcision is a
anal fissure
Which gallbladder procedure requires intraoperative x-rays
In a pilonidal cystectomy, the defect somtimes too large to close necessitates a
packing and pressure dressing
The instrument most commonly used to grasp the mesoappendix during an appendectomy is a
Vaporization and coagulation of hemorrhoidal tissue can be acomplished with
CO2 laser
An entire tumore / mass removal is termed
excisional biopsy
A surgical procedure performed to relieve esophageal obsruction due to cardiospasm is an
Thrombosed vessels of the retum are known surgically as
A procedure done to give the colon a rest and is then reversed is
A device that may obviate the need for an abdominoperineal resection because a low anterior anastomosis can be performed is a
end-to-end anastomosis (EEA)
An advanced inflammation of the bowel could be conservatively treated with what procedure
temporary colostomy
Blunt dissection of the gallbladder from the sulcus of the liver requires the use of a
Direct visualization of the common bile duct is accoomplished with a
"Scratch" marking is done in surgery of the
Fogarty biliary catheters are used to
facilitate stone removal
In laparoscopy, tubal patency is checked by
injecting methylene blue into the cervical canal
In a thyroidectomy, a loop retractor retracts
sternocleidomastoid muscle
What structure(s) are identified and preserved in thyroid surgery
parathyroid glands
Bariatric surgery treats
Which incision would require cutting through Scarpa's fascia
A gastroplasty
reduces stomach size
Which item retracts the spermatic cord structure in herniorrhaphy
Penrose drain
After uterus removal in a hysterectomy
cervical and vaginal instruments are placed in a discard basin
An irreducible hernia whose abdominal contents have become trapped in the extra-abdominal sac is called
incarcerated hernia
Which type of endoscopy camera produces the truest color
White balancing a video camera in endoscopy requires the scrub person to focus the camera on
a white sponge, a white wall, a glove wrapper
Defogging the video camera is usually the responsibility of the
camera operator
A palliative invasive procedure done to prevent malnutrition or starvationis known as
The use of noninvasive high-energy shock waves to pulverize gallstones into small fragments for easy passage through the common bile duct and out of the body is called
Intraoperative cholangiograms can be performed through either open abdominal or laparoscopic procedures using a contrast medium directly into the common bile duct through a
Intra-abdominal pressure during the instillation of CO2 for creation of neumoperitoneum is 8 to 10 mm Hg. A pressure reading higher than this may indicate that the needle may be
against fat, buried in the omentum, in a lumen of intestives
The proper method of removing the gallbladder specimen after complete dissection and irrigation of the operative site in a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is to
utilize an endobag, pull gallbladder through the largest port, and decompress the gallbladder by suctioning bile prior to removal
The following drains are considered active postoperative drains
sump, chest, and Hemovac
During a laparoscopic cholecystectomy the surgeon generally stands
at the left side of the patient
Gastrointestinal decompression during a general surgical procedure can be effected by the use of a
Levine tube and Vari-Dyne
A selected alternative to a conventional ileostomy that denies spontaneous stool exiting from the stoma and requires catheterization of the stoma daily to evacuate the contents is a
Kock pouch
When both direct and indirect hernias occur in the same inguinal area, the defect is termed
An inguinal hernia containing a Meckel's diverticulum is called a
The following are designated options of laparoscopic hernia repain
Which muscles are incised in the midline of the neck once the skin flaps are completed during a thyroidectomy
Which bone is transected with bone-cutting forceps prior to removal of a thyroglossal cyst
Drainage of an incision following a simple or modified radical mastectomy is accomplished by a
closed-wound suction
During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the camera operator usually stands
to the right of the first assistant
The maximum pressure allowed to prevent the possible intraoperative complications of bradycardia, blood pressure changes, or potential gas emoli during a laparoscopic procedure is
15mm Hg