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22 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of mayo scissors?
Cut through dense tissue.
What is the difference between Metzenbaum Scissors and Iris Scissors
Metzenbaum: Long handle and small cutting surface area

Iris: Very sharp and delicate, used to eye surgeries
Which is bigger, Spencer or littauer scissors?

What are they used for?

Suture removal.
Which forcep has multiple fine intermeshing teeth on the edge of the tip?
Brown-Adson tissue forceps.
What is the difference between Aliss Tissue Forceps and Babcock Tissue Forceps
Allis: Intermeshing teeth for better grip.

Babcock: No gripping teeth,
When would you use a Furguson Angiotribe Forcep?
When holding a larger amount of tissue.
Describe a Halstead Mosquito Forcep.
Transverse serrations along the entire jaw, very small (8 cm), self retaining.
What is the difference between Kelly and Crile Forceps?
Kelly: Transverse grooves on only the distal half of the jaw on both sides.

Crile: Transverse grooves on the entire jaw.
What needle holders have scissors?
Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders.
Describe Senn Retractors.
Looks like a back scratcher, 2 ends, for skin and superficial muscle.
What does a Weitlaner Retractor look like?
It is self retaining, and has multiple prongs.
What is a Balfour Retractor used for?
Abdominal surgeries.
What scalpel holder is most commonly used?
What is the #4 scalpel holder used for?
Large animal procedures.
What blades fit the #3 handle?
10, 11, 12, 15.
True or False: The #10 scalpel blade is the same shape as the #20, but smaller.
What is a tapered (non-cutting) needle used for?
Used for delicate tissues, like SQ layers and muscle
What does the reverse cutting needle look like?
It will look like an upside down triangle.
True or False: The smaller the number gauge, the smaller the needle.
What is a swaged needle?
A needle that has no eye, and the suture material is pre-attached.
Which is bigger: 5-0 or 5? This is referring to suture size.
Is Dexon suture material synthetic or non-synthetic?

Is it absorbable or non-absorbable?
