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5 Cards in this Set

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Where does surgical asepsis apply to?
operationg room
diagnostic testing
labor and delivery areas
pt's bedside
When is sterile technique used?
insertion of a urinary catheter
diagnostic studies such as needle biopsies, angiograms, etc
sterile dressing changes
preparing injectable meds
When is an object considered sterile?
when all microorganisms, including pathogens and spores, have been destroyed
With surgical asepsis, areas are considered contaminated if?
they are touched by any item that is not also sterile
How do you pour sterile solutions?
outer surfaces of the bottle and cap are considered unsterile, whereas the inside areas and solution are considered sterile
most solutions are considered sterile for 24 hrs after they are opened, label and date the solution
when pouring from a bottle, grasp the bottle so that the label is in the palm of your hand preventing liquid from running over the label making it illegible
"lip" a previously used bottle by pouring a small amount out into a waste receptacle to "clean" the rim of the bottle