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28 Cards in this Set

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Areas of inguinal occurrence
inguinal canals, femoral rings, umbilicus, epigastric, and hiatal
contributing factors
age, gender, previous surgery, obesity, nutrition, pulmonary disease, cardiac disease
anatomy related to type of hernia: inguinal
inguinal area lateral to the pubic area
anatomy related to type of hernia: femoral
very upper edge f thigh, just below inguinal area
anatomy related to type of hernia: incisional or ventral
area of previous incision or front of the abdomen
anatomy related to type of hernia: umbilicus
anatomy related to type of hernia: spigelian
lateral to the linea alba (center line of abdominal muscle)
Direct hernias
occur within the Hesselbach triangle.
Indirect Hernias
occur anywhere but in Hesselbach's triangle.
Supplies for inguinal hernia repair
Minor basic tray & self retaining retractor. (weitlander or gelpi) -Laparotomy pack - suction, x-ray sponges, bovie pencil, penrose drain, suture (absorbable and non-absorbable), ESU
Patient position etc
Local (spinal) or regional block
above and sl. lateral to umbilicus, groin, external genitalia
transversalis fascia, heavy non-absorbable (0 or 1 prolene); mesh/plus MAY be used here -Scarpas fascia- medium absorbable (2-0 or 3-0) vicryl -Skin nonasborbable (4-0) or staples
procedure for inguinal herniorraphy
incise via inguinal hernia or oblique incision - hemostasis
-retract skin and subcutaneous (goelet, army-navy, or appendix richardson) - open external oblique aponeurosis (scalpel and forceps)
2- preserve nerves - open cremaster muscle
2 retract spermatic cord with moistened penrose drain- pass on a kelly 2- explore cord for indirect sac (if present), dissect away from cord
3- open sac & return abdominal contents to peritoneal cavity - purse string suture for base of sac
-remove excess of sac -if possible approximate transversalis fascia edges with non-absorbable suture (0 prolene or Surgilon) on control release needle
4- procedure for inguinal herniorraphy cont. - if unable, may need to suture fascia to cooper's ligament
-cremaster muscle closed - close exterior oblique m. aponeurosis, scarpa's fascia and skin - dress wth telfa & 4x4 gauze; may also use steri strips
instructions from surgeon
Verbal and written: Discharge planning begins on admission Wound care- report signs of infection - Males wear scrotal support Ice packs to decrease swelling
Activity (instructions cont.)
occupation related - use proper body mechanics- early ambulation
advantages of herniorraphy
faster return to activity - less post-op adhesions - smaller incisions (3-4) - Less post- op pain - minimal dissection - better for bilateral and recurrent hernias
Disadvantages of herniorraphy
- higher costs - higher learning curve - longer operating time - need for general anesthesia - more visceral and vascular complications
laparoscopic hernia repair preparation supplies instruments and equipment
gen.gyn laparoscopy tray and camera- laparoscopy pack -suction, x-ray sponges, bovie pencil, clip applier, mesh, trocars, insufflation tubing, irrigation, aspiration tubing, suture( absorbable and non) -ESU - tower with camera, monitor, insufflator, light source, VCR
patient position and prep
reverse trendelenberg, anesthesia (general) - prep above and lateral to umbilicus, groin, external genitalia
1 create pneumoperitoneum (carbon dioxide gas via verres needle attached to insufflation tubing) - trocar placement (2nd & 3rd under direct visualization via camera & monitor)
-hemostasis (bovie) - identify landmarks (vas deferens, spermatic vessels, arteries and veins
2 Dissect fat and peritoneum away from muscle wall and spermatic cord (dissectors and laparoscopic scissors) - place mesh in direct space defect
Place mesh over defect in inguinal area + secure with staples - Re-approximate peritoneal flaps with staples
3 Irrigate peritoneal cavity- remove instruments & release pneumoperitoneum
Close incisions - Steri strips for dressing
Possible Complications Lap Hernia Rep.
Reccurence, Nerve injury, Ischemic orchitis, and testicular atrophy, loss of bowel function, infection, complications associated with all open procedures (e.g., hemorrhage, dehiscence), etc.