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138 Cards in this Set

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How is an ICU note written?

By systems:

- Neuro: GCS, MAE, pain control

- Pulmonary: vent settings

- CV: pressors, Swan numbers

- GI

- Heme: CBC

- FEN: Chem 10, nutrition

- Renal: urine output, BUN, Cr

- ID: Tmax, WBC, antibiotics

- Assessment

- Plan

Note: physical exam is included in each section

What is the best way to report urine output in the ICU?

24 hours / last shift / last 3 hourly rate:

"Urine output has been 2L over last 24 hours, 350 last shift, and 45/35/40cc over last 3 hours"

What are the possible causes of fever in ICU?

- Central line infection

- PNA/atelectasis

- UTI, urosepsis

- Intra-abdominal abscess

- Sinusitis


- Thrombophlebitis

- Drug fever

- Fungal infection, meningitis, wound infection

- Endocarditis

What is the most common bacteria in ICU pneumonia?

Gram negative rods

What is the acronym for the basic ICU care checklist?


- Feeding

- Analgesia

- Sedation

- Thromboembolic prophylaxis

- Head of bed elevation (pneumonia prevention)

- Ulcer prevention

- Glucose control

What is CO?

Cardiac output = HR * Stroke Volume

What is the normal CO?

4-8 L/min

What factors increase CO?

- Increased contractility, HR, and preload

- Decreased afterload

What is CI?

Cardiac Index = CO/BSA (body surface area)

What is the normal CI?

2.5-3.5 L/min/m^2

What is SV?

Stroke Volume = the amount of blood pumped out of the ventricle each beat; simply, end diastolic volume minus the end systolic volume or CO/HR

What is the normal stroke volume?

60-100 cc

What is CVP?

Central Venous Pressure = indirect measurement of intravascular volume status

What is the normal CVP?


What is PCWP?

Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure = indirectly measures left atrial pressure, which is an estimate of intravascular volume (LV filling pressure)

What is the normal PCWP?


What is anion gap?

Na+ - (Cl- + HCO3-)

What are the normal values for anion gap?


Why do you get an increased anion gap?

Unmeasured acids are unmeasured anions in the equation that are part of the "counterbalance to the sodium cation

What are the causes of increased anion gap acidosis in surgical patients?


- Starvation

- Alcohol (ethanol/methanol)

- Lactic acidosis

- Uremia (renal failure)


What is MODS?

Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

What is SVR?

Systemic Vascular Resistance = MAP - CVP / CO * 80

Remember, P = F*R

What is SVRI?

Systemic Vascular Resistance Index: SVR / BSA (body surface area)

What is the normal SVRI?


What is MAP?

Mean Arterial Pressure = diastolic blood pressure + 1/3 (systolic - diastolic pressure)

Note: not the mean between diastolic and systolic BP because diastole lasts longer than systole

What is PVR?

Pulmonary Vascular Resistance = PA(mean) - PCWP / CO * 80

PA = pulmonary artery pressure and LA is left atrial or PCWP pressure

What is the normal PVR value?

100 ± 50

What is the formula for arterial oxygen content?

Hemoglobin * O2 saturation (SaO2) * 1.34

What is the basic formula for oxygen delivery?

CO * (oxygen content)

What is the full formula for oxygen delivery?

CO * (1.34 * Hgb * SaO2) * 10

What factors can increase oxygen delivery?

Increased CO by increasing SV, HR, or both; increased O2 content by increasing the Hgb content, SaO2, or both

What is mixed venous oxygen saturation?

SvO2 = simply the O2 saturation of the blood in the RV or pulmonary artery; an indirect measure of peripheral O2 supply and demand

Which lab values help assess adequate oxygen delivery?

- SvO2 (low with inadequate delivery)

- Lactic acid (elevated with inadequate delivery)

- pH (acidosis with inadequate delivery)

- Base deficit

What is FENa?

Fractional Excretion of Sodium (Na) = (Una * Pcr / Pna * Ucr) *100

What is the memory aid for calculating FENa?

YOU NEED PEE = U (urine) N (Na+) P (Plasma)

Una * Pcr

For the denominator switch everything:

Pna * Ucr

What is the pre-renal FENa value?

<1.0 = renal failure from decreased renal blood flow (eg, cardiogenic, hypovolemia, arterial obstruction, etc)

How long does Lasix effect last?

6 hours

What is the formula for flow / pressure / resistance?

P = F * R

Power FoRward

What is the "10 for 0.08 rule" of acid base?

For every increase of PaCO2 by 10 mmHg, the pH falls by 0.08

What is the "40, 50, 60 for 70, 80, 90 rule" for O2 sats?

PaO2 of 40, 50, 60 corresponds roughly to an O2 sat of 70, 80, 90, respectively

1L of O2 via nasal canula raises FiO2 by how much?


What is pure respiratory acidosis?

Low pH (acidosis), increased PaCO2, normal bicarb

What is pure respiratory alkalosis?

High pH (alkalosis), decreased PaCO2, normal bicarb

What is pure metabolic acidosis?

Low pH, low bicarb, normal PaCO2

What is pure metabolic alkalosis?

High pH, high bicarb, normal PaCO2

How does the body compensate for respiratory acidosis?

Increased bicarb

How does the body compensate for respiratory alkalosis?

Decreased bicarb

How does the body compensate for metabolic acidosis?

Decreased PaCO2

How does the body compensate for metabolic alkalosis?

Increased PaCO2

What does MOF stand for?

Multiple Organ Failure

What does SIRS stand for?

Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

What is the site of action and effect for dopamine at a low dose (1-3 µg/kg/min)?

++ dopa agonist, renal vasodilation (aka renal dose dopamine)

What is the site of action and effect for dopamine at a intermediate dose (4-10 µg/kg/min)?

+ alpha-1, ++ beta-1, positive inotropy and some vasoconstriction

What is the site of action and effect for dopamine at a high dose (>10 µg/kg/min)?

+++ alpha-1 agonist, marked afterload increase from arteriolar vasoconstriction

Has "renal dose" dopamine been shown to decrease renal failure?


What is the site of action of dobutamine?

+++ beta-1 agonist

++ beta-2 agonist

What is the effect of dobutamine?

- Increased inotropy

- Increased chronotropy

- Decrease in systemic vascular resistance

What is the site of action of isoproterenol?

+++ beta-1 agonist

+++ beta-2 agonist

What is the effect of isoproterenol?

- Increased inotropy

- Increased chronotropy

- Vasodilation of skeletal and mesenteric vascular beds

What is the site of action of epinephrine?

++ alpha-1 agonist

++ alpha-2 agonist

++++ beta-1 agonist

++++ beta-2 agonist

What is the effect of epinephrine?

Increased inotropy and chronotropy

What is the effect of epinephrine at high doses?


What is the site of action of norepinephrine?

+++ alpha-1 agonist

+++ alpha-2 agonist

+++ beta-1 agonist

What is the effect of norepinephrine?

- Increased inotropy and chronotropy

- ++ Increase in BP

What is the action of vasopressin?

Vasoconstriction (increases MAP, SVR)

What are the indications of vasopressin?

Hypotension, especially refractory to other vasopressors (low-dose infusion - 0.01-0.04 units per minute) or as a bolus during ACLS (40 u)

What is the site of action of nitroglycerine?

+++ venodilation

+ arteriolar dilation

What is the effect of nitroglycerine?

- Increased venous capacitance

- Decreased preload

- Coronary arteriole vasodilation

What is the site of action of sodium nitroprusside?

+++ venodilation

+++ arteriolar dilation

What is the effect of sodium nitroprusside?

Decreased preload and afterload (allowing BP titration)

What is the major toxicity of sodium nitroprusside?

Cyanide toxicity

What is preload?

Load on the heart muscle that stretches it to end-diastolic volume (end-diastolic pressure) = intravascular volume

What is afterload?

Load or resistance the heart must pump against = vascular tone = SVR

What is contractility?

Force of heart muscle contraction

What is compliance?

Distensibility of heart by preload

What is the Frank-Starling curve?

Cardiac output increases with increasing preload up to a point

What is the clinical significance of the steep slope of the Starling curve relating end diastolic volume to cardiac output?

Demonstrates the importance of preload in determining cardiac output

What factors influence the oxygen content of whole blood?

Oxygen content is composed largely of that oxygen bound to hemoglobin, and is thus determined by the hemoglobin concentration and the arterial oxygen saturation; the partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in plasma plays a minor role

What factors influence mixed venous oxygen saturation?

Oxygen delivery (hemoglobin concentration, arterial oxygen saturation, cardiac output) and oxygen extraction by the peripheral tissues

What lab test for tissue ischemia is based on the shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism?

Serum lactic acid levels

What is dead space?

That part of the inspired air that does not participate in gas exchange (e.g., the gas in the large airways/ET tube not in contact with capillaries)

Think: space = air

What is shunt fraction?

That fraction of pulmonary venous blood that does not participate in gas exchange

Think: shunt = blood

What causes increased dead space?

- Overventilation (emphysema, excessive PEEP)

- Underperfusion (pulmonary embolus, low cardiac output, pulmonary artery vasoconstriction)

At high shunt fractions, what is the effect of increasing FiO2 on arterial PO2?

At high shunt fractions (>50%), changes in FiO2 have almost no effect on arterial PO2 because the blood that does “see” the O2 is already at maximal O2 absorption; thus, increasing the FiO2 has no effect (FiO2 can be minimized to prevent oxygen toxicity)

Define ARDS?

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome = lung inflammation causing respiratory failure

What is the ARDS diagnostic triad?


- Capillary wedge pressure <18

- X-ray of chest with bilateral infiltrates

- Ratio of PaO2 to FiO2 <200

What does the classic chest x-ray look like with ARDS?

Bilateral fluffy infiltrates

How can you remember the PaO2 to FiO2, or PE, ratio?

Think: "PUFF" ratio: PF ratio = PaO2:FiO2 ratio

At what concentration does O2 toxicity occur?

FiO2 of >60% * 48 hours; thus, try to keep FiO2 below 60% at all times

What are the ONLY ventilatory parameters that have been shown to decrease mortality in ARDS patients?

Low tidal volumes (≤6 cc/kg) and low plateau pressures <30

What are the main causes of CO2 retention in ARDS?

- Hypoventilation

- Increased dead space ventilation

- Increased CO2 production (as in hypermetabolic states)

Why are carbs minimized in the diet/TPN of patients having difficulty with hypercapnia?

Respiratory Quotient (RQ) is the ratio of CO2 production to O2 consumption and is highest for carbohydrates (1.0) and lowest for fats (0.7)

Why are indwelling arterial lines for BP monitoring in critically ill patients?

Because of the need for frequent measurements, the inaccuracy of frequently repeated cuff measurements, the inaccuracy of cuff measurements in hypotension, and the need for frequent arterial blood sampling / labs

Which pressures / values are obtained from a Swan-Ganz catheter?


- PA pressures


- CO



- Mixed venous O2 saturation

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #1?

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #1?

CVP / R atrium

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #2?

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #2?

Right ventricle

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #3?

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #3?

Pulmonary artery

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #4?

What is the Swan-Ganz waveforms in #4?


What are the other names for PCWP?

Wedge or wedge pressure, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP)

What is PCWP?

- Pulmonary capillary pressure after balloon occlusion of the pulmonary artery, which is equal to left atrial pressure because there are no valves in the pulmonary system

- Left atrial pressure is essentially equal to left ventricular end diasto...

- Pulmonary capillary pressure after balloon occlusion of the pulmonary artery, which is equal to left atrial pressure because there are no valves in the pulmonary system

- Left atrial pressure is essentially equal to left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP): left heart preload, and, thus, intravascular volume status.

What is the primary use of the PCWP?

As an indirect measure of preload = intravascular volume

Has the usage of a Swan-Ganz catheter been shown to decrease mortality in ICU patients?


What is ventilation?

Air through the lungs; monitored by PCO2

What is oxygenation?

Oxygen delivery to the alveoli; monitored by O2 sats and PO2

What can increase ventilation to decrease PCO2?

Increased respiratory rate (RR), increased tidal volume (minute ventilation)

What is minute ventilation?

Volume of gas ventilated through the lungs (RR 􏰇 tidal volume)

What is tidal volume?

Volume delivered with each breath; should be 6 to 8 cc/kg on the ventilator

Are ventilation and oxygenation related?

Basically no; you can have an O2 sat of 100% and a PCO2 of 150; O2 sats do not tell you anything about the PCO2 (key point!)

What can increase PO2 (oxygenation) in the ventilated patient?

- Increased FiO2

- Increased PEEP

What can decrease PCO2 in the ventilated patient?

- Increased RR

- Increased tidal volume (ie, increase minute ventilation)

What is the IMV mode of mechanical ventilation?

Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation: mode with intermittent mandatory ventilations at a predetermined rate; patients can also breathe on their own above the mandatory rate without help from the ventilator

What is the SIMV mode of mechanical ventilation?

Synchronous IMV: mode of IMV that delivers the mandatory breath synchronously with patient’s initiated effort; if no breath is initiated, the ventilator delivers the predetermined mandatory breath

What is the A-C mode of mechanical ventilation?

- Assist-Control ventilation: mode in which the ventilator delivers a breath when the patient initiates a breath, or the ventilator “assists” the patient to breathe; if the patient does not initiate a breath, the ventilator takes “control” and delivers a breath at a predetermined rate

- In contrast to IMV, all breaths are by the ventilator

What is the CPAP mode of mechanical ventilation?

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: positive pressure delivered continuously (during expiration and inspira- tion) by ventilator, but no volume breaths (patient breathes on own)

What is the pressure support mode ofmechanical ventilation?

Pressure is delivered only with an initiated breath; pressure support decreases the work of breathing by overcoming the resistance in the ventilator circuit

What is the APRV mode of mechanical ventilation?

Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: high airway pressure intermittently released to a low airway pressure (shorter period of time)

What is the HFV mode of mechanical ventilation?

High Frequency Ventilation: rapid rates of ventilation with small tidal volumes

What are the effects of positive pressure ventilation in a patient with hypovolemia or low lung compliance?

Venous return and cardiac output are decreased

Define PEEP?

Positive End Expiration Pressure: positive pressure maintained at the end of a breath; keeps alveoli open

What is "physiologic PEEP"?

PEEP of 5 cm H2O; thought to approximate normal pressure in normal nonintubated people caused by the closed glottis

What are the side effects of increasing levels of PEEP?

Barotrauma (injury to airway 􏰃 pneumothorax), decreased CO from decreased preload

What is the typical initial ventilator mode setting?

Intermittent mandatory ventilation

What is the typical initial ventilator tidal volume setting?

6-8 ml/kg

What is the typical initial ventilator rate setting?

10 breaths / min

What is the typical initial ventilator FiO2 setting?

100% and wean down

What is the typical initial ventilator PEEP setting?

- 5 cm H2O

- From these parameters, change according to blood-gas analysis

What is a normal I:E (inspiratory to expiratory time)?


When would you use an inverse I:E ratio (eg, 2:1, 3:1, etc)?

To allow for longer inspiration in patients with poor compliance, to allow for "alveolar recruitment"

When would you use a prolonged I:E ratio (eg, 1:4)?

COPD, to allow time for complete exhalation (prevents "breath stacking")

What clinical situations cause increased airway resistance?

Airway or endotracheal tube obstruction, bronchospasm, ARDS, mucus plugging, CHF (pulmonary edema)

What are the presumed advantages of PEEP?

Prevention of alveolar collapse and atelectasis, improved gas exchange, increased pulmonary compliance, decreased shunt fraction

What are the possible disadvantages of PEEP?

Decreased cardiac output, especially in the setting of hypovolemia; decreased gas exchange; T compliance with high levels of PEEP, fluid retention, increased intracranial pressure, barotrauma

What parameters must be evaluated in deciding if a patient is ready to be extubated?

Patient alert and able to protect airway, gas .exchange (PaO2 >70, PaCO2 <50), tidal volume (5 cc/kg), minute ventilation (<10 L/min), negative inspiratory pressure (<-20 cm H2O, or more negative), FiO2 ≤40%, PEEP 5, PH >7.25, RR <35, Tobin index <105

What is the Rapid-Shallow Breathing (aka Tobin) index?

Rate: Tidal volume ratio

Tobin index <105 is associated with successful extubation (Think: Respiratory Therapist = RT = Rate: Tidal volume)

What is a possible source of fever in a patient with an NG or nasal endotracheal tube?

Sinusitis (diagnosed by sinus films / CT)

What is the 35-45 rule of blood gas values?

Normal values:

- pH = 7.35 - 7.45

- PCO2 = 35 - 45

What meds can be delivered via an endotracheal tube?


- Narcan

- Atropine

- Vasopressin

- Epinephrine

- Lidocaine

What conditions should you think of with increased peak airway pressure and decreased urine output?

1. Tension pneumothorax

2. Abdominal compartment syndrome